Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out [url]https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Dirty-secret-of-black-on-Asian-violence-is-out-3265760.php[/url] 类似的报道再也没有人写了,情况并没有好转,只是被刻意silence
说得好。不只是开脱问题,民主党对犯罪已经是放纵鼓励了,除非犯罪的是白皮,那就是racist必须重判,否则黑皮犯罪都不是事,抓了马上放,判也轻判,判了也提前放、 犯罪成本基本为0,没什么惩罚,law and order形同虚设,那可不成了弱肉强食的丛林社会,而性格温和体格弱的亚裔自然成了最好的犯罪目标。
https://quillette.com/2021/03/25/race-and-false-hate-crime-narratives/ 这篇我觉得不错。对atl的事件分析了一下最后说是要看调查结果,但是后半部分引用了很多最新的数据,都是指向black on asian crime的。 比如这一段: A black New Yorker is over six times as likely to commit a hate crime against an Asian as a white New Yorker, according to New York Police Department data. In 2020, blacks made up 50 percent of all suspects in anti-Asian attacks in New York City, even though blacks are 24 percent of the city’s population. Whites made up 10 percent of all suspects in anti-Asian attacks in 2020 in New York City but account for 32 percent of the city’s population. If we include black Hispanics in the black category, blacks account for 60 percent of all anti-Asian attacks in 2020.
那个公司为赚钱,居然不清理罪犯学校, domestic terrorism教材…… What is considered domestic terrorism? Definition. The FBI defines domestic terrorism as violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.
Charles Barkley Calls Out ‘Divide and Conquer’ Politicians During Final Four Broadcast
https://www.sportingnews.com/us/ncaa-basketball/news/charles-barkley-politicians-system-divide-and-conquer/17pu0jccjrhew1jevqkxbq8mj4 Charles Barkley slams politicians, says 'system' is set up to 'divide and conquer' Charles Barkley made waves Saturday when he took time ahead of the Baylor-Houston Final Four game to share his thoughts on the state of American politics. The CBS studio analyst blasted politicians — Democrats and Republicans — saying they take advantage of a system that pits citizens against each other along race and class lines so they "can keep their grasp of money and power.” "Man, I think most white people and Black people are great people. I really believe that in my heart, but I think our system is set up where our politicians, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, are designed to make us not like each other so they can keep their grasp of money and power. They divide and conquer. I truly believe in my heart most white people and black people are awesome people, but we’re so stupid following our politicians, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, and their only job is, ‘Hey, let’s make these people not like each other. We don’t live in their neighborhoods, we all got money, let’s make the whites and Blacks not like each other, let’s make rich people and poor people not like each other, let’s scramble the middle class.' I truly believe that in my heart.” It appears as if Barkley was responding to a filmed segment that detailed how Robert F. Kennedy broke the news on April 4, 1968, to a crowd in Indianapolis — the site of the 2021 Final Four — that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated. In the segment, Kennedy — who was running for president — is seen calling on Black citizens not to retaliate in anger. Kennedy was assassinated two months later in Los Angeles. This is not the first time Barkley has spoken out on the CBS set. He has come out against the "Defund the police" movement
根据这个表格,每个种族被施暴/犯罪最多的都是自己一族的,除了亚裔,黑人比亚裔多,白人he亚裔一样。我好奇地又算了一下,哪个种族施暴/犯罪最多,白人50% 黑人占22%,hispanic 15%, 亚裔2.5%. 剩下的属于后面两栏。再考虑到了各个族裔在总人口的百分比: white (non-Hispanic) 60%, black 12.2%; Hispanic 18.5%, Asian 5.6%. 一目了然。从人口比例来看,黑人攻击白人和亚裔的比率差不多。
我记得以前奥8老婆接受过一个采访,大概意思就是:“我真搞不懂,为什么社区里黑人搬进来后白人就都搬走了” 呵呵。。。
这个数据好,和人口数量对比一下就更客观了,在等今年的数据比一比: 到底是亚裔在不成比例地被欺负还是媒体带风向就一目了然了。
黑人占人口13%,白人占75% 60%。 按照这个人口比例和楼主的犯罪数据,亚裔遇到黑人被侵害的统计学概率是遇到白人的6.5 5.2 倍。
(更正,DOJ数据中将hispanic white分离了出来,所以人口比例应该是60%)
这个数据说的是当某族裔为受害人时,加害人的族裔分布,并没有当加害人是某族裔时,他们的受害人的分布。 另外,这个数据反应,同族裔之间的暴力犯罪,除了亚裔,在其他族裔中都是最高的,因为很多暴力罪案,是有针对性的,是熟人/有利害关系的人之间的,所以受害人和加害人同族裔的多,不难理解。但亚裔受到暴力侵犯的案子里面,其他族裔下手的比例远远高于受害人是白人黑人或者西裔的,这个比例其实也说明不少问题。
那川粉也不愿意去西维吉尼亚红脖子区, 跟你们保守派同温层一起住, 偏要赖在白左区, 为什么呢?
asian: 50113 hispanic: 112364 white: 547948
再比较一下总人口比例: a: 5.4% h: 17.6% w: 61.5
你怎么不算black on black?
