March 24, 2021 -- The unchecked spread of the more contagious coronavirus variants in Brazil appears to have created even more dangerous versions of the virus that causes COVID-19. A team of researchers from Fiocruz, a large public health research lab run by Brazil's Ministry of Health, documented the changes. Their findings were recently posted in a preprint on, ahead of peer review. The study describes 11 coronavirus sequences from five Brazilian states. Each had telltale changes to the virus receptor, making it one of the known variants. But, each also had additional changes to another important region of the virus known as the N-terminal domain (NTD). The changes were deletions of important antibody-binding sites. Many of these were key deletions of a mutation that has arisen independently in other circulating variants and has been seen in viral mutations in convalescent patients with cancer, suggesting that it conveys an important advantage to the virus. Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing Let that sink in: 60% of all ICU patients in São Paulo, Brazil are now between the ages of 30-50 years old, reports @MattRiversCNN March 24, 2021 -- The unchecked spread of the more contagious coronavirus variants in Brazil appears to have created even more dangerous versions of the virus that causes COVID-19. A team of researchers from Fiocruz, a large public health research lab run by Brazil's Ministry of Health, documented the changes. Their findings were recently posted in a preprint on, ahead of peer review. The study describes 11 coronavirus sequences from five Brazilian states. Each had telltale changes to the virus receptor, making it one of the known variants. But, each also had additional changes to another important region of the virus known as the N-terminal domain (NTD). The changes were deletions of important antibody-binding sites. Many of these were key deletions of a mutation that has arisen independently in other circulating variants and has been seen in viral mutations in convalescent patients with cancer, suggesting that it conveys an important advantage to the virus. Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing Let that sink in: 60% of all ICU patients in São Paulo, Brazil are now between the ages of 30-50 years old, reports @MattRiversCNN March 24, 2021 -- The unchecked spread of the more contagious coronavirus variants in Brazil appears to have created even more dangerous versions of the virus that causes COVID-19. A team of researchers from Fiocruz, a large public health research lab run by Brazil''s Ministry of Health, documented the changes. Their findings were recently posted in a preprint on, ahead of peer review. The study describes 11 coronavirus sequences from five Brazilian states. Each had telltale changes to the virus receptor, making it one of the known variants. But, each also had additional changes to another important region of the virus known as the N-terminal domain (NTD). The changes were deletions of important antibody-binding sites. Many of these were key deletions of a mutation that has arisen independently in other circulating variants and has been seen in viral mutations in convalescent patients with cancer, suggesting that it conveys an important advantage to the virus. Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing Let that sink in: 60% of all ICU patients in São Paulo, Brazil are now between the ages of 30-50 years old, reports @MattRiversCNN March 24, 2021 -- The unchecked spread of the more contagious coronavirus variants in Brazil appears to have created even more dangerous versions of the virus that causes COVID-19. A team of researchers from Fiocruz, a large public health research lab run by Brazil's Ministry of Health, documented the changes. Their findings were recently posted in a preprint on, ahead of peer review. The study describes 11 coronavirus sequences from five Brazilian states. Each had telltale changes to the virus receptor, making it one of the known variants. But, each also had additional changes to another important region of the virus known as the N-terminal domain (NTD). The changes were deletions of important antibody-binding sites. Many of these were key deletions of a mutation that has arisen independently in other circulating variants and has been seen in viral mutations in convalescent patients with cancer, suggesting that it conveys an important advantage to the virus. Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing Let that sink in: 60% of all ICU patients in São Paulo, Brazil are now between the ages of 30-50 years old, reports @MattRiversCNN
看到一些反对打疫苗的人说,疫苗是控制人口的手段,通过打疫苗可以把不肯打疫苗的人排除出社会,然后说疫苗的副作用会潜伏到6个月或者一年后大爆发,打疫苗的人会非死即残,痛心疾首滴说大多数老百姓都被洗脑了,而不愿意do your own research。我倒是奇了怪了,他们做了啥样的research得出了这样的结论,今天看到楼主的帖,明白了,一样的数据,在不同人眼里可以是完全相反的意思。
ADE a Non-Issue With COVID Vaccines Scientists say that ADE is pretty much a non-issue with COVID-19 vaccines, but what are they basing this on? From the early stages of COVID-19 vaccine development, scientists sought to target a SARS-CoV-2 protein that was least likely to cause ADE. For example, when they found out that targeting the nucleoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 might cause ADE, they quickly abandoned that approach. The safest route seemed to be targeting the S2 subunit of the spike protein, and they ran with that, wrote Derek Lowe, PhD, in his Science Translational Medicine blog "In the Pipeline." Scientists designed animal studies to look for ADE. They looked for it in human trials, and they’ve been looking for it in the real-world data for COVID-19 vaccines with emergency use authorization. So far, they haven‘t seen signs of it. In fact, the opposite is happening, Lowe noted. "[W]hat seems to be beyond doubt is that the vaccinated subjects, over and over, show up with no severe coronavirus cases and no hospitalizations. That is the opposite of what you would expect if ADE were happening," he wrote.
