断章取义了吧。 原文在此. When you experience racism, you can feel shame. You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents. They survived by recognizing the beauty and strength of their community. shopping_tiger 发表于 2021-03-31 20:07
断章取义了吧。 原文在此. When you experience racism, you can feel shame. You may wish that you weren't Asian, but remember that your ancestors likely went through similar or even worse incidents. They survived by recognizing the beauty and strength of their community. shopping_tiger 发表于 2021-03-31 20:07
你这是英文不好,还是脑子不好?为什么这SB理所当然地说被种族歧视的人要feel shame? 为什么是被莫名歧视的人要feel shame,而不是racists feel shame? 这三观掉到粪坑里了?这一段话不就是给亚裔施加暗示,说你们应该自卑自恨希望自己没有作为亚裔出生么,因为你的出身就活该一辈子受歧视和羞辱。最后一句补充有个屁用,阴阳怪气和“I am not a racist, but..."的狗屁格式一样。 早就知道左派文化圈子最喜欢洗脑亚裔,向亚裔尤其是华裔后代灌输“你说出自己的族裔应该觉得丢脸”,“你应该为自己的出身觉得自卑和抱歉”的精神压力,从而让亚裔从根源上抬不起头来。
你这是英文不好,还是脑子不好?为什么这SB理所当然地说被种族歧视的人要feel shame? 为什么是被莫名歧视的人要feel shame,而不是racists feel shame? 这三观掉到粪坑里了?这一段话不就是给亚裔施加暗示,说你们应该自卑自恨希望自己没有作为亚裔出生么,因为你的出身就活该一辈子受歧视和羞辱。最后一句补充有个屁用,阴阳怪气和“I am not a racist, but..."的狗屁格式一样。 早就知道左派文化圈子最喜欢洗脑亚裔,向亚裔尤其是华裔后代灌输“你说出自己的族裔应该觉得丢脸”,“你应该为自己的出身觉得自卑和抱歉”的精神压力,从而让亚裔从根源上抬不起头来。
https://quillette.com/2021/03/24/anti-asian-discrimination-is-real-and-an-attack-on-american-values/ "most Asians do not arrive with the advantages (“privileges” in today’s ambiguous phrasing) of English as a first language, nor citizenship, nor meaningful wealth, nor social capital. Each of those is a significant hurdle to overcome. And yet overcome them—at an aggregate level—Asians do. Culture is the reason. Part of the reason it is worth zooming in on culture is that it is not immutable. And culture is not a zero-sum game". "why am I calling out anti-Asian bias? Because the recent “equality of outcome” agenda being pushed is a recent and wholly un-American idea. It disproportionately affects Asians. The equality of outcome goal manifests itself in the camouflaged word: “equity.” It is painfully obvious that different cultures have different values. Why shy from the fact? Different values naturally lead to different outcomes. We all start from a different place in life. We cannot change that. We are all raised in different cultures. We cannot change that. Given those conditions we should strive for a level playing field with clear rules of the game. That is American. That is fairness. That is meritocratic". "What each of these schools is saying is clear. Ability matters less than race. Ethnic diversity is more important than individual excellence. Nothing good lies down this narrow path of thinking".
应该这么写。 You may wish that you were not Asian. Anyone who went through Harvard application process may secretly wish that, its ok and we know why. page394 发表于 2021-03-31 17:46
应该这么写。 You may wish that you were not Asian. Anyone who went through Harvard application process may secretly wish that, its ok and we know why. page394 发表于 2021-03-31 17:46
https://quillette.com/2021/03/24/anti-asian-discrimination-is-real-and-an-attack-on-american-values/ "most Asians do not arrive with the advantages (“privileges” in today’s ambiguous phrasing) of English as a first language, nor citizenship, nor meaningful wealth, nor social capital. Each of those is a significant hurdle to overcome. And yet overcome them—at an aggregate level—Asians do. Culture is the reason. Part of the reason it is worth zooming in on culture is that it is not immutable. And culture is not a zero-sum game". "why am I calling out anti-Asian bias? Because the recent “equality of outcome” agenda being pushed is a recent and wholly un-American idea. It disproportionately affects Asians. The equality of outcome goal manifests itself in the camouflaged word: “equity.” It is painfully obvious that different cultures have different values. Why shy from the fact? Different values naturally lead to different outcomes. We all start from a different place in life. We cannot change that. We are all raised in different cultures. We cannot change that. Given those conditions we should strive for a level playing field with clear rules of the game. That is American. That is fairness. That is meritocratic". "What each of these schools is saying is clear. Ability matters less than race. Ethnic diversity is more important than individual excellence. Nothing good lies down this narrow path of thinking". xiaoxiongxiaojie 发表于 2021-04-01 11:21
你这是英文不好,还是脑子不好?为什么这SB理所当然地说被种族歧视的人要feel shame? 为什么是被莫名歧视的人要feel shame,而不是racists feel shame? 这三观掉到粪坑里了?这一段话不就是给亚裔施加暗示,说你们应该自卑自恨希望自己没有作为亚裔出生么,因为你的出身就活该一辈子受歧视和羞辱。最后一句补充有个屁用,阴阳怪气和“I am not a racist, but..."的狗屁格式一样。
其实随着网络课程的普及,在哪里都可以上到各类名校的课程。实体大学慢慢也就没有那么大的意义了。当然,social另说,但也不是不能figure out a solution. 新的模式总会出现的。
但是很多人喷说 玻璃心,over sensitive,blah blah,还在跪舔哈佛。
真的 我真的开了眼界了
讲得好,为啥要feel shame。搞歧视的人才应该feel shame for their heart!
我也认识这样几个中国人 在学校里根本不跟中国人说话 只跟白人玩
那是给黑人莫莫木木的 亚裔也配享受政治正确?
这个写得很好a q