Harvard counseling and mental health resources "Anti-Asian Racism Resources" page starting off strong with "You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents..."
https://quillette.com/2021/03/24/anti-asian-discrimination-is-real-and-an-attack-on-american-values/ "most Asians do not arrive with the advantages (“privileges” in today’s ambiguous phrasing) of English as a first language, nor citizenship, nor meaningful wealth, nor social capital. Each of those is a significant hurdle to overcome. And yet overcome them—at an aggregate level—Asians do. Culture is the reason. Part of the reason it is worth zooming in on culture is that it is not immutable. And culture is not a zero-sum game". "why am I calling out anti-Asian bias? Because the recent “equality of outcome” agenda being pushed is a recent and wholly un-American idea. It disproportionately affects Asians. The equality of outcome goal manifests itself in the camouflaged word: “equity.” It is painfully obvious that different cultures have different values. Why shy from the fact? Different values naturally lead to different outcomes. We all start from a different place in life. We cannot change that. We are all raised in different cultures. We cannot change that. Given those conditions we should strive for a level playing field with clear rules of the game. That is American. That is fairness. That is meritocratic". "What each of these schools is saying is clear. Ability matters less than race. Ethnic diversity is more important than individual excellence. Nothing good lies down this narrow path of thinking". xiaoxiongxiaojie 发表于 2021-04-01 11:21
Harvard counseling and mental health resources "Anti-Asian Racism Resources" page starting off strong with "You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents..." miaxiaoen 发表于 2021-03-31 17:04
没觉得有什么不合理的。哈佛 “consistently rated Asian-American applicants as a group lower than others on traits like positive personality, likability, courage, kindness and being widely respected” 也就是说哈佛认为亚裔缺乏人类普遍的道德。那么,作为符合哈佛道德水准的亚裔学生来说,你还希望自己是sub human 中的一员吗》
Harvard counseling and mental health resources "Anti-Asian Racism Resources" page starting off strong with "You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents..." miaxiaoen 发表于 2021-03-31 17:04
“...but what we ultimately posted included some insensitive and inappropriate content that we have now removed.” https://camhs.huhs.harvard.edu/anti-asian-racism-resource 这不叫道歉吧。根本就不是insensitive and inappropriate,而是completely false,因为所说的就不是我们的想法,是错误的内容而不是漠然或不合适那么轻描淡写。
应该这么写。 You may wish that you were not Asian. Anyone who went through Harvard application process may secretly wish that, its ok and we know why. page394 发表于 2021-03-31 17:46
断章取义了吧。 原文在此. When you experience racism, you can feel shame. You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents. They survived by recognizing the beauty and strength of their community.
Harvard counseling and mental health resources "Anti-Asian Racism Resources" page starting off strong with "You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents..." miaxiaoen 发表于 2021-03-31 17:04
断章取义了吧。 原文在此. When you experience racism, you can feel shame. You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents. They survived by recognizing the beauty and strength of their community. shopping_tiger 发表于 2021-03-31 20:07
什么断章取义?第一句更过分 我干嘛feel shame? 遇到歧视我feel angry 我feel racist are the stupidest!
断章取义了吧。 原文在此. When you experience racism, you can feel shame. You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents. They survived by recognizing the beauty and strength of their community. shopping_tiger 发表于 2021-03-31 20:07
这不就是white supremacy 嘛!满满的优越感。you may feel shame,有!病!吗!feel 毛线shame,打人的祖宗十八代才要feel shame啊!
