
楼主 (北美华人网)
美国选民参加选举程度(voter turnout)在一般选举只有30%到40%,在总统大选时有50%上下,主要原因大多数人对政治不感兴趣,没有热情参与。再加上选举被操纵、系统有问题等因素,美国政治事务,理论上人人可参与,实际上是少数人说了算。其它民主国家是不是也差不多。民主政体下,政治也是少数人玩的游戏。
美国选民参加选举程度(voter turnout)在一般选举只有30%到40%,在总统大选时有50%上下,主要原因大多数人对政治不感兴趣,没有热情参与。再加上选举被操纵、系统有问题等因素,美国政治事务,理论上人人可参与,实际上是少数人说了算。其它民主国家是不是也差不多。民主政体下,政治也是少数人玩的游戏。
pilingjushi 发表于 2021-05-07 18:35

美国选民参加选举程度(voter turnout)在一般选举只有30%到40%,在总统大选时有50%上下,主要原因大多数人对政治不感兴趣,没有热情参与。再加上选举被操纵、系统有问题等因素,美国政治事务,理论上人人可参与,实际上是少数人说了算。其它民主国家是不是也差不多。民主政体下,政治也是少数人玩的游戏。
pilingjushi 发表于 2021-05-07 18:35

回复 1楼pilingjushi的帖子
Say, if the people of a nation, including all retired politicians, academics, think-tankers, intellects, etc.etc., would fully understand and totally agree there is truly an ideal and demostraded political system/structure on earth that is beneficaial and proven to all citizens without any failure, now the question is :
Which form of government/administration could be easier for the reformation to possibly change to the ideal model easily and practically!???
No matter how many years later!

