Q said Q map is real. I uploaded one Q map in Chinese for your reference. So, aliens will not be secrete any more as it is big part of the map! Martial law starting the 11th. Biden is a “president” 😂😂 如果你想进一步探索Q 和外星人 的世界,请到下面的电报群: https://t.me/joinchat/TDHAH7gg-YyIsCe8
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/Aec5vHNdBPY April showers coming. I hope all of you are still keeping your faith to President Trump, troops and for us and our children! when EBS comes out, you know what we are waiting for.
你知道我为啥对川粉那么烦吗?11,12月对各种谣言还是半信半疑的。狼来了终有烦人的一天,我邻居煞有介事的要我准备水电筒粮食。您这zero day 准备多少天了? 你愿意像隔壁楼等30年是你们自己的事情,但是不要成天末日论了,实在看的吐够了。Q也不嫌丢人,光复日期改了没10回也8回了。 慢慢拖吧。猪妹视频看的人越来越少,川粉也会有审美疲劳的一天
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/1ac9wj2ZVRM BBC 对Q 和 Anon 的报道 有很多人没有意识的这两天在英国发生的翻天覆地的变化。记不记得我前两天发出来的prince Philip 的照片。我问大家,他看起来正常吗?Diana 到底为什么必须死?所有的事情都是有原因的。现在如果告诉你原因,你也未必会相信。这个可以留到以后在说。这个就是我们所有人类面对所有问题的核心答案。 大家前两天估计没有关注到英国一直在推行vaccine passport. 可是,从昨天开始,英国官方突然改变说” from now on there will be no more lockdowns and UK will treat COVID like flu” https://twitter.com/dockaurg/status/1377678925304840197?s=21 大家有可能都没有意识到vaccine 护照到底是什么。说白了就是,one world reset (👇的link)的其中一个规则,就是对每个人的控制的开始。你不听,我就惩罚你。以后,世界上就一个国家,一个currency。 但是,为什么突然,英国对这么核心的原则改变了,为什么突然开始支持Q了?因为,英国的黑暗势力已经被控制了。就像我上面发的几个塔的照片,你有想过,为什么在世界上就几个城市有塔?除了埃及,我知道所有下面的塔都建在城市里的。这些城市都不属于那个国家。就像Washington DC. 你有注意到每个有塔的地方都代表了什么?宗教,金融,军队 和 历史。当然,我会告诉你,现在世界不是所有的问题都已经解决。没有,记得我说过 Israel 非常重要吗?Israel is the last per Q drop. 虽然我们听到了一些关于,Israel的小道消息。但是,我相信只有当Israel的官方消息出来时,当 EBS出来时,当小肯尼迪出来时,当Trump出来时,才是所有事情的结束。不过,英国的转变绝对是一个值得庆祝的事情。想想英国已经被控制的上千年。 https://richieallen.co.uk/24-world-leaders-openly-call-for-the-great-reset/
We are the voice for the voiceless we bring hope to the hopeless we bring justice to the oppressed we are TheCollectiveQ - Order Qf Alpha --------------------------------- CLASSIFIED DOCS// [You can also see more in our Google Drive Comms folder here] https://drive.google.com/open?id=15jcNgYfRnik1s3do1STWynWOso2KIcJe Backup copies of the documents: Moncloa campaign https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/moncloa-campaign-6-atttwitter080618/moncloa-campaign-6-atttwitter080618.pdf Spain https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/spain-cluster/spain-cluster.pdf France https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/france-cluster/france-cluster.pdf Germany https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/germany-cluster/germany-cluster.pdf Italy https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/italy-cluster/italy-cluster.pdf Greece https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/greece-cluster/greece-cluster.pdf The Netherlands https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/netherlands-cluster/netherlands-cluster.pdf Lithuania https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/baltics-cluster/baltics-cluster.pdf Norway https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/nordic-clusters/nordic-clusters.pdf Serbia and Montenegro https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/central-eastern-cluster/central-eastern-cluster.pdf Cluster roundup https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/clusterroundupjul18/clusterroundupjul18.pdf Integrity Initiative Handbook. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/iihandbookv2/iihandbookv2.pdf Integrity Initiative Guide to Countering Russian Disinformation May 2018. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/untitled-pdf-document-1/untitled-pdf-document.pdf Austria Cluster. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/austria-cluster/austria-cluster.pdf Cluster leaders. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/cluster-leaders/cluster-leaders.pdf Cluster participants. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/cluster-participants/cluster-participants.pdf UK Cluster. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/uk-cluster/uk-cluster.pdf USA and Canada Cluster. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/usacanada-cluster/usacanada-cluster.pdf xCountry. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/xcountry/xcountry.pdf xOutreach. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/xoutreach/xoutreach.pdf FCO application form 2017-18. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/fco-application-form-2017-18/fco-application-form-2017-18.pdf FCO application form 2018v2. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/fco-application-form-2018-v2/fco-application-form-2018-v2.pdf FCO proposal Integrity budget 2017-18. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/fco-proposal-integrity-budget-2017-18/fco-proposal-integrity-budget-2017-18.pdf Integrity 2018 Activity Budget v3. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/integrity2018activitybudgetv3/integrity2018activitybudgetv3.pdf Top 3 deliverables (for FCO). https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/top-3-deliverables
Wow, lots of info here. I guess all of you can figure out what is going on. color revolution— when Obama, Clinton changed their Twitter pictures to black and white. It was color revolution if our understanding was correct.
