新闻没爆出来之前都是真的: Amazon will pay $61.7 million to settle Flex driver tip dispute with FTC Updated: The FTC accused Amazon of withholding tips from drivers for over two years. Amazon will pay $61.7 to settle allegations made by the FTC over failing to pay Amazon Flex drivers their tips. On Tuesday, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said the settlement figure represents how much drivers allegedly lost in tips over a two-and-a-half-year period. Amazon Flex is an offshoot of the company's standard delivery infrastructure. Under Flex, drivers can sign up and use their own vehicles to deliver packages on behalf of the company, and customers are able to tip their drivers if they wish. According to the US watchdog, Amazon 'misrepresented' the job by telling drivers they would receive and keep all of their tips -- and also told customers that any tips awarded would go straight to the driver. The FTC claims that in 2016, Amazon Logistics began to pay Flex drivers a lower rate than $18 - $25 previously advertised and also covertly moved drivers to a different system that would short drivers -- as their tips would be used to bump up the hourly rate rather than be paid out separately. "Amazon used the customer tips to make up the difference between the new lower hourly rate and the promised rate," the agency said. "This resulted in drivers' being shorted more than $61.7 million in tips." Amazon allegedly received "hundreds" of complaints as drivers began to become suspicious, but emails were sent to them "falsely" claimed that no changes had been made to the tip system, the FTC added. Furthermore, the FTC says that Amazon only "stopped its behavior" after being made aware of an investigation into the practice by the agency in 2019. The company has since returned to a pay model that provides drivers their tips in full. Under the terms of the settlement, the e-commerce giant will not only pay $61,710,583, but will also be prohibited from changing how it handles tips without the consent of drivers, and the company has been barred from "misrepresenting driver earnings, pay or percent of tips" paid. The settlement will be used to return the missing tips to Flex drivers. "Rather than passing along 100% of customers' tips to drivers, as it had promised to do, Amazon used the money itself," commented Daniel Kaufman, Acting Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. "Our action today returns to drivers the tens of millions of dollars in tips that Amazon misappropriated, and requires Amazon to get drivers' permission before changing its treatment of tips in the future." Earlier this week, Amazon reported Q4 revenues of $125.6 billion with $14.09 earnings per share. At the time of the financial earnings disclosure, Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos announced that he was stepping down from the helm and AWS chief Andy Jassy would be taking on the role of CEO in Q3 2021. Update 15.26 pm GMT: An Amazon spokesperson told ZDNet:
"While we disagree that the historical way we reported pay to drivers was unclear, we added additional clarity in 2019 and are pleased to put this matter behind us. Amazon Flex delivery partners play an important role in serving customers every day, which is why they earn among the best in the industry at over $25 per hour on average."
1 解压:疫情期间人虽然闲了,可是容易胡思乱想心情不好,忙起来是有帮助的。 2 减少手机时间:屏幕时间从七八个小时降到了三四个小时。眼睛干涩的问题不治而愈。 3 健身和减肥和帮助睡眠: 毕竟是体力劳动,在家呆的时间短了自然不会不停的吃,由于白天运动量够,晚上睡觉时间也从疫情初期的一两点提前到12点。 4 收入:虽然不高,可是都是额外的。自己的收入一个月吃喝拉撒也剩不下几个,所以这部分哪怕只有几百一千我也很开心😃 5 带来的烦恼:跑单的过程中会有各种问题,不过搞定之后挺有成就感的。真的影响到心情的只有一次,客户无缘无故给了4星,我的评分掉到了4.97,我各种投诉无果,真的很生气,觉得不公平,然后罢工了两周。现在想想也不是事,哈哈。 6 成长:从另一个角度看生活,理解了我以前不理解甚至反对的一些事情和观点。这个就不展开说,政治上慢慢能够理解左派的一些政策和做法了. 就说这么多啦,大家有问题尽管问,也多谢大家的各种关心。
第三单小费出来了,华丽丽的22刀,也是whole foods,30个bag5个地址,都是还行的house,全部按时送到,加上base一共$61,耗时三个多小时,无语......
