
楼主 (北美华人网)
“打过mRNA疫苗的人” 和 “打过灭活疫苗的人” 应该是完完全全一样的待遇,而不是现在这样 “关于对已接种中国生产的新冠肺炎疫苗人员来华提供签证便利的通知”
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/iis/contacts-locate-records.html Find Your Child’s Immunization Record Through Your State’s IIS Click a letter to “jump” to a state. (Cities are listed within the state)
http://www.xinhuanet.com/2021-04/10/c_1127314608.htm 世卫组织:国药和科兴新冠疫苗处于紧急使用授权评估最后阶段
https://www.who.int/zh/news-room/q-a-detail/coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-vaccines 世卫组织于2020年12月31日将辉瑞的COVID-19疫苗(BNT162b2)纳入紧急使用列表。2021年2月15日,世卫组织将阿斯利康/牛津的COVID-19疫苗的两种版本纳入了紧急使用列表,这两种疫苗由印度血清研究所和SKBio公司生产。2021年3月12日,世卫组织将由杨森(强生公司)开发的COVID-19疫苗Ad26.COV2.S纳入了紧急使用列表。世卫组织在今年6月前会继续将其他疫苗产品纳入紧急使用列表。
http://www.china-embassy.org/chn/lszj/zytz/t1861378.htm 关于对已接种中国生产的新冠肺炎疫苗人员来华提供签证便利的通知 2021/03/15
为有序恢复中外人员往来,自2021年3月15日起,中国驻美使馆将对已接种中国生产的新冠肺炎疫苗(接种中国生产的灭活疫苗并按规定间隔打完两针,或者接种中国生产的其他类型单针疫苗满14天),并持疫苗接种证明材料的签证申请人员提供以下便利: 一、来华从事各领域必要复工复产活动(如工作、商贸、访问等)的人员及其家属,可按疫情前要求准备签证申请材料。 二、适度扩大因“紧急人道主义需要”来华人员签证审发范围。 适用人群包括:中国公民或永久居民的外籍家庭成员,包括配偶、父母、子女和其他共同生活的近亲属(指兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女)。 来华事由包括:家庭团聚、赡养、探亲、来华奔丧或探望危重病亲属。 三、持有效APEC商务旅行卡人员,可凭有效APEC商务旅行卡、中国国内邀请单位出具的邀请函申办商贸类签证。获发签证后,须持有效护照和签证入境。 符合上述三类情形的签证申请人,请务必首先发送电子邮件至[email protected],工作人员将回复邮件予以具体指导。请勿未经电子邮件沟通直接寄送申请,自行寄送的护照和申请材料可能被邮局退回,存在丢失风险。 同时,中方关于搭乘航班赴华人员须凭新冠病毒核酸检测及血清抗体检测双阴性证明乘机的要求不变。入境后请遵守中方关于隔离观察的相关规定。
joeblackgod 发表于 2021-04-17 14:21