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/KsPLmb6gAdw When “Looking glass” project is presented, you know “looking glass” will not be the only Si-Fi “movie” I am going to show you, right? Last week, I watched “Stargate” movie. Now, it is your turn to enjoy and embrace it. what else do you need to know? 💥Watch “Matrix”💥. The movie might not be a movie. Movie could be the world we are living now. Do you remember what I always repeated? the end won’t be for everyone that choice, to you, will be yours did you pay attention on any words above these two sentences? You should and you need to do so because movie could be real. The real world could be a movie.
💥💥URGENT PUBLIC NOTICE 💥💥 From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Son of the Attorney General of the United States under his brother President Kennedy https://t.me/c/1331374507/306443 (电报群里的视频) SUBJECT: The Covid vaccine should be avoided at all costs. Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. "I would like to urgently draw your attention to important questions linked to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter his individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and hitherto considered criminal. This intervention can be compared to genetically modified foods, which are also very controversial. Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage which, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be irreversible and irreparable. Dear patients, after an unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in a complementary way. You will have to live with the consequences because you will no longer be able to be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body, just like a person with a genetic defect like Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, stopping genetic heart disease, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is eternal! This clearly means: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist will be able to help you, as the damage caused by this vaccination will be genetically irreversible. In my opinion, these new vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never been committed in such a significant way in history. As experienced physician Dr Wolfgang Wodarg said: Actually this "promising vaccine" for the vast majority of people should be BANNED because it is genetic engineering!" End quote. Please do not get this vaccine. I have seen countless mothers with vaccine injured kids. From flu shots and so on. My people WAKE UP. Helpful links to learn more: Dangers of vaccines: https://www.thetruthaboutvaccines.com Heal cancer and get the truth: https://www.thetruthaboutcancer.com Amazing health info and truth: https://www.naturalnews.com Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News https://www.healthnutnews.com Dr. Eric Nepute https://www.facebook.com/drericnepute Dr. Judy Mikovits https://www.drjudyamikovits.com Plandemic 2 Indocternation This documentary keeps being taken down. View here: https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/plandemic2 This vaccine changes human DNA. This is NOT GOOD. Please spread the word. You have no idea what they put in those vaccines. I cannot sit back and watch people die from lack of knowledge. The holy spirit is at work and is telling people do not get this vaccine. Even many Christian Pastors spoke against it. We should have a choice on what treatment an individual needs. Countless people are healing already using many different ways. Please learn the truth. This vaccine is not of the light. It is dark. It is evil. People are dying from this vaccine and the mainstream media is covering it up. Brothers and Sisters wake up. Please research. Be wise. God Bless. In Jesus name. Amen. Angel''s walk your Earth. Dont believe the demonic lies they tell you on TV. The numbers are fake. Hospitals empty. They are overhyping it to introduce draconian laws. The fear is controlling people. RISE UP!!! This website provides healing frequencies for the Coronavirus. You simply listen and it will go to work and aid you in healing. Frequency healing. Made from a scientist that managed to figure out the frequency of the coronavirus and created an opposite frequency to heal it. https://www.coronavirusdefence.org @JFKJ_QAnon