我又刷了一遍offer,还是看不到任何生鲜的block, 有点不明白为啥这么抢手。最近不会再做了,大家有兴趣的也可以尝试一下,虽然是体力劳动,几个袋子也重不到哪里,比健身轻松多了,还有钱赚。忙几个小时回家刷剧感觉特别放松,零食吃起来特别香,还没有吃太多的罪恶感,挺好的。
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 看到第二单小费,$49,加上base$37, 一共$86。 送了5个地址,不过比较远六七十迈,mileage最终$40左右。
同时看到的还有工作评价,其他都正常, on time delivery 是at risk, 应该是第一单里面3个late造成的。 第一单本来就不熟,又都是公寓,而且一下子送10个地址,只能说运气不好吧。送货超时不扣钱,不过听说会被开除?
Amazon我生生体会到了美团小哥的心情,客户哪怕不介意晚了,系统只要晚了就是晚了。迟到5分钟可能被开除,送货超时可能被开除,取消的太晚可能被开除…… 而且网上一搜有人一切都好也可能被开除,一旦被开除申诉很难。感觉送货员像是个小毛驴,后面鞭子不停挥着。
还有一点就是amazon的货听说送不到要交回站点,那又是额外的时间。instacart有次scam被我识破, 客人(骗子)不收货,打了电话给IC,让我扔了。我看了下亲手挑的有机土豆,果断拿回家自己吃了:)可以想见如果是amazon我还得送回给站点,虽然不是我的错。
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 今天下午,距离送完第一单40个小时左右,终于看到tip了。投送了10家,一共$35.加amazon的$39,一共$74,还比amazon预估的上限高了几刀。 谁说WF客户给小费大方啦,并没有啊。两小时的block,一共耗时三小时,平均$25/hour。 现在也不期待第二单的小费了,很难给我惊喜啦。
敬业的我为了袋子们有地方放今天开了个suv,结果开出去发现车上没充电线,一分钟也耽误不起,所以接着猛踩油门猛踩刹车,手机亮度调到最低,到地方迟到4分钟,赶紧check in,再晚一分钟就旷工了。长舒一口气,第一关过了。
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 更新一下,今天送了第二单 今天的是Fresh, 还是28个袋子,只送5个地址,而且袋子都是放在一个移动货架上,不用自己找。推到车旁边扫描装车即可。昨天被28个袋子惊到之后今天很淡定。装车的时候有两个driver小哥的单还没派,他们帮忙扫描,很快就装好了,而且我事先按照收货人分好的。
自打周五刷到这两单之后,我就再也没见到生鲜的单了,实在太抢手了。昨天的小费还没出来,我觉得应该会很高吧,不然咋这么难抢呢。包裹block随时都有,有些也有30/hour。 我决定明天上班开会的时候不刷华人了,改刷amazon生鲜。
——————————————————————- 之前发过一个关于做instacart体验的帖子,有位跟帖的姐妹发了亚马逊driver的收入,看得我很是眼馋,心里一直惦记着。前阵子注册上,这个周末就兴冲冲接单了。
记得那位MM说amazon fresh,prime now,WF这类生鲜pay的最好,block是需要抢的。我就赶紧抢了俩。到了whole foods按照app的指示pick up,傻眼了,我被分配了28个包,每个包大概就是WH纸袋那么大。
关于收入,生鲜都是俩小时的block, 我的显示$39-$69,39是amazon给的,69是系统估计的加小费收入。最终的收入需要24小时才能出来。非生鲜18-30一个小时,没小费。5个小时100上下
🔥 最新回帖
🛋️ 沙发板凳
hourly 20 再扣去油费,实在是有点儿聊胜于无啊
ps. wholefoods 送货时段太广了。有一次选不上其他时间就选了9~11pm,不知道是不是太晚了driver累了直接拿着东西回自己家了😂
你开车送亚马逊,把人或者property撞了,亚马逊不会管,估计你的保险也不会管(business use),到最后被你撞的人自认倒霉。
UPS, FEDEX 搬运工著名的血汗工厂就别考虑了,女的可能一天都盯不下来,夏天热死冬天好点 ...
