
楼主 (北美华人网)
收到信询问要不要退款,因为上次纽约被打的老祖母决定只留12万给自己,其它做慈善,捐款的初衷有变。多好的人哪! 捐这么多年的钱到各地,第一次收到这么清楚的回复。给老祖母点赞 !!
------------------------------------- Dear GoFundMe donor,
Thank you again for your generous donation to the fundraiser titled Help my grandmother recover from this trauma. We have been in touch with the organizer and want to inform you that the intended purpose of the donations has changed since you made your donation. 
Xiao Zhen Xie, the grandmother identified in the fundraiser, and her family, have decided to start a nonprofit that will help those affected by anti-Asian violence. Xiao Zhen Xie will use $120,000 for personal expenses, and the remaining amount will go directly to the family’s new nonprofit, ASIAN COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE ASSOCIATION (ACAA). 
ACAA’s mission is to help those affected by anti-Asian violence with their recoveries and prevent Asian hate crimes from happening in the future. Please know, donations will not be tax-deductible because the nonprofit is still awaiting approval of their exempt status. Please visit the fundraiser and review the new update posted by the family for more information.
If you would like your donation to support Ms. Xie and the newly formed non-profit, no further action is needed. Our team will automatically direct your donation to Xiao Zhen Xie and the ACAA nonprofit. 
We also understand that you didn't necessarily donate to the fundraiser with this new purpose in mind. If you would like a refund, please fill out this form by June 21st. Please note that once you complete and submit that form, we cannot reverse that action and you will receive 100% of your donation back within 3-7 business days.
We appreciate your understanding and will be here to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for donating to uplift and support the Asian community.
这位是在三藩市被打的谢婆婆. 一家有格局的好人👍.