你喜欢看现在的大戏吗?Q 是阴谋论?还是你现在有了不同的答案了😉😉 我一直在说,今年的智商税比较高: 多出💰 (2020 年的税,你交了吗?) 还有寿命 (疫苗) 你现在的选择是什么? While all of this is going , the main part of the movie is happening while we being distracted by Joe and there funky game .... At this really moment the 17 team is destroying everything left from the corrupt economy ... Worth remembering 1) Myanmar With the take down of Myanmar and military in control , the complete opium market is destroyed. Important is also the complete control on human trafficking from China , fugi island and also the upper part of the kazahrian silk way that CCP was rebuilding . 2) Ghana stopping export of gold and cocoa to Switzerland (yearly 85 % of gold of Ghana Ashanti -Songhai kingdom ) reason why Switzerland controlled the gold. South Africa being in control of the “royals” . The same towards franc and the most evil families of Illuminati near Bavaria. All the powers of Vatican and Illuminati gone! 3) the Suez Canal The heart of the world Now “for everyone to see” controlling the world economy. It means more than it seem ...beside the banking and stock market , there is also the human trafficking , drug , oil ... A view on all the countries around the Suez Canal shows the amplitude of what is happening Your are witnessing the take down of all the reason of wars, the stopping of the human trafficking on the face of earth , the collaps of a corrupt and manipulated stock market ... Imagine how the hedges are feeling now ... AMC , GameStop ..killing Them Silver squeeze ...killing them Stock market ...killing them Military ....destroying them Fed .....can’t help US mint ...cant help MSM and media ...losing them They are exposed and there is absolutely NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT NEXT WEEK , A WEEK TO REMEMBER ... THE BEST IS TRULY YET TO COME .... PS: Q-movie awards Best Q-movie : the great awakening From a real story and he book “how the Earth awakened to the 5D reality “ Best Q-producer: Mnucin
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ko-ZboCzR64 Remember in Q’s clip, it said you will receive free energy. Dreaming en? I had to tell you that most of Q followers knew where the idea comes from. Now, you just need to educate yourself. Remembered what we were taught was purely lies. You need to open your mind for this new journey.
Do you like Hunger Game? If I am telling you, Joe Biden’s inauguration was a Hunger Game show. Do you believe me? Watch it by your self. their costume was perfect fit! Joe Biden is our president? 😂😂😂
sorry。 Q 从来都没有说过小渣是有问题的。是我根据看的的消息得出来的结论。
如果你问题怎么能确定Q不会背叛。(这个是我的推断)Q是 小肯尼迪。是不可能背叛的。 Q+ 是Trump也不可能背叛。Mike Flynn 应该是Q中的。我估计pompoe 也是。但是不确定。他一直比较低调
在Q的队伍里,核心就10个人。我剩下的都不知道是谁。所以,你问我的问题,我无法回答。还有,我知道推翻DS这个事情是从肯尼迪死的那一天开始的。有200 多个高级军官参与。中间有替换死的军官。现在估计是太空军在执行细节。美军里也有很多参加了这次行动,全球一个22国家的军队也参加了。这次是一次全球行动。DS 是全球不是只有美国的。 我就知道这么多。我估计大部分的Anon 也就知道这么多。这个是绝密中的绝密,你想想现在HBO的纪录片也就是采访了为8chan工作的人。他们花了几年都不知道的东西,我们anon可能知道那么多吗?
还有,我在最后说一边。如果你感兴趣,希望你自己先看看最基本的东西在讨论。这个不过分吧?如果什么都不知道。这样天马行空的make point。我实在没办法,也根本不可能把所有的东西解释清楚。
很显然你并没有看视频— 阴谋的败落。我多次强调,Q或者这个视频里从来就没有说过这个专利的事。这个是我第三次回复同一个你的疑问。
看看,小三已经迫不及待的上场了。白等粉们,你们的true love 来了。enjoy...
Are you one of them?
Martial law starting the 11th. Biden is a “president” 😂😂
如果你想进一步探索Q 和外星人 的世界,请到下面的电报群: https://t.me/joinchat/TDHAH7gg-YyIsCe8
https://www.youtube.com/embed/Aec5vHNdBPY April showers coming. I hope all of you are still keeping your faith to President Trump, troops and for us and our children! when EBS comes out, you know what we are waiting for.
我问是不是Q告诉你杂志上Lung Attacking Virus那段话是Gates讲的,你也没有明确回答我说是还是不是(又或者你不知道),而只回答了电报群里别人发的(这个说法又不能排除是Q发了Lung AttackingVirus是Gates说的,然后电报群的人转了的可能性)。
你说我根本不看别人的回答??根本就看都不看?如果我不看的话,我怎么会知道你12月发的那一系列视频里的第一个视频就有问题?我怎么会打假了你发的15年就申请了新冠的专利,Gates在杂志上说了Lung Attacking Virus的话? 你到底回答了我什么问题?
