人工智慧口音辩试研究征求在美中国裔参与者 Earn $18 instantly for Voice Research

楼主 (北美华人网)
哈啰大家好, 我们现有一个研究项目,需要在美国的台湾/中国裔的参加,正常用电话讲英语半小时,讲的主题由妳决定,电话会录音,但只是为了要录口音,并不是要听讲得内容,目的是帮助AI系统的Chinese accent 认别,若您愿意说英文半小时的朋友或是有兴趣想练个英文口说的,欢迎到这个网站注册https://e2f.com/telephony/,上面会有更详细的介绍。 每个人参与有$ 15 amazon gift card(最后一栏填上AB18的话是$ 18 amazon GC),如果有兴趣的,请直接点连结注册,我们后续会联系您,感谢!
Hello there,  This project is to determine how voice assistants understand different speakers in different demographic groups and you can help us with your voice!  We are looking for participants interested in talking in English for half an hour straight and earn a $18 Amazon Gift Card if you put my referral code AB18 at the last blank (the original is $15).  Here is the link to sign up: https://e2f.com/telephony/ ( code AB18)
This project will require the participant to talk for about 30-35 mins.  Our moderators will call you within the time frame you've chosen. I mostly won't be responding, so the participant will have to ramble for half hour straight.  Before the talk, you'll need to read a script we sent you in the instructions by e2f Moderators. It won't be hard, just a little story so we understand your accent. Every successful call that goes through the participant will receive an $18 Amazon Gift Card (sign up with AB18 referral code).  If you have any questions, you can text us at 415 942-0330.