UPS 独立开车是个好活比同样的 FEDEX 好很多,但可能要从搬运工干起可能排队10几年 .............
送外卖都是别人吃饭的时候你在工作,如果不是饭点工作,钱就少得可怜。 送饭也有不容易的地方,主要就是要保证汤水饮料不洒,尤其是饮料杯,需要保证开车的时候都是立直的。当然比送货的要简单些。
哈哈哈。我就是开着model 3送doordash……
Amazon will pay $61.7 million to settle Flex driver tip dispute with FTC Updated: The FTC accused Amazon of withholding tips from drivers for over two years.
Amazon will pay $61.7 to settle allegations made by the FTC over failing to pay Amazon Flex drivers their tips.
On Tuesday, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said the settlement figure represents how much drivers allegedly lost in tips over a two-and-a-half-year period. Amazon Flex is an offshoot of the company's standard delivery infrastructure. Under Flex, drivers can sign up and use their own vehicles to deliver packages on behalf of the company, and customers are able to tip their drivers if they wish. According to the US watchdog, Amazon 'misrepresented' the job by telling drivers they would receive and keep all of their tips -- and also told customers that any tips awarded would go straight to the driver. The FTC claims that in 2016, Amazon Logistics began to pay Flex drivers a lower rate than $18 - $25 previously advertised and also covertly moved drivers to a different system that would short drivers -- as their tips would be used to bump up the hourly rate rather than be paid out separately. "Amazon used the customer tips to make up the difference between the new lower hourly rate and the promised rate," the agency said. "This resulted in drivers' being shorted more than $61.7 million in tips." Amazon allegedly received "hundreds" of complaints as drivers began to become suspicious, but emails were sent to them "falsely" claimed that no changes had been made to the tip system, the FTC added.
Furthermore, the FTC says that Amazon only "stopped its behavior" after being made aware of an investigation into the practice by the agency in 2019. The company has since returned to a pay model that provides drivers their tips in full. Under the terms of the settlement, the e-commerce giant will not only pay $61,710,583, but will also be prohibited from changing how it handles tips without the consent of drivers, and the company has been barred from "misrepresenting driver earnings, pay or percent of tips" paid. The settlement will be used to return the missing tips to Flex drivers. "Rather than passing along 100% of customers' tips to drivers, as it had promised to do, Amazon used the money itself," commented Daniel Kaufman, Acting Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. "Our action today returns to drivers the tens of millions of dollars in tips that Amazon misappropriated, and requires Amazon to get drivers' permission before changing its treatment of tips in the future." Earlier this week, Amazon reported Q4 revenues of $125.6 billion with $14.09 earnings per share. At the time of the financial earnings disclosure, Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos announced that he was stepping down from the helm and AWS chief Andy Jassy would be taking on the role of CEO in Q3 2021. Update 15.26 pm GMT: An Amazon spokesperson told ZDNet:
赞心态! 去健身房还得给人送钱。这个当锻炼不错!
Apartment的单谁都不喜欢接,普遍不好找停车位,而且不像中国的有保安,沟通就进去了。有些Callbox没密码一个一个找,有人不接电话有些接了又不开门的。有些还没有Call box,大的apartment进去了找房间都晕头转向,干你一单等于干独立屋五六单了……
我不太知道amazon fresh是什么。不过我猜楼主就是注册amazon flex。我也有,不想送包裹选那种工资是区间的就好,类似楼主这个39-69的。39固定工资,剩下的小费部分。
我是注册的Flex,里面WF, fresh都有了, 不过这类的很少,一出来就被抢光
wholefoods default小费不是minimum (5, 10%*价格) 吗?10个地址也是至少50的tips了。还有人在的default基础上减吗