你知道我为啥对川粉那么烦吗?11,12月对各种谣言还是半信半疑的。狼来了终有烦人的一天,我邻居煞有介事的要我准备水电筒粮食。您这zero day 准备多少天了?
你愿意像隔壁楼等30年是你们自己的事情,但是不要成天末日论了,实在看的吐够了。Q也不嫌丢人,光复日期改了没10回也8回了。 慢慢拖吧。猪妹视频看的人越来越少,川粉也会有审美疲劳的一天
https://www.youtube.com/embed/1ac9wj2ZVRM BBC 对Q 和 Anon 的报道
有很多人没有意识的这两天在英国发生的翻天覆地的变化。记不记得我前两天发出来的prince Philip 的照片。我问大家,他看起来正常吗?Diana 到底为什么必须死?所有的事情都是有原因的。现在如果告诉你原因,你也未必会相信。这个可以留到以后在说。这个就是我们所有人类面对所有问题的核心答案。
大家前两天估计没有关注到英国一直在推行vaccine passport. 可是,从昨天开始,英国官方突然改变说” from now on there will be no more lockdowns and UK will treat COVID like flu”
大家有可能都没有意识到vaccine 护照到底是什么。说白了就是,one world reset (👇的link)的其中一个规则,就是对每个人的控制的开始。你不听,我就惩罚你。以后,世界上就一个国家,一个currency。 但是,为什么突然,英国对这么核心的原则改变了,为什么突然开始支持Q了?因为,英国的黑暗势力已经被控制了。就像我上面发的几个塔的照片,你有想过,为什么在世界上就几个城市有塔?除了埃及,我知道所有下面的塔都建在城市里的。这些城市都不属于那个国家。就像Washington DC. 你有注意到每个有塔的地方都代表了什么?宗教,金融,军队 和 历史。当然,我会告诉你,现在世界不是所有的问题都已经解决。没有,记得我说过 Israel 非常重要吗?Israel is the last per Q drop. 虽然我们听到了一些关于,Israel的小道消息。但是,我相信只有当Israel的官方消息出来时,当 EBS出来时,当小肯尼迪出来时,当Trump出来时,才是所有事情的结束。不过,英国的转变绝对是一个值得庆祝的事情。想想英国已经被控制的上千年。
你看了这些材料,还认为演员白等是“总统”? 要是想自己验证,可以找“小明”的视频。这个是他找到的
--------------------------------- CLASSIFIED DOCS// [You can also see more in our Google Drive Comms folder here]
Backup copies of the documents: Moncloa campaign https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/moncloa-campaign-6-atttwitter080618/moncloa-campaign-6-atttwitter080618.pdf Spain https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/spain-cluster/spain-cluster.pdf
France https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/france-cluster/france-cluster.pdf
Germany https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/germany-cluster/germany-cluster.pdf
Italy https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/italy-cluster/italy-cluster.pdf
Greece https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/greece-cluster/greece-cluster.pdf
The Netherlands https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/netherlands-cluster/netherlands-cluster.pdf
Lithuania https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/baltics-cluster/baltics-cluster.pdf
Norway https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/nordic-clusters/nordic-clusters.pdf
Serbia and Montenegro https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/central-eastern-cluster/central-eastern-cluster.pdf
Cluster roundup https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/clusterroundupjul18/clusterroundupjul18.pdf
Integrity Initiative Handbook. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/iihandbookv2/iihandbookv2.pdf
Integrity Initiative Guide to Countering Russian Disinformation May 2018. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/untitled-pdf-document-1/untitled-pdf-document.pdf
Austria Cluster. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/austria-cluster/austria-cluster.pdf Cluster leaders. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/cluster-leaders/cluster-leaders.pdf
Cluster participants. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/cluster-participants/cluster-participants.pdf
UK Cluster. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/uk-cluster/uk-cluster.pdf
USA and Canada Cluster. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/usacanada-cluster/usacanada-cluster.pdf
xCountry. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/xcountry/xcountry.pdf
xOutreach. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/xoutreach/xoutreach.pdf
FCO application form 2017-18. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/fco-application-form-2017-18/fco-application-form-2017-18.pdf
FCO application form 2018v2. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/fco-application-form-2018-v2/fco-application-form-2018-v2.pdf
FCO proposal Integrity budget 2017-18. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/fco-proposal-integrity-budget-2017-18/fco-proposal-integrity-budget-2017-18.pdf
Integrity 2018 Activity Budget v3. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/integrity2018activitybudgetv3/integrity2018activitybudgetv3.pdf
Top 3 deliverables (for FCO). https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/11/02/top-3-deliverables
🚪🏃🏻不送 😂🤣😂
CNN, ABC 一般最正经。你想要我帮你找吗?
color revolution— when Obama, Clinton changed their Twitter pictures to black and white. It was color revolution if our understanding was correct.