Q 新加坡國會反對黨領袖- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia https://zh.wikipedia.org › zh-hant
新加坡國會反對黨領袖(英語:Leader of the Opposition;馬來語:Ketua Pembangkang)是新加坡國會里的常設職務,也是新加坡影子內閣的領袖。國會反對黨 ...
新加坡國會今復會:首設反對黨領袖、經濟復甦成焦點- The ... https://www.thenewslens.com › article
31 Aug 2020 — 國會領袖、總理公署部長英蘭妮英蘭妮表示,擁有更多反對黨議員,意味著更開闊的視野多元性,以及更蓬勃的辯論。但新加坡的運作,應確保這 ...
你知道由李顯龍委任的星國反對黨領袖,年薪約新台幣822萬嗎 ... https://www.thenewslens.com › article
5 Aug 2020 — 反對黨領袖新增酬勞新幣19萬2500元(約新台幣411萬3421元)最吸睛,一方面展示新加坡國會走入新里程碑,另一方面製造新輿論,考驗工人黨 ... UQ
US as bigger threat to democracy than Russia or China - 44%
Q US seen as bigger threat to democracy than Russia or China, global poll finds
In perhaps the most startling finding, nearly half (44%) of respondents in the 53 countries surveyed are concerned that the US threatens democracy in their country; fear of Chinese influence is by contrast 38%, and fear of Russian influence is lowest at 28%. The findings may in part reflect views on US comparative power, but they show neither the US, nor the G7, can simply assume the mantle of defenders of democracy.
Since last year, the perception of US influence as a threat to democracy around the world has increased significantly, from a net opinion of +6 to a net opinion of +14. This increase is particularly high in Germany (+20) and China (+16). UQ
历史的先声 目 录 没有民主,一切只是粉饰 1. 民主主义是生命的活力 2. 没有民主一切只是粉饰 3. “中国的缺点就是缺乏民主, 应在所有领域贯彻民主” 4. 民主第一 5. 中国要求的只是民主 6. 要真民主才能解决问题 7. 我们要看货色 8.. 是不是代用品呢? 9. 不是空喊民主 10. 民主与诚实 11. “我们相信着、并且实行着民主” 12. 强大而民主 13. 民主与国情 14. 诸葛亮与阿斗 15. 民主的真义 16. 实现自由是“不切实际”吗? 17. 民主精神 18. 有人民自由才有国家自由 19. 民主的才是合法的 20. 民主是发展生产的暧室 21. 自由不是专卖品 22.“人民真有发言权的国家才是真民国” 23. 科学、民主,继续前进—鲁迅先生逝世六周年纪念 24. 中国需要“变” 25. 一切光荣归于民主 26. 不能因国民程度不高而拒绝民主, 应用民主政治教育人民提高人民争民主是全国人民的事情 27.让人民思想!民主最大的危机就在你的冷淡 28.争民主是全国人民的事情 29.为民主拚命 30.工程师和民主 31.关心政治犯牧颊
民主主义的利刃 -- 美国的民主主义传统
32.论英美的民主精神 33.象征民主自由的日子 34.民主颂——献给美国的独立纪念日 35.美国独立日——自由民主的伟大斗争节日 36.纪念杰斐逊先生 37.真实的民主战士 38.民主主义的利刃 ——美国的民主传统 39.为了人类 40.“ 每一个在中国的美国兵都应当成为民主的活广告” 41.中美两国是天然的盟友 42.我们并不害怕民主的美国的影响,我们欢迎它 43.华莱士先生的伟论: 中国人民早就有实行民主政治的准备 44.罗斯福的广播演说:四大自由 45.东西不同论(二则) 46.延安印象记:共产党对美国的友谊是真诚的 47.加强中美人民的合作 48.美国人民的理想与民主精神
49.驳“灌输”理论 50.奴隶的语言 51.读书与自由 52.论“天真无邪” 53.沙漠化的愿望 54.文艺必须争取民主,只有民主才能保证创作自由 55.言论自由与民主 56.新闻自由——民主的基础 57.报纸应革除专制主义者不许人民说话和造谣欺骗人民的歪风 58.为笔的解放而斗争——“九一”记者节所感 59.言论自由:新闻事业的活力之源 60.记者风格:威武不屈、秉笔直书! 61.要为真理而斗争 62.民主主义的剑 63.出版法应是民间出版事业的自由保障书 64.救救出版业和读书人 65.以出版自由繁荣出版业: 解除精神匮乏的不二法门 66.论学术自由 67.奖励自由研究 68.论学术思想的自由问题 69.中国需要真正的普选、人民文化水平低,就不能实行民选吗? 70.论选举权 71.竞选
72.学校要做民主的堡垒 73.斥“人格教育” 74.纪念“五四”,贯彻为民主自由的斗争 75.民主和自由新论 76.争取自由解放的中国学生 77.“民主一日不实现,中国学生运动一日不停止” 78.睽睽众目岂容狡辩 , 屠杀学生罪责难逃 79.中国统治者的“进步” 80.为死难学生呼吁 81.德国纵火案和昆明惨案 82.人民是骗不了的 83.反动派也该想一想:人民岂可轻侮 84.希特勒的法宝应该收起了 85.青年教育与思想问题 (节录) 86.美国的教育和民主 87.目前青年运动的主要任务是争取民主 88.重视青年
89.只有解放区才能真正发展私人资本主义 90.战争结束后,私人资本必须得到广泛、自由发展的机会 91.“中国人民都不准备实行社会主义, 谈论立即实行社会主义就是‘反对革命’, 试图 付之实行就是自取灭亡” 92.政治民主和经济民主不可分
天赋人权 不可侵犯
93.切实保障人民权利 94.保障人权 95.平民人身自由是政治民主的标尺 96.保障人民自由的开端 97.人民基本民主权利的保障 —— 论张君励先生的建议案 98.集会结社自由的实现 99.人民自由又遭损害,内政部颁限制游行法 —在“呈报”、“审查”的一串规定下 人民游行已无自由可言 100.快释放政治犯 101.法治与人权
102.一党独裁,遍地是灾! 103.结束一党治国才有民主可言 104.中国共产党不是苏联那样的共产党不会模仿苏联的社会和政治制度 105.“共产党员只有与党外人士民主合作的义务而无排斥一切垄断一切的权利” 106.新民主主义的宪政 107.一党专政是反民主的、共产党绝不搞一党专政 108.中国共产党彻底实践坚持民主政治、反对一党专政的诺言 109.三三制的实质:政权共享 110.全民民主优于阶级民主:以三三制为例 111.三三制:一党专政的天敌 112.政权开放才有利于党的领导 113.“只有让人民来监督政府,政府才不敢松懈” 114.党不能对政府下命令 115.政党本身不是权力机关,不能凌驾于群众和政府之上 116.民主的正轨:毫无保留条件地还政于民 117.政府的权威,不是建筑在群众的畏惧上,而是建筑在群众的信任上 118.党员犯法应加重治罪
119.谁使中国不能安定? 120.合法的罪恶 121.民不畏死 122.人权和观瞻 123.论无耻主义 124.风气分刃蚍容忍 125.“黑 名 单” 126.希特勒的“民意” 127.“守法精神不够”论 128.奴才见解 129.今 与 昔
130.全世界民主大家庭的家法适用于中国 131..国际民主与国内民主不要分割 132.言论思想自由和国际文化交流 133.美国国庆
134.反对国民党反动的新闻政策 135.为中国经济的民主而斗争 136.抗战与民主不可分离 137.蒋夫人论民主精神 138.国父诞辰纪念 139.民主原则 140.中国思想界现在的中心任务 141.即便战时状态也必须实行民主 142.团结与民主 民主国家的武器 143.民主(节选) 144.论延安学校中支部对群众团体的关系 145.艾森豪威尔将军的广播 146.建立宪政规模
回复 1楼pilingjushi的帖子
Say, if the people of a nation, including all retired politicians, academics, think-tankers, intellects, etc.etc., would fully understand and totally agree there is truly an ideal and demostraded political system/structure on earth that is beneficaial and proven to all citizens without any failure, now the question is :
Which form of government/administration could be easier for the reformation to possibly change to the ideal model easily and practically!???
No matter how many years later!

