
楼主 (北美华人网)
Citarum河是整个印尼声誉最差的地方,甚至被媒体称为“世界上最脏的河流”。 有多脏呢? 站在河流几里地外,首先闻到的就是无法忍受的恶臭,腐烂的垃圾与化学废水的刺鼻味道混合在一起,如果你是第一次踏入这里,都得带上防毒面具。
然而,就是这样一个众所周知充满污秽的河流,依旧对沿岸数万居民的生计至关重要。因为没有其他水源,人们只能靠着Citarum河维持日常生活以及农业灌溉。 喝了这样的水 真的不会得病致死吗??? 这些印尼儿童的头发中检测出含有54种不同污染物。 更让检测员震惊的还是来自水稻的数据,由于结果实在太吓人,为了保证不是记者的取样问题,检测员甚至还亲自飞往印尼进行水稻二次采样,当然,最后结果也与之前数据如出一辙: 这些沿着Citarum河生长的水稻,铬的含量非常高,每公斤28.04毫克;铅浓度也非常高,每公斤29.09毫克(国际标准是0.25毫克),高于国际标准116倍。 接受采访时,协会秘书长Ismy被问到:“这是一瓶你们协会成员泛亚公司所排放的污水,你觉得你能喝掉它吗?”
Ismy的回答显然给记者来了个措手不及,他干脆利落地表示:“当然会喝!如果我住在那里,我一定会喝!” “当你看到那些触目惊心的垃圾,你会为你的国家感到难过吗?”
“别无选择,我们没有解决方案”,Ismy说。 没准50年后他们都成了《X战警》里的变种人。 这些年,岸边的工厂为这个国家带来了多少收益,让多少工人有了固定收入?单是API就从252个品牌中为印尼带来了价值100亿欧元的订单。让纺织厂以严格的国际标准进行排污,就得安装高成本的污水处理系统,可一旦将这笔费用添加到订单报价中,这些掌握着绝对话语权的时尚集团就会直接撤资。 尽管许多农民的田间只能用毒水灌溉,但他们还有家人和朋友在纺织厂工作。经过多年发展,环境污染已成事实,如果再面临工厂关闭,那数万名工人都将失业。 从民众、工厂再到政府,都被这高速发展的外表拖入一个死循环:关闭工厂就意味着工人没有收入等着饿死,不关的话底层人民只能在余生中用越来越毒的河水做菜、做饭、洗衣、灌溉…就连子孙后代都无法逃脱感染病死的几率。

Q It has an important role in the life of the people of West Java, as it supports agriculture, water supply, fishery, industry, sewerage, and electricity for 25 million people. It has been noted for being considered one of the most polluted rivers in the world.[3]
Revitalization In November 2011, the river revitalization began, with an expected cost of Rp35 trillion ($4 billion) over 15 years. The revitalization is occurring from Mount Wayang through eight regencies and three cities for a distance of 180 kilometers. The target for the first three years is to collect 10.5 million cubic meters of sedimentation.[15] In February 2018, the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo launched a seven-year plan to clean up the whole river to achieve clean drinking-water status, ordering 7,000 regular soldiers to clean up allocated sections of the river on a regular basis. They have powers to block up outlets conveying polluted wastewater from factories into the river and are installing rubbish treatment and water treatment facilities. Problems are - lack of money for continuing action, lack of coordination at local level, bribes paid by factories to avoid change, and upstream soil erosion from deforestation that enhances the silting of the lower river. But with wider internet publicity, and now the top-down government enforcement, more foreign consultants are coming in to recommend necessary changes upstream, and local awareness and anti-plastics campaigns are beginning to take effect.[16] UQ
Q Raw sewage and industrial waste in the New River as it passes from Mexicali (Mexico) to Calexico, California
Pollution in the Lachine Canal, Canada
A polluted river draining an abandoned copper mine on Anglesey
Fecal sludge collected from pit latrines is dumped into a river at the Korogocho slum in Nairobi, Kenya.
A garbage collection boom to reduce pollution in an urban stream in Auckland, New Zealand.
Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant serving Boston, Massachusetts and vicinity.
Algal bloom in a river in China
Mean eutrophying emissions (water pollution) of different foods per 100g of protein[13] UQ
回复 4楼zhengxumaomao的帖子
Perhaps that should not be entirely true.

The UN cannot avoid this kind of facts affecting so many people"s livelihood. While merely saying people"s health is much important in the world.

Certainly, the source of pollution problems must be found clearly and issues corrected.

Perhaps the UN should establish pollution measures globally that can be reported by all countries and/or local governments or residents to report on the Internet periodically. A first step every country can do for promoting public awareness and increasing global pressure!

Ideally, this kind of worldwide scheme cannot be easily avoided by big or small corporations to ignore the long term damage cost, even after changing factory. 
希望能找到解决办法, bless
Q It has an important role in the life of the people of West Java, as it supports agriculture, water supply, fishery, industry, sewerage, and electricity for 25 million people. It has been noted for being considered one of the most polluted rivers in the world.[3]
Revitalization In November 2011, the river revitalization began, with an expected cost of Rp35 trillion ($4 billion) over 15 years. The revitalization is occurring from Mount Wayang through eight regencies and three cities for a distance of 180 kilometers. The target for the first three years is to collect 10.5 million cubic meters of sedimentation.[15] In February 2018, the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo launched a seven-year plan to clean up the whole river to achieve clean drinking-water status, ordering 7,000 regular soldiers to clean up allocated sections of the river on a regular basis. They have powers to block up outlets conveying polluted wastewater from factories into the river and are installing rubbish treatment and water treatment facilities. Problems are - lack of money for continuing action, lack of coordination at local level, bribes paid by factories to avoid change, and upstream soil erosion from deforestation that enhances the silting of the lower river. But with wider internet publicity, and now the top-down government enforcement, more foreign consultants are coming in to recommend necessary changes upstream, and local awareness and anti-plastics campaigns are beginning to take effect.[16] UQ
EvenOdd 发表于 2021-06-09 02:38

Q “民主” - 改善人民的生活为主! Democracy - Improving People"s Livelihood predominantly!
"自由" - 优化自我控制的合理化水平! Freedom/Liberty - Optimising Self-control Rationalisation level! UQ
回复 4楼zhengxumaomao的帖子
Perhaps that should not be entirely true.

The UN cannot avoid this kind of facts affecting so many people"s livelihood. While merely saying people"s health is much important in the world.

Certainly, the source of pollution problems must be found clearly and issues corrected.

Perhaps the UN should establish pollution measures globally that can be reported by all countries and/or local governments or residents to report on the Internet periodically. A first step every country can do for promoting public awareness and increasing global pressure!

Ideally, this kind of worldwide scheme cannot be easily avoided by big or small corporations to ignore the long term damage cost, even after changing factory. 
EvenOdd 发表于 2021-06-09 04:43

Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals, organizations and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment and, where possible, to repair damage and reverse trends.
Environmental protection - Wikipedia
From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Published 7 June 2021
The first non-executive members of the new Office for Environmental Protection were announced today (Monday 7 June).
The new members are Dr Paul Leinster CBE, Professor Richard Macrory, Professor Dan Laffoley and Julie Hill MBE. They will join chair Dame Glenys Stacey in advising Government and holding public authorities to account for their implementation of environmental law. UQ