哦,这个楼里“不正经“的你属于number 1
听说,她是听到Jeff Epstein 被自杀后,自己自首的。你说她的证词含金量会有多大。😂😂
https://www.youtube.com/embed/jVv8y-VR9pw 大家看看Mike Flynn怎么说的?我们是Corp 还是 republic?
如果我们可以预测未来,你还有什么没有被告知的? 答案:很多
https://www.youtube.com/embed/KsPLmb6gAdw When “Looking glass” project is presented, you know “looking glass” will not be the only Si-Fi “movie” I am going to show you, right? Last week, I watched “Stargate” movie. Now, it is your turn to enjoy and embrace it.
what else do you need to know? 💥Watch “Matrix”💥. The movie might not be a movie. Movie could be the world we are living now. Do you remember what I always repeated?
the end won’t be for everyone that choice, to you, will be yours
did you pay attention on any words above these two sentences? You should and you need to do so because movie could be real. The real world could be a movie.
From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Son of the Attorney General of the United States under his brother President Kennedy
https://t.me/c/1331374507/306443 (电报群里的视频)
SUBJECT: The Covid vaccine should be avoided at all costs.
Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. "I would like to urgently draw your attention to important questions linked to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter his individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and hitherto considered criminal. This intervention can be compared to genetically modified foods, which are also very controversial. Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage which, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be irreversible and irreparable. Dear patients, after an unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in a complementary way. You will have to live with the consequences because you will no longer be able to be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body, just like a person with a genetic defect like Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, stopping genetic heart disease, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is eternal! This clearly means: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist will be able to help you, as the damage caused by this vaccination will be genetically irreversible. In my opinion, these new vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never been committed in such a significant way in history. As experienced physician Dr Wolfgang Wodarg said: Actually this "promising vaccine" for the vast majority of people should be BANNED because it is genetic engineering!" End quote.
Please do not get this vaccine. I have seen countless mothers with vaccine injured kids. From flu shots and so on. My people WAKE UP.
Helpful links to learn more:
Dangers of vaccines: https://www.thetruthaboutvaccines.com
Heal cancer and get the truth: https://www.thetruthaboutcancer.com
Amazing health info and truth: https://www.naturalnews.com
Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News https://www.healthnutnews.com
Dr. Eric Nepute https://www.facebook.com/drericnepute
Dr. Judy Mikovits https://www.drjudyamikovits.com
Plandemic 2 Indocternation This documentary keeps being taken down. View here: https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/plandemic2
This vaccine changes human DNA. This is NOT GOOD. Please spread the word. You have no idea what they put in those vaccines. I cannot sit back and watch people die from lack of knowledge. The holy spirit is at work and is telling people do not get this vaccine. Even many Christian Pastors spoke against it.
We should have a choice on what treatment an individual needs. Countless people are healing already using many different ways. Please learn the truth. This vaccine is not of the light. It is dark. It is evil. People are dying from this vaccine and the mainstream media is covering it up. Brothers and Sisters wake up. Please research. Be wise. God Bless. In Jesus name. Amen. Angel''s walk your Earth. Dont believe the demonic lies they tell you on TV. The numbers are fake. Hospitals empty. They are overhyping it to introduce draconian laws. The fear is controlling people. RISE UP!!!