Furthermore, ADE is an acute problem, and it can be very dramatic. If it was an issue with these vaccines, we would have spotted it by now, said Brian Lichty, PhD, an associate professor in pathology and molecular medicine at McMaster University in Toronto. "It’ll kill you quickly. In all the places I‘m aware of ADE happening, it is an acute, mostly cytokine-driven event," he told MedPage Today. The one exception may be an inactivated whole-cell, or "killed," vaccine developed by China. That vaccine uses alum, the same adjuvant that was used in the measles and RSV vaccines that caused ADE in the 1960s. The Chinese inactivated whole-cell vaccine could "conceivably" generate ADE like those older vaccines, according to Bloom."I don’t think that vaccine is ever going to see the light of day in the U.S., and it may not even be worth mentioning. There have been no actual cases of ADE with the Chinese whole-cell killed vaccine, or if so, it hasn‘t been reported," he said.
回复 59楼nj_guy的帖子 我也读了这篇文章,但其中有一句话:“Throughout the pandemic, scientists have been looking for ADE associated with SARS-CoV-2, but so far they haven't found any cases of it, noted Lichty.”是明显不对的。武汉当初有大批病人死于免疫风暴,不知道这位Lichty从哪里得出的结论。 总的来说文章讲的不错。
回复 59楼nj_guy的帖子 我也读了这篇文章,但其中有一句话:“Throughout the pandemic, scientists have been looking for ADE associated with SARS-CoV-2, but so far they haven''t found any cases of it, noted Lichty.”是明显不对的。武汉当初有大批病人死于免疫风暴,不知道这位Lichty从哪里得出的结论。 总的来说文章讲的不错。 xxhz0909 发表于 2021-03-27 10:54
March 24, 2021 -- The unchecked spread of the more contagious coronavirus variants in Brazil appears to have created even more dangerous versions of the virus that causes COVID-19. A team of researchers from Fiocruz, a large public health research lab run by Brazil's Ministry of Health, documented the changes. Their findings were recently posted in a preprint on, ahead of peer review. The study describes 11 coronavirus sequences from five Brazilian states. Each had telltale changes to the virus receptor, making it one of the known variants. But, each also had additional changes to another important region of the virus known as the N-terminal domain (NTD). The changes were deletions of important antibody-binding sites. Many of these were key deletions of a mutation that has arisen independently in other circulating variants and has been seen in viral mutations in convalescent patients with cancer, suggesting that it conveys an important advantage to the virus.
Eric Feigl-Ding
Let that sink in: 60% of all ICU patients in São Paulo, Brazil are now between the ages of 30-50 years old, reports @MattRiversCNN
目前已知的所有疫苗,即使对以前的病毒变种有效率 80,90%的,对巴西变种的有效率剧降到只有10%, 除了ADE效应,没有其他可以解释的原因。新冠最终还是变成了西班牙大流感 2.0。苦日子看不到头。
你这个发现只能证明疫苗有效,老年人打过后不进ICU 了。下次发帖前,把脑子捋直了再贴吧
看了半天,没懂你要说啥 英文链接里肯定了疫苗作用 只是提醒未来变种,都是大实话啊
目前已知的所有疫苗,即使对以前的病毒变种有效率 80,90%的,对巴西变种的有效率剧降到只有10%,
这属于好日子过惯了,可以回到十八十九世纪二十世纪初没有疫苗的日子,各种流行病得一次非死即残,新冠的临床铺开打数据蛮充足的,去看看paul offit 的书了解下疫苗历史再喷吧。
按照以往的统计,年轻人即使新冠一般也是轻症居多。 现在年轻人得了后重症比例突然剧增,最大的可能就是ADE效应。 和当年西班牙大流感第2波高度类似。
当时第1波得了西班牙流感的年轻人靠自身免疫力抗过第一波,有了抗体。 第2波变异病毒一来,反而造成免疫系统误导,产生对抗初始病毒而对 变异病毒无效的抗体,造成大量中青年死亡。
病毒再变异也是冠状病毒,大部分人靠自己免疫力是可以对抗的,尤其是年轻人。 对抗不了最大的可能就是ADE效应。药厂现在尽量避免这个话题,跟效益有关。 大家都不打疫苗了,研发生产成本和利润哪里来?