cloudling 发表于 2021-04-17 17:06

Hong Kong executives choose China Covid vaccine to get mainland visas Beijing offers smoother entry procedures to visitors who take locally made jabs Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, poses with her vaccination certificate after taking China’s Sinovac jab
Hong Kong executives, including expats, are opting to take China’s Sinovac vaccine over the more effective BioNTech/Pfizer shot in the hope it will speed up visa and re-entry procedures for mainland China, according to local health officials. The move follows an extraordinary offer from Beijing to provide “visa facilitation” for overseas visitors who choose to be vaccinated with a jab made in China rather than a foreign one. The proposal has underlined fears of vaccine nationalism during the pandemic. The Hong Kong government has offered residents a choice between the BioNTech jab, which has a 95 per cent efficacy rate, and the CoronaVac shot manufactured by Sinovac, whose efficacy rate is just 50 per cent.
One Hong Kong-based executive at a US company said he chose Sinovac’s jab “purely” for business reasons. “I do believe it will get me better treatment for getting a visa,” he said. “[My expat friends] all think it makes no sense to get the Sinovac when the BioNTech has a much higher efficiency rate,” he added. “But I need to start travelling.” Although Hong Kong is part of China, a border with passport controls is maintained between them as part of the autonomy granted to the territory on its handover from the UK in 1997. Hong Kong’s broader community has shown a reluctant attitude toward the government’s vaccination programme, partly because of underlying distrust of the government among many people as well as concerns about the safety of the jabs. Recommended Covid-19 vaccines Covid-19 vaccine tracker: the global race to vaccinate But some company executives have been more willing to consider the Sinovac vaccine if it sped up access to the mainland.
During the pandemic, China has enforced strict travel restrictions on those wishing to enter from Hong Kong, with some exemptions. “Visa facilitation applies only to applicants who have been inoculated with Covid-19 vaccines produced in China,” the Chinese government said last month, without providing further details on the vaccines. Yet some were concerned that European and other western governments might not accept China-made vaccines for quarantine-free travel. Iceland, one of the first countries to offer quarantine-free travel to vaccinated visitors, will only recognise vaccines authorised by the European Medicines Agency or the World Health Organization.
No China-made shots are on either’s list. Yeung Chiu-fat, a general practitioner and the former president of the Hong Kong Doctors Union, said he had vaccinated more than 200 people with the Sinovac jab since the beginning of the programme in late February. About 30 per cent had taken the vaccine to help them return to mainland China. “They were pretty excited,” he said. Recommended News in-depthCovid-19 vaccines China’s Covid vaccination programme beset by delay and reluctance Another Hong Kong executive said getting back into China was “essential” for his job, so he had to choose the Sinovac jab.
William Chui, president of The Society of Hospital Pharmacists, said some patients had joked about taking a “mix-and-match” approach so they could travel to China and elsewhere by getting their first jab as Sinovac and their second as BioNTech. “But as a pharmacist, I don’t recommend it,” he said. Many international executives are based in Hong Kong, but the bulk of their company’s business is on the mainland. Hong Kong business chambers have warned that mainland travel restrictions are hurting the city’s attractiveness as a base for companies’ China operations, with some considering moving some functions to Shanghai or elsewhere.
Apart from its jab’s lower efficacy rate, Sinovac has also faced accusations of having not been sufficiently transparent in releasing data about phase 3 trials. Hong Kong’s government panel of experts said the shot’s efficacy rate rose to 62.3 per cent if the second dose of vaccine came after a 28-day break. Singapore’s health authorities have said that Sinovac failed to supply sufficient information for them to evaluate the jab, and that they have asked for more data. Sinovac did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Hong Kong executives choose China Covid vaccine to get mainland visas Beijing offers smoother entry procedures to visitors who take locally made jabs Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, poses with her vaccination certificate after taking China’s Sinovac jab
Hong Kong executives, including expats, are opting to take China’s Sinovac vaccine over the more effective BioNTech/Pfizer shot in the hope it will speed up visa and re-entry procedures for mainland China, according to local health officials. The move follows an extraordinary offer from Beijing to provide “visa facilitation” for overseas visitors who choose to be vaccinated with a jab made in China rather than a foreign one. The proposal has underlined fears of vaccine nationalism during the pandemic. The Hong Kong government has offered residents a choice between the BioNTech jab, which has a 95 per cent efficacy rate, and the CoronaVac shot manufactured by Sinovac, whose efficacy rate is just 50 per cent.
One Hong Kong-based executive at a US company said he chose Sinovac’s jab “purely” for business reasons. “I do believe it will get me better treatment for getting a visa,” he said. “[My expat friends] all think it makes no sense to get the Sinovac when the BioNTech has a much higher efficiency rate,” he added. “But I need to start travelling.” Although Hong Kong is part of China, a border with passport controls is maintained between them as part of the autonomy granted to the territory on its handover from the UK in 1997. Hong Kong’s broader community has shown a reluctant attitude toward the government’s vaccination programme, partly because of underlying distrust of the government among many people as well as concerns about the safety of the jabs. Recommended Covid-19 vaccines Covid-19 vaccine tracker: the global race to vaccinate But some company executives have been more willing to consider the Sinovac vaccine if it sped up access to the mainland.
During the pandemic, China has enforced strict travel restrictions on those wishing to enter from Hong Kong, with some exemptions. “Visa facilitation applies only to applicants who have been inoculated with Covid-19 vaccines produced in China,” the Chinese government said last month, without providing further details on the vaccines. Yet some were concerned that European and other western governments might not accept China-made vaccines for quarantine-free travel. Iceland, one of the first countries to offer quarantine-free travel to vaccinated visitors, will only recognise vaccines authorised by the European Medicines Agency or the World Health Organization.
No China-made shots are on either’s list. Yeung Chiu-fat, a general practitioner and the former president of the Hong Kong Doctors Union, said he had vaccinated more than 200 people with the Sinovac jab since the beginning of the programme in late February. About 30 per cent had taken the vaccine to help them return to mainland China. “They were pretty excited,” he said. Recommended News in-depthCovid-19 vaccines China’s Covid vaccination programme beset by delay and reluctance Another Hong Kong executive said getting back into China was “essential” for his job, so he had to choose the Sinovac jab.
William Chui, president of The Society of Hospital Pharmacists, said some patients had joked about taking a “mix-and-match” approach so they could travel to China and elsewhere by getting their first jab as Sinovac and their second as BioNTech. “But as a pharmacist, I don’t recommend it,” he said. Many international executives are based in Hong Kong, but the bulk of their company’s business is on the mainland. Hong Kong business chambers have warned that mainland travel restrictions are hurting the city’s attractiveness as a base for companies’ China operations, with some considering moving some functions to Shanghai or elsewhere.
Apart from its jab’s lower efficacy rate, Sinovac has also faced accusations of having not been sufficiently transparent in releasing data about phase 3 trials. Hong Kong’s government panel of experts said the shot’s efficacy rate rose to 62.3 per cent if the second dose of vaccine came after a 28-day break. Singapore’s health authorities have said that Sinovac failed to supply sufficient information for them to evaluate the jab, and that they have asked for more data. Sinovac did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
bigjohn123456 发表于 2021-04-17 17:11

http://www.xinhuanet.com/2021-04/10/c_1127314608.htm 世卫组织:国药和科兴新冠疫苗处于紧急使用授权评估最后阶段
https://www.who.int/zh/news-room/q-a-detail/coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-vaccines 世卫组织于2020年12月31日将辉瑞的COVID-19疫苗(BNT162b2)纳入紧急使用列表。2021年2月15日,世卫组织将阿斯利康/牛津的COVID-19疫苗的两种版本纳入了紧急使用列表,这两种疫苗由印度血清研究所和SKBio公司生产。2021年3月12日,世卫组织将由杨森(强生公司)开发的COVID-19疫苗Ad26.COV2.S纳入了紧急使用列表。世卫组织在今年6月前会继续将其他疫苗产品纳入紧急使用列表。
chiuhaitang8 发表于 2021-04-19 16:03

https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/iis/contacts-locate-records.html Find Your Child’s Immunization Record Through Your State’s IIS Click a letter to “jump” to a state. (Cities are listed within the state)