“ The $10,000 limitation on state and local tax, or SALT, deductions is a prime focus for several Democrats in Congress, including New Jersey Representatives Bill Pascrell, JoshGottheimer, Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski and New York Representative Tom Suozzi. ” 不说什么了,大家给自家的representative, senator 写信吧。 加州representative 也真是够了。好歹新泽西的几位知道他们再不repeal,新泽西就完了。
“ The $10,000 limitation on state and local tax, or SALT, deductions is a prime focus for several Democrats in Congress, including New Jersey Representatives Bill Pascrell, JoshGottheimer, Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski and New York Representative Tom Suozzi. ” 不说什么了,大家给自家的representative, senator 写信吧。 加州representative 也真是够了。好歹新泽西的几位知道他们再不repeal,新泽西就完了。 大衣被禁 发表于 2021-04-02 13:02
怎么可能呢? “WASHINGTON — Republicans took a critical step toward notching their first significant legislative victory since assuming full political control, as the House and Senate voted along party lines on Tuesday and into early Wednesday to pass the most sweeping rewrite of the tax code in decades. The $1.5 trillion tax bill, which is expected to head to President Trump’s desk in the coming days, will have broad effects on the economy, making deep and lasting cuts to corporate taxes as well as temporarily lowering individual taxes. The endeavor was not without hiccups, however, as three small provisions in the final tax bill agreed to by the House and Senate were found by the Senate parliamentarian to violate the budget rules that Republicans must follow to pass their bill through a process that shields it from a Democratic filibuster. As a result, the bill changed slightly in the Senate, and the House will now need to vote on it again since both chambers must approve identical legislation. Among the items that were deemed out of order was the title of the bill: the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The approval of the bill in the House and Senate came over the strenuous objections of Democrats, who have accused Republicans of giving a gift to corporations and the wealthy and driving up the federal debt in the process.”
川普做同样的事你会怎么说。 你也知道恢复,那是谁取消的?
對中產有沒有影響? 有。但是這個遠小於對Top 1%的影響。
個人認為,最後的Compromise 會是某種income程度 (400K 以下?) full SALT Deduction, 以上開始Phase Out
Salt谁给撤了的? 他给撤了让下一任reinstate
黄右都这么认为 为那点钱命都不要
拜登很阴的,刚好借坡下驴了。 比如川普下台前本想给拜登使个绊子,放松了美台官员直接接触的一些限制, 拜登干脆就这样了,也懒得改,呵呵
没啥用 两党心照不宣 bipartisan bill当年是
人家都算了账的,取消这个CAP, 政府要少收很多钱的.
没!去年正几乎抹平 补了几千块 无所谓了 尽管半年没营业哦!
怎么可能呢? “WASHINGTON — Republicans took a critical step toward notching their first significant legislative victory since assuming full political control, as the House and Senate voted along party lines on Tuesday and into early Wednesday to pass the most sweeping rewrite of the tax code in decades. The $1.5 trillion tax bill, which is expected to head to President Trump’s desk in the coming days, will have broad effects on the economy, making deep and lasting cuts to corporate taxes as well as temporarily lowering individual taxes. The endeavor was not without hiccups, however, as three small provisions in the final tax bill agreed to by the House and Senate were found by the Senate parliamentarian to violate the budget rules that Republicans must follow to pass their bill through a process that shields it from a Democratic filibuster. As a result, the bill changed slightly in the Senate, and the House will now need to vote on it again since both chambers must approve identical legislation. Among the items that were deemed out of order was the title of the bill: the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The approval of the bill in the House and Senate came over the strenuous objections of Democrats, who have accused Republicans of giving a gift to corporations and the wealthy and driving up the federal debt in the process.”
有谁能讲一下这个SALT是啥?减免SALT对谁有益? 我脑子比较浆糊,可能跟处在孕晚期有关。我google半天没懂,这个SALT对于高州税州的居民影响大?
totally makes sense
无州税 房价相对低廉 正好maximize了tax benefit
你主要没有见识过加州的 新屋主直接就是三万的property tax 然后邻居们都是三千
好社区的环境 交三千的那些也在享有 租房的也可以有 可能一年租金也只有三万
对的 只对高房价有州税地区影响较大
原先出台也说可能会减缓房价增幅 (确实减缓了)
不过现在钱一印 forebearance一放 房价又回涨了
等于纽约加州地区如果新买房的话只受打击没有大好处 (税收上的减免有限)
加州这么尽责啊 market value跟的很快啊。纽约市两百万的房子地税还按照30万的收,都买卖了几百手人了税没跟上去。郊区的地方跟的很快,基本上交易第二年就会上去了
对中收入高州税高地税的人影响大,弯曲马工反正hit amt, salt对他们无所谓的
谢谢楼上两位mm的解释,给你俩点赞了。 现在我搞明白点了!
哦 ic
你是说如果没有cap 那还是会hit amt?也有可能
加州有proposition 13,房产税每年最多涨2%。而真实的房价早已翻了几番了。新买的房子的房产税基本上按成交价来算。
我很好奇, 你的新闻来源到底在哪里, 以后华人可以定个规矩, 没有source 的消息都不能发好吗?
是川普取消的, 所以你是说就不要恢复了?
麻烦以后这种放个source! 福克斯电视台这个时候倒是变成仇富了
以前某些州拼命收高州税,高销售税,高property tax, 然后让居民在报税的时候把这些算在itemizeddeduction上,从报税里面找回来多少多少
Trump上台后把这个给限定成了 10000, 于是那些高税收州的居民报税就无法claim 更多了。 由于高税州基本上都是民主党的万税州, 所以这个政策精准打击了民主党。 实际上从对国家来说,这个政策是好的,能够倒逼万税州居民去阻止州政府滥收税。
加州有prop 13
地产税买完以后不涨 就涨2%左右每年 还能子子孙孙传下去
property tax流向主要还是local吧
关键是黄右居然都不知道salt 减税就是川普给取消的