一个老外写的关于video game的想法

楼主 (北美华人网)
The power of video games
Ali Vaux gives a real positive view of the importance of video games.  
“I actually think the prevalent notion of how negative video games are will eventually go away.
This is an old notion made by people who don't get it, and won't get it.
I'm an autistic college professor because I was and am a hard core gamer. Encourage your kids to share what they love and hate about the game. Ask them how they might change it. Encourage them to think of the designed elements of the game. Let them draw the monsters in it. It's an important part of their lives. Be a part of it.
I'm 40 now. My Mom has played video games with my brother and I our entire lives. She is 63 now, and we get online to play World of Warcraft every evening. I live halfway across the country from her, so it's our way to really spend time together. I only get to hug her in real life now once or twice a year when I'm lucky.
I have made some truly deep connections with friends who became real life friends. They got to know me without the nervous energy. Without the weird ticks, and embarrassing stammering. They got to know me the way I am. Without the masking.
I learned who I am on games because it was the only environment where I could be myself.
Games don't have to be the stigma. When integrated intelligently, I actually have a few autistic friends hiding in successful game design careers. Don't deny your child the ability to make a career out of their obsession.
Reframe their game by remembering that there is a real future in the game industry that older folks who are kind of luddites can't really see. And that's OK. Just know that is their world, and this world is changing.
Schedule. Give a schedule. Allow the time. Be clear and absolute about limits. And share this part of their lives with them instead of just getting frustrated because it upsets them like real life does. I learned so much about getting knocked down 9 times and getting up 10 by conquering difficult aspects of video games.
No one would be saying any of this about playing baseball or soccer because that's socially acceptable.
It's not any different, except I stand a chance to be good online. I will never ever be coordinated. Ever. Not with all the practice in the world. My father forced me to participate in the socially acceptable sports. Didn't do me an ounce of good. And his idea of what I should do brought me nothing but failure and misery.
Stop trying to take these things away and try to learn why they are so engrossing. Pretend they are obsessed with biology or football.”
看跟什么比了,他自己autistic所以不能正常跟人交流,那么game或者online交流就会更好 但也普通人可以正常面对面交流,没必要故意去promote video games 他说的更多是online social circles不是game本身的好处 就跟别的爱好一样,适可而止,正常看待就行了。