我们要看的不是谁是否针对亚裔,而是看客观上谁对亚裔犯罪最多最危险。正因为事实上受到黑人侵害最多,所以BLM的defund police以及民主党给黑人的各种开脱才会使亚裔处在真正危险的地位。
犯罪成本基本为0,没什么惩罚,law and order形同虚设,那可不成了弱肉强食的丛林社会,而性格温和体格弱的亚裔自然成了最好的犯罪目标。
https://quillette.com/2021/03/25/race-and-false-hate-crime-narratives/ 这篇我觉得不错。对atl的事件分析了一下最后说是要看调查结果,但是后半部分引用了很多最新的数据,都是指向black on asian crime的。
A black New Yorker is over six times as likely to commit a hate crime against an Asian as a white New Yorker, according to New York Police Department data. In 2020, blacks made up 50 percent of all suspects in anti-Asian attacks in New York City, even though blacks are 24 percent of the city’s population. Whites made up 10 percent of all suspects in anti-Asian attacks in 2020 in New York City but account for 32 percent of the city’s population. If we include black Hispanics in the black category, blacks account for 60 percent of all anti-Asian attacks in 2020.
that is not compatible with narratives about race which left is pushing, 'cause USA is the racist country on the earth !
我什么narrative?我说过黑人仇视亚裔么?是你理解错了。我又不是楼主。 这个数据很有意义,我觉得就应该让更多人知道。还犯罪率高和不要扯上亚裔,可能没关系吗?说半天就是想给黑人犯罪洗地。黑人犯罪率上升,亚裔可能不遭殃么?你这么关心亚裔问题,为什么故意忽视这两者的联系?
你回这个帖子不就是想说明黑人对亚裔犯罪是特殊的吗?可是你用的数据错了,你的结论也是错的。除非你找到更好的数据,你在这里扯这么多都很无力。为什么推动降低黑人犯罪率这件美国几百年的历史遗留烂事要强调占总人口仅5%的亚裔?你觉得这不是螳臂当车?我们focus在stopasianhate多好?你这个就是divert attention,dilute effort
你理解力真的是。。。我哪句话说黑人对亚裔的犯罪是特殊的? 无语了,我真的同样的话说了无数遍了。我再和你重复一遍: 1、你一个劲的说黑人对亚裔不针对,不仇视,这个是没有意义的,因为即便不针对,黑人也是侵害亚裔的最大的一个族群。 2、这个数据说明了两个问题:首先,对亚裔的主要侵害并不来自白人,驳斥了一些人之前宣言的亚裔受害主要是来自白人歧视;其次,我们忧心的现在并不是要降低黑人犯罪这件事,而是BLM要defund police,民主党给黑人各种特权、这些将会导致黑人犯罪大幅上升,亚裔遭殃。其实已经犯罪率上升,亚裔受袭案件增多了。我们至少不能支持BLM和民主党的这些个让事态恶化的政策。
Stop Asian hate的目的就是要防止亚裔受到侵害,要解决问题就要找出原因。我不认为黑人或者白人hate才导致亚裔案件激增。真正的原因就是司法被破坏、犯罪增多亚裔遭殃,而其中大部分案件仍然是黑人做的。你要是真想解决asian受袭问题,就不应该淡化黑人犯罪这个主要原因,这样永远解决不了问题。
agree !! 黑人攻击亚裔比列明显是攻击白人和西裔的两倍
同意。 不过大外宣刻意压制你这样的声音。 为了让美华给他们当炮灰, 拼命往白人至上上引,还要跟BLM合作。就好像斯德哥尔摩综合症一样, 帮强奸犯找其他的受害者, 求得强奸犯的欢心, 别把自己杀掉。
前两天又有人要求从youtube撤销,youtube承认这是hate speech,但是属于艺术范畴,所以不予撤销。 https://www.google.com/amp/s/pitchfork.com/news/youtube-wont-pull-ygs-meet-the-flockers-amid-staff-outcry-over-anti-asian-lyrics/amp/
那个公司为赚钱,居然不清理罪犯学校, domestic terrorism教材……
What is considered domestic terrorism? Definition. The FBI defines domestic terrorism as violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.
https://www.sportingnews.com/us/ncaa-basketball/news/charles-barkley-politicians-system-divide-and-conquer/17pu0jccjrhew1jevqkxbq8mj4 Charles Barkley slams politicians, says 'system' is set up to 'divide and conquer'
Charles Barkley made waves Saturday when he took time ahead of the Baylor-Houston Final Four game to share his thoughts on the state of American politics. The CBS studio analyst blasted politicians — Democrats and Republicans — saying they take advantage of a system that pits citizens against each other along race and class lines so they "can keep their grasp of money and power.”
"Man, I think most white people and Black people are great people. I really believe that in my heart, but I think our system is set up where our politicians, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, are designed to make us not like each other so they can keep their grasp of money and power. They divide and conquer. I truly believe in my heart most white people and black people are awesome people, but we’re so stupid following our politicians, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, and their only job is, ‘Hey, let’s make these people not like each other. We don’t live in their neighborhoods, we all got money, let’s make the whites and Blacks not like each other, let’s make rich people and poor people not like each other, let’s scramble the middle class.' I truly believe that in my heart.”
It appears as if Barkley was responding to a filmed segment that detailed how Robert F. Kennedy broke the news on April 4, 1968, to a crowd in Indianapolis — the site of the 2021 Final Four — that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated. In the segment, Kennedy — who was running for president — is seen calling on Black citizens not to retaliate in anger. Kennedy was assassinated two months later in Los Angeles. This is not the first time Barkley has spoken out on the CBS set. He has come out against the "Defund the police" movement
根据这个表格,每个种族被施暴/犯罪最多的都是自己一族的,除了亚裔,黑人比亚裔多,白人he亚裔一样。我好奇地又算了一下,哪个种族施暴/犯罪最多,白人50% 黑人占22%,hispanic 15%, 亚裔2.5%. 剩下的属于后面两栏。再考虑到了各个族裔在总人口的百分比: white (non-Hispanic) 60%, black 12.2%; Hispanic 18.5%, Asian 5.6%. 一目了然。从人口比例来看,黑人攻击白人和亚裔的比率差不多。