This website provides healing frequencies for the Coronavirus. You simply listen and it will go to work and aid you in healing. Frequency healing. Made from a scientist that managed to figure out the frequency of the coronavirus and created an opposite frequency to heal it. https://www.coronavirusdefence.org
5-19-20 Declassified Susan Rice E-Mail Targeting Michael Flynn https://www.scribd.com/document/462170596/Declassified-Susan-Rice-E-Mail-Targeting-Michael-Flynn
5-13-20 Declassified List of Unmaskings https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2020-05-13%20ODNI%20to%20CEG%20RHJ%20(Unmasking).pdf
5-7-20 Declassified 53 HPSCI Transcripts (Russia Investigation Testimonies) https://www.dni.gov/index.php/features/2753-53-hpsci-transcripts
4-30-20 Flynn: Exculpatory Evidence Unsealed - Filing https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.191592/gov.uscourts.dcd.191592.189.0_1.pdf
4-29-20 Flynn: Exculpatory Evidence Unsealed - Priestap Notes https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2020-04/FlynnFBINotes_0.pdf
Resignation List https://www.resignation.info/list
How the Chinese Regime Colluded with WHO During the Pandemic: Infographic https://e.infogram.com/d1919ad0-53e5-45a5-88c3-44ba8b23af19?parent_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theepochtimes.com%2Finfographic-how-the-chinese-regime-colluded-with-who-during-the-pandemic_3372694.html&src=embed#async_embed
Massive Dump Of Video Clips Documenting Looters And Violent Riots During George Floyd Protests https://centipedenation.com/transmissions/massive-dump-of-video-clips-documenting-looters-and-violent-riots-during-george-floyd-protests/
BOMBSHELL: Planned Parenthood officials admit under oath to selling aborted body parts https://www.liveaction.org/news/bombshell-planned-parenthood-admits-oath-aborted-parts/
Transcript to Historical Trump Speech 6-1-20 https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-speech-transcript-june-1-trump-may-deploy-us-military-to-cities
FISA Abuse Timeline: Epoch https://cdn.epoch.cloud/assets/static_assets/FISA-abuse-timeline.jpg
DHS Biodefense Lab Study https://www.scribd.com/document/456897616/DHSST
4-16-20 DECLAS FISA docs new https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/fisa-investigation
Mockingbird Media https://centipedenation.com/analysis-and-reports/operation-mockingbird-a-social-engineered-reality/
Just The News John Solomon https://justthenews.com/key-witness-told-team-mueller-russia-collusion-evidence-found.html
Soros Ran American Organizations http://www.ruthfullyyours.com/2010/11/16/read-this-mind-boggling-list-of-soros-funded-organizations/
CoronaVirus Zero Hedge https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/coronavirus-contains-hiv-insertions-stoking-fears-over-artificially-created-bioweapon
Clinton Foundation Pay2Play https://epochtimes.today/clinton-foundation-pay-to-play-model-under-investigation-infographic/
China war on America Infographic https://cdn.epoch.cloud/infographics/Chinas_Secret_War_Against_America_Epoch-Times_Infographic.pdf
Space Race Infographic https://m.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2018/03/22/The_New_Space_Race_Epoch_Times-1.jpg
Unlawful Spying FISA Infographic https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2018/03/22/fisa-spying-infographic.jpg
Uranium One Scandal Infographic https://throughthelookingglassnews.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/epoch_times_uranium_one_final.jpg
Insurance Policy Infographic https://throughthelookingglassnews.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/fusion-gps-map_the-epoch-times.jpg Beyond the Memo Infographic https://throughthelookingglassnews.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/final_memo_epochtimes-1-e1517754294263.jpg
Awan Scandal Infographic https://m.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2018/04/12/Awan_Congressional_Scandal_Epoch_Times-1.jpg
CIA MSM https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/ciasuseofjournal00unit.pdf
FBI VAULT HRC https://vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton
FBI Declassified 9/11 https://archive.org/details/DancingIsraelisFBIReport/page/n83
MIT Media Lab - Epstein
我一直在说,今年的智商税比较高: 多出💰 (2020 年的税,你交了吗?) 还有寿命 (疫苗) 你现在的选择是什么?
While all of this is going , the main part of the movie is happening while we being distracted by Joe and there funky game .... At this really moment the 17 team is destroying everything left from the corrupt economy ...
Worth remembering 1) Myanmar With the take down of Myanmar and military in control , the complete opium market is destroyed. Important is also the complete control on human trafficking from China , fugi island and also the upper part of the kazahrian silk way that CCP was rebuilding .
2) Ghana stopping export of gold and cocoa to Switzerland (yearly 85 % of gold of Ghana Ashanti -Songhai kingdom ) reason why Switzerland controlled the gold. South Africa being in control of the “royals” . The same towards franc and the most evil families of Illuminati near Bavaria. All the powers of Vatican and Illuminati gone!