Q 新加坡國會反對黨領袖- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia https://zh.wikipedia.org › zh-hant
新加坡國會反對黨領袖(英語:Leader of the Opposition;馬來語:Ketua Pembangkang)是新加坡國會里的常設職務,也是新加坡影子內閣的領袖。國會反對黨 ...
新加坡國會今復會:首設反對黨領袖、經濟復甦成焦點- The ... https://www.thenewslens.com › article
31 Aug 2020 — 國會領袖、總理公署部長英蘭妮英蘭妮表示,擁有更多反對黨議員,意味著更開闊的視野多元性,以及更蓬勃的辯論。但新加坡的運作,應確保這 ...
你知道由李顯龍委任的星國反對黨領袖,年薪約新台幣822萬嗎 ... https://www.thenewslens.com › article
5 Aug 2020 — 反對黨領袖新增酬勞新幣19萬2500元(約新台幣411萬3421元)最吸睛,一方面展示新加坡國會走入新里程碑,另一方面製造新輿論,考驗工人黨 ... UQ
EvenOdd 发表于 2021-05-07 20:23

Q PM Lee wins defamation suit against blogger Leong Sze Hian ... https://www.todayonline.com › singapore › pm-lee-win...

23 Mar 2021 — SINGAPORE — Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has won a defamation suit against blogger Leong Sze Hian, with the High Court awarding him ...
PM Lee seeks $150k in damages in defamation suit against ... https://www.straitstimes.com › singapore › politics › pm...

1 Dec 2020 — Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is seeking damages in the region of $150000 from blogger Leong Sze Hian over a libellous article he shared ... UQ
Q Why Does Singapore's Powerful Prime Minister Keep Suing ... https://www.vice.com › Home › World News

5 Apr 2021 — This Blogger Raised $133,000 To Pay a Defamation Suit Brought By His ... Singapore's Lee Hsien Loong pictured alongside persecuted citizen ...

Paper to Pay $214,285 in Singapore Libel Case - The New ... https://www.nytimes.com › 1995/11/29 › world › paper-t...
29 Nov 1995 — In the settlement, the paper agreed to pay $214,285 to Lee Kuan Yew, the ... Lee Kuan Yew brought the civil libel suit that was settled on Monday. ... him or his son, Lee Hsien Loong, the current Deputy Prime Minister, who is ...