“...but what we ultimately posted included some insensitive and inappropriate content that we have now removed.” https://camhs.huhs.harvard.edu/anti-asian-racism-resource 这不叫道歉吧。根本就不是insensitive and inappropriate,而是completely false,因为所说的就不是我们的想法,是错误的内容而不是漠然或不合适那么轻描淡写。 graviton 发表于 2021-03-31 18:02
Harvard counseling and mental health resources "Anti-Asian Racism Resources" page starting off strong with "You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents..." miaxiaoen 发表于 2021-03-31 17:04
断章取义了吧。 原文在此. When you experience racism, you can feel shame. You may wish that you weren''''t Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents. They survived by recognizing the beauty and strength of their community. shopping_tiger 发表于 2021-03-31 20:07
仍然没有觉得好多少。是什么人写的,应该革职道歉end of his career. 被歧视仇恨还要feel shamed. 我看写这文章的人本人就是racist歧视仇恨亚裔。
我操! I have every right to live in the US, just as any other US citizens. It's my country, and no one can tell me to go somewhere else. Anyone saying so just fuck off.
“...but what we ultimately posted included some insensitive and inappropriate content that we have now removed.” https://camhs.huhs.harvard.edu/anti-asian-racism-resource 这不叫道歉吧。根本就不是insensitive and inappropriate,而是completely false,因为所说的就不是我们的想法,是错误的内容而不是漠然或不合适那么轻描淡写。 graviton 发表于 2021-03-31 18:02
应该这么写。 You may wish that you were not Asian. Anyone who went through Harvard application process may secretly wish that, its ok and we know why. page394 发表于 2021-03-31 17:46
🔥 最新回帖
这个写得很好a q
那是给黑人莫莫木木的 亚裔也配享受政治正确?
我也认识这样几个中国人 在学校里根本不跟中国人说话 只跟白人玩
🛋️ 沙发板凳
翻译一下就是,贱人就是矫情! 都能生活在这个shithole美利坚了,还不跪恩?还敢抱怨不满?
从撰写的到审批的都出来走两步,左派急先锋这个做派,真的……刑不上you know who,礼不下亚裔啊。这种炸裂的傲慢偏见无知居高临下,是他们的祖宗给他们的勇气吗
Google 一下就出来了,哈佛道歉了
没觉得有什么不合理的。哈佛 “consistently rated Asian-American applicants as a group lower than others on traits like positive personality, likability, courage, kindness and being widely respected” 也就是说哈佛认为亚裔缺乏人类普遍的道德。那么,作为符合哈佛道德水准的亚裔学生来说,你还希望自己是sub human 中的一员吗》
WTF?!?!!!! 有照片吗,到推特上疯狂转发去。。。
孩子不会这么想。这对他们是hurtful experience.
这不叫道歉吧。根本就不是insensitive and inappropriate,而是completely false,因为所说的就不是我们的想法,是错误的内容而不是漠然或不合适那么轻描淡写。
你这个说法逻辑有问题。来到美国也不能改变是亚裔啊,只是改变国籍。所以来到美国只能说明我们想改变国籍,而不是Race。你试试把你的句子替换一下成把所有的欧洲人移民来的也都不wish to be a white了吗?
不要和那个 吃cat的ID认真 他在另一个贴子说,中国人吃猫吃狗是客观事实。
Very believable.
Asians should boycott racist schools that have discriminatory admissions requirements.
When you experience racism, you can feel shame. You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents. They survived by recognizing the beauty and strength of their community.
我窃以为,如果写的人是白人,更恶心。。。 暴露的是一种高高在上的心态。
这样的人不少呢。 这版上就有很多。
什么断章取义?第一句更过分 我干嘛feel shame? 遇到歧视我feel angry 我feel racist are the stupidest!
这不就是white supremacy 嘛!满满的优越感。you may feel shame,有!病!吗!feel 毛线shame,打人的祖宗十八代才要feel shame啊!
Unbelievable! Dropped my chin!
仍然没有觉得好多少。是什么人写的,应该革职道歉end of his career. 被歧视仇恨还要feel shamed. 我看写这文章的人本人就是racist歧视仇恨亚裔。
偏偏班上一堆人还偏要觉得人家大爱,宁可不要law and order 也要跟在人家后面捡屎
因为他们的父母亚裔老师几乎都自恨 等十年二十年估计会好一点
I have every right to live in the US, just as any other US citizens. It's my country, and no one can tell me to go somewhere else. Anyone saying so just fuck off.