3) the Suez Canal The heart of the world Now “for everyone to see” controlling the world economy. It means more than it seem ...beside the banking and stock market , there is also the human trafficking , drug , oil ... A view on all the countries around the Suez Canal shows the amplitude of what is happening
Your are witnessing the take down of all the reason of wars, the stopping of the human trafficking on the face of earth , the collaps of a corrupt and manipulated stock market ...
Imagine how the hedges are feeling now ... AMC , GameStop ..killing Them Silver squeeze ...killing them Stock market ...killing them Military ....destroying them Fed .....can’t help US mint ...cant help MSM and media ...losing them
They are exposed and there is absolutely NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT
PS: Q-movie awards
Best Q-movie : the great awakening From a real story and he book “how the Earth awakened to the 5D reality “
Best Q-producer: Mnucin
缅甸,你知道缅甸用的是什么选票系统吗?dominion. 这个被军方抓的昂山素季到底做过什么不可原谅的事情?如果我告诉你,她和Clinton,Obama后期关系是非常的好,你有没有想到了什么? 如果我告诉你军方这一次把Soros 在缅甸的基金已经冻结。你还是感觉缅甸军方是政变?军方是坏人?军方是某国在背后支持?
如果我现在问你,如果你可以选择: A) 你想美国是现在的缅甸? (军方直接把所有的坏人抓起来) B) 还是希望向现在一样,Trump退居后面操控一切,但是伤亡减到最小?
请记住,美国的人民是有枪的! 在两个月前,我就知道有不知道数量的导弹指向美国本土,随时可以被点燃。当时,加州的海边有无数的船只等着进港。有人发了视频。还好,美国够警觉,拒绝所有的船只卸货😓😓。没人知道在船上是什么。 加拿大有某国士兵随时可以进来,墨西哥有某国军队随时可以进来。(Pompoe 在一月份曾经为这个事开过记者招待会,twitter里面曾有视频)。缅州在一月份的地震。有当地人说,这不是地震。而是炸了一个非常深的bunker。5万某国的XX被炸死。当你知道这些时,你的选择会不会变?一月份,我听到这些信息,突然感到悲哀和恐惧。(我还记得,我第一次听到这个消息是在“situation updates” )。所有听到这个消息的人,都非常恐惧。还好,当时有一个军方背景的人告诉大家不要恐惧,美军是不会让这种事情发生。我才平静下来。现在的每一天我都非常感恩军人对我们的付出。Mike Flynn 刚刚说,有上千的士兵在这次的行动中死了😭😭
现在,还有很多人还认为Q是阴谋?😂😂我不禁会问,你知道castle rock 在Q 的这场大戏里有几个意思吗? 白等住在 castle rock, Suez Canal 事件和(red) castle rock 有关, Trump退居幕后(castle Rock— 国际象棋的规则), 还有多少castle rock 被用了,我(们)没有看到,没有想到...
Q 是阴谋?如果是我,我绝对不敢说出这样的话。现在,你有没有对Q 和 Anon 有不一样的想法? future proves past. 所有的这些,就是你需要开始接受这个世界的所有事情的可能性的开始,Trump 和那些牺牲的士兵,给了我们一个新的机会让我们重新开始看待和思考我们的这个世界,你,千万不要错过机会。
10-6-20 DECLAS former CIA Director John Brennan Handwritten Notes https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2020/10/ENCLOSURE_1__Brennan_Notes__U.pdf
10-6-20 DECLAS Formal CIA Referral To FBI To Investigate Clinton Campaign https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2020/10/ENCLOSURE_2__DCIA_Memo_09-07-16__U.pdf
10-1-20 Mueller Part 11 302s Declassified https://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2020/images/10/01/litigation11threlease-cnn.pdf
9-29-20 DECLASSIFIED Letter to Graham from DNI Ratcliffe - Russia Narrative 2016 https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09-29-20_Letter%20to%20Sen.%20Graham_Declassification%20of%20FBI's%20Crossfire%20Hurricane%20Investigations_20-00912_U_SIGNED-FINAL.pdf
9-24-20 DECLASSIFIED - AG BARR letter to Graham w/ FBI Docs on Steele Subsource FISA 2009 https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/AG%20Letter%20to%20Chairman%20Graham%209.24.2020.pdf
9-24-20 DECLASSIFIED - Texts - Notes - Flynn Motion to Dismiss https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.191592/gov.uscourts.dcd.191592.248.0_2.pdf
9-23-30 Senate Finance Burisma Biden Probe https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC%20-%20Finance%20Joint%20Report%202020.09.23.pdf
9-22-20 Kyle Rithouse - Truth in 11 Minutes- FightBack.Law https://centipedenation.com/transmissions/kyle-rittenhouse-the-truth-in-11-minutes/
9-16-20 Declas All 4 FISA App were lies Carter Page - https://www.intelligence.gov/assets/documents/702%20Documents/declassified/June_2020_FISC_Opinion.pdf
9-14-20 Chinese Virologist Who Fled China Publishes Evidence COVID-19 Created In Lab https://www.scribd.com/document/475998860/The-Yan-Report#fullscreen&from_embed
9-10-20 DECLAS Communications b/w Strzok Page - They wiped 31 phones of evidence https://www.justice.gov/oip/foia-library/general_topics/communications_strzok_and_page_09_04_20/download