Don't make countries choose sides, says Singapore PM Lee ... https://www.afr.com › world › dont-make-countries-choo...
15 Mar 2018 — Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says uncertainty over Washington's commitment to a "reliable and constructive" presence in Asia as ... UQ
Q Don''t make countries choose sides, says Singapore PM Lee ... https://www.afr.com › world › dont-make-countries-choo...
15 Mar 2018 — Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says uncertainty over Washington''s commitment to a "reliable and constructive" presence in Asia as ... UQ
Perhaps Australia and Taiwan, mainly due to their small size economy relatively, should simply accept and join China for developing and sharing prosperity centered in Asia, besides saving huge military spendings.
Similar to New Zealand. imo
Scott Morrison accidentally endorses Beijing position on ... https://www.theguardian.com › australia-news › may
2 days ago — Prime minister cited China policy that is not in line with Coalition position and has always been rejected by Taiwan. ...
“We have always understood the ‘one system, two countries’ arrangement, and we will continue to follow our policies there … ‘one country, two systems’, I should say.” Pressed again on whether Australia stood with Taiwan, Morrison said: “We always have stood for freedom in our part of the world.” UQ

Q 方案台灣|專訪呂秀蓮:倡組「中華邦聯」 兩岸沒必要仇視
https://www.dwnews.com/ 台湾/60235011/ 2021-04-01 https://www.hk01.com/ 中國觀察/608402/ UQ
Q Don''t make countries choose sides, says Singapore PM Lee ... https://www.afr.com › world › dont-make-countries-choo...
15 Mar 2018 — Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says uncertainty over Washington''s commitment to a "reliable and constructive" presence in Asia as ... UQ
Perhaps Australia and Taiwan, mainly due to their small size economy relatively, should simply accept and join China for developing and sharing prosperity centered in Asia, besides saving huge military spendings.
Similar to New Zealand. imo
Scott Morrison accidentally endorses Beijing position on ... https://www.theguardian.com › australia-news › may
2 days ago — Prime minister cited China policy that is not in line with Coalition position and has always been rejected by Taiwan. ...
“We have always understood the ‘one system, two countries’ arrangement, and we will continue to follow our policies there … ‘one country, two systems’, I should say.” Pressed again on whether Australia stood with Taiwan, Morrison said: “We always have stood for freedom in our part of the world.” UQ

EvenOdd 发表于 2021-05-07 22:21

Q Australians need clarity on war or peace A formal annual threat assessment from the government is better than the shapeless war talk voters are getting at the moment. Ben ScottContributor May 7, 2021
Although our previous wars are often portrayed as a straightforward defence of liberty, Australia’s motivations - and the factors playing into our decisions - have almost always been more complex than that.
With the benefit of hindsight, we can see that Australia and its allies have made mistakes. UQ
cactus_mei 发表于 2021-05-07 19:41

地方选举voter turnout更低
地方选举voter turnout更低
pilingjushi 发表于 2021-05-08 09:52

<独裁 vs 民主>
Perhaps that could be a matter of personal preference, and statistics.
That"s why I mentioned 1 country 4 systems, so that citizens of a nation can select a place/system to live where they like according to personal preference. Maybe a true democratic nation!
Most likely not everyone would like to support active politics involving resume-emphased voting, short-term elections and public debates so frequently.

美国选民参加选举程度(voter turnout)在一般选举只有30%到40%,在总统大选时有50%上下,主要原因大多数人对政治不感兴趣,没有热情参与。再加上选举被操纵、系统有问题等因素,美国政治事务,理论上人人可参与,实际上是少数人说了算。其它民主国家是不是也差不多。民主政体下,政治也是少数人玩的游戏。
pilingjushi 发表于 2021-05-07 18:35

选举 VOTER TURNOUT 低说是一件坏事,其实也是一件好事,说明候选人的政见没有极端对立,相对多数的人觉得没有必要参与。当候选人极端对立的时候,譬如说今年的大选,VOTER TURNOUT就很高。当大多数人都对政治感兴趣,社会就会对立,社会对立就会激化社区、朋友和家庭的对立。