西班牙流感那时医疗水平很低,没有疫苗,都靠自身免疫力。 而且那时交通不发达,人口聚集程度也不如现在。 从某种程度来说,反而不如现在的情况凶险。
记得你这个崭新的ID, 在另一个帖子里张嘴就来,说巴西的疫苗打的最多。从打疫苗的总人数和占人口的比例,哪一项巴西也离最多差不少。 这就是你要摆的“事实”?
是啊 我被隔壁疫苗专家天天说 你这种外行 blablabla
Very informative, thank you.
关于mRNA T1/T2免疫这个,您有source吗?想读一读。
看来看去,那些喷子是真不懂,自己又打了,怕真的有ADE或者autoimmune disease这种长期的副作用,自己又不懂去查找文献,只能骂提出质疑的人泄愤,求得心理安慰
以上论点出自3/16 Med Page Today. 信不信大家自己判断。这里的讨论不包括中国疫苗。文中说“it may not even be worth mentioning.”
ADE a Non-Issue With COVID Vaccines Scientists say that ADE is pretty much a non-issue with COVID-19 vaccines, but what are they basing this on?
From the early stages of COVID-19 vaccine development, scientists sought to target a SARS-CoV-2 protein that was least likely to cause ADE. For example, when they found out that targeting the nucleoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 might cause ADE, they quickly abandoned that approach. The safest route seemed to be targeting the S2 subunit of the spike protein, and they ran with that, wrote Derek Lowe, PhD, in his Science Translational Medicine blog "In the Pipeline." Scientists designed animal studies to look for ADE. They looked for it in human trials, and they’ve been looking for it in the real-world data for COVID-19 vaccines with emergency use authorization. So far, they haven‘t seen signs of it. In fact, the opposite is happening, Lowe noted. "[W]hat seems to be beyond doubt is that the vaccinated subjects, over and over, show up with no severe coronavirus cases and no hospitalizations. That is the opposite of what you would expect if ADE were happening," he wrote.
Furthermore, ADE is an acute problem, and it can be very dramatic. If it was an issue with these vaccines, we would have spotted it by now, said Brian Lichty, PhD, an associate professor in pathology and molecular medicine at McMaster University in Toronto. "It’ll kill you quickly. In all the places I‘m aware of ADE happening, it is an acute, mostly cytokine-driven event," he told MedPage Today. The one exception may be an inactivated whole-cell, or "killed," vaccine developed by China. That vaccine uses alum, the same adjuvant that was used in the measles and RSV vaccines that caused ADE in the 1960s. The Chinese inactivated whole-cell vaccine could "conceivably" generate ADE like those older vaccines, according to Bloom. "I don’t think that vaccine is ever going to see the light of day in the U.S., and it may not even be worth mentioning. There have been no actual cases of ADE with the Chinese whole-cell killed vaccine, or if so, it hasn‘t been reported," he said.
谢谢提供信息👍 翻译总结一下,就是科学家在研发的mRNA疫苗时候,尽可能避免ADE是重点考虑因素之一。选取的靶点是最小程度产生ADE的。
我也读了这篇文章,但其中有一句话:“Throughout the pandemic, scientists have been looking for ADE associated with SARS-CoV-2, but so far they haven't found any cases of it, noted Lichty.”是明显不对的。武汉当初有大批病人死于免疫风暴,不知道这位Lichty从哪里得出的结论。
人家说的是ADE,你扯免疫风暴?你是不是觉得 ADE = 免疫风暴?
武汉是有病人死于免疫风暴, 但那些显然都是初次感染。ADE是指经自然感染或接种某种疫苗以后,可能 产生某些“不好”的抗体反而加重感染,是二次感染时才会出现的。
嗯 二次感染的时候会更快
我也是看了很多大神的文章学到的,你如果Google 可以找到很多的。我只是简单的描述了一下结论而已。
他把武汉换成巴西Manaus 就对了
西班牙大流感第一波就是年轻人死得多, 也没有看到第二波死的是已经得过的第一波的年轻人
From Wiki: 人类腺病毒(HAd)约有57种血清型,占儿童5%到10%及大多数成年人的上呼吸道感染的成因 就是大多数成年人都感染过。
是的 立场或想法不同很正常 咬住人乱吠的有点懵
科学的来说 你反对或赞同 至少给个解释吧
常见一种简单粗暴的“你不懂 你外行”
这个做法谁都可以啊 可是对推进大众认知毫无帮助
这个消息年初就散布过了 呵呵