Pentagon & Defense Contractors Revolving Door Report https://www.pogo.org/report/2018/11/brass-parachutes/
9-1-20 Declas Judicial Watch State Dept Docs Spying Ukraine https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/records-show-monitoring-ukraine/
8-23-20 Declas FBI Briefing to Hillary Clinton https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2020-08-21%20Submission%20SJC%20SSCI.pdf
8-14-20 FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith Indictment https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.221058/gov.uscourts.dcd.221058.1.0_2.pdf
8-9-20 2018 FBI Briefing Document - They Lied https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/FBI%20SSCI%20Briefing%20Document%202018.pdf
7-30-20 Ghislaine Maxwell Unsealed 47 Attachments https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4355835/giuffre-v-maxwell/?filed_after=&filed_before=&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc
7-23-20 DECLAS Joseph Pientka Briefing Document https://www.scribd.com/document/470184956/Joseph-Pientka-briefing-document#from_embed
7-17-20 Annotated Strzok NYT Strzok DECLAS https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Annotated%20New%20York%20Times%20Article.pdf
7-17-20 Steele Sub Source DECLAS - Sen Judiciary https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/rep/releases/judiciary-committee-releases-declassified-documents-that-substantially-undercut-steele-dossier-page-fisa-warrants
7-17-20 Strzok FBI emails - Judicial Watch FOIA https://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/JW-v-DOJ-Strzok-Page-Prod-23-00154.pdf
7-10-20 Flynn Unsealed Exculpatory Evidence: Boente Notes +++ https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.191592/gov.uscourts.dcd.191592.237.1_1.pdf
7-8-20 9/11 Truth In Depth Report on News Coverage of 9/11 https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/technical-articles/articles-by-ae911truth/696-how-36-reporters-brought-us-the-twin-towers-explosive-demolition
7-2-20 DOJ Press Release: Ghislaine Maxwell Charges https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Maxwell-Indictment.pdf
6-25-20 Human Trafficking State Dept Report https://www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-report-2020/
6-24-20 Declassified Peter Strzok Notes https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.191592/gov.uscourts.dcd.191592.231.1.pdf
Link to Download Google Leaked Docs - Blacklists https://story.mediashuttle.com/download.jsp?id=2995754b-8e24-4818-a4d0-a4bf89620ecc
Completed Weather Experiments https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1XgB7-IKoX7y2tkmmU0zSED1TlBsa3WDaOL6py4zk#rows:id=1
Comey OIG Report (Document) 12-19 https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2019/o1902.pdf
Epstein Black Book - UNREDACTED https://spidercatweb.blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Jeffrey-Epsteins-Little-Black-Book-unredacted.pdf
Epstein Flight Logs https://archive.org/stream/EpsteinFlightLogsLolitaExpress/Epstein%20Flight%20Manifests#mode/2up
Weather Modification Patents https://climateviewer.com/2014/03/24/geoengineering-weather-modification-patents/
Vaccine for kids. You might want to check above clip and then make decision.
(电报群的link) https://t.me/c/1331374507/306796
https://www.youtube.com/embed/07Ev-mjVzeg 💥你自己判断,这个是真的还是假的💥
这样的证据太多太多,你现在还觉得这个世界没有肾上腺素红吗?如果我告诉你一年有 800万小朋友missing,你还会相信,我是阴谋论者吗?
https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ko-ZboCzR64 Remember in Q’s clip, it said you will receive free energy. Dreaming en? I had to tell you that most of Q followers knew where the idea comes from. Now, you just need to educate yourself. Remembered what we were taught was purely lies. You need to open your mind for this new journey.