白人种族主义最会这样装傻拉。挺不要脸的,明明是长期Bully别的各个种族的人,好像一个班有几个1米4的,多数是1米9的,然后这些1米9的每天言语行为明里暗里欺负小个子,小个子几个合起来说你不能因为我们小就言语行为欺负人,1米9的还要反咬一口你矮你就是受害者吗? 建议大家读一读How to be an anti-racist ,里面举了很多例子说明什么行为是表面装作非种族主义实质上就是种族主义,以及那些行为是真的anti-racist
Looks like rep Rodney Davis could be Wrongnny Deadliest ! We should all start calling him that! No point of being politically correct to him! Two can play this game!
US is supposed to be a democracy ruled by the laws. There is no law that dictates a trashy imbecile cannot be a member of the congress. Remember the story about Mark Twain - Congress demanded a hearing and apology when he famously said "some members of the congress are pigs", his apology was "some members of the congress are NOT pigs"
另外,英国电视上现在是不允许用UK varient 或者British varient的叫法的。早期有,现在已经几乎绝迹。叫 编号XYZ varient originated in UK/Kent.
建议大家读一读How to be an anti-racist ,里面举了很多例子说明什么行为是表面装作非种族主义实质上就是种族主义,以及那些行为是真的anti-racist
美国一代不如一代,common decency 已经快绝迹了
我觉得就该叫Trump virus
是不是以后可以把美国的这场疫情叫做Trump spread?
叫Trump Plague最好
US is supposed to be a democracy ruled by the laws. There is no law that dictates a trashy imbecile cannot be a member of the congress.
Remember the story about Mark Twain - Congress demanded a hearing and apology when he famously said "some members of the congress are pigs", his apology was "some members of the congress are NOT pigs"