+100 Each side to appoint individually a M&A consulting firm specialising in goverment leval programs. Terms and conditions for this mega-venture project , including clearly divorse/ prenup arrangements, are required to form a China Union based on a 1Country4Systems structure. Including HK/etc. Inviting Singapore later. The success of 1C4S can be also demonstrated for other countries to follow.
Personally, I think the current image of CCP today, as an emerging progrssive country, has been badly damaged by the old image of CCP in the past. Perhaps this publicity problem can be easily managed and solved with external help by capable professional PR firm of western origin/approach. I am also wondering that many of the wrong doings or policies by some CCP officials or leaders, or even caused by political opponent forces domestic or overseas, in the past could also hurt the image of CCP today. Obviously some low-level officials could not monitor bad doings by some under-educated citizens for issues like food safety and corrution, when an emerging countriy like China has been growing so fast.
Personally, I think the current image of CCP today, as an emerging progrssive country, has been badly damaged by the old image of CCP in the past. Perhaps this publicity problem can be easily managed and solved with external help by capable professional PR firm of western origin/approach. I am also wondering that many of the wrong doings or policies by some CCP officials or leaders, or even caused by political opponent forces domestic or overseas, in the past could also hurt the image of CCP today. Obviously some low-level officials could not monitor bad doings by some under-educated citizens for issues like food safety and corrution, when an emerging countriy like China has been growing so fast. EvenOdd 发表于 2021-03-25 19:57
AFAIK, according to Deming theory, systemic change or company-wide transformation can only be designed/ programmed by appointing external consultants, in order to be effective and without sub-optimisation.
这种id 哪有生活,哪有正常人上班下班的区别
万一ccp一口答应了怎么办? 不是香港50年不变的嘛?不是一胎国家来养老的嘛,太多例子了,你太幼稚了还能相信CCP??
Each side to appoint individually a M&A consulting firm specialising in goverment leval programs.
Terms and conditions for this mega-venture project , including clearly divorse/ prenup arrangements, are required to form a China Union based on a 1Country4Systems structure. Including HK/etc. Inviting Singapore later.
The success of 1C4S can be also demonstrated for other countries to follow.
Personally, I think the current image of CCP today, as an emerging progrssive country, has been badly damaged by the old image of CCP in the past.
Perhaps this publicity problem can be easily managed and solved with external help by capable professional PR firm of western origin/approach.
I am also wondering that many of the wrong doings or policies by some CCP officials or leaders, or even caused by political opponent forces domestic or overseas, in the past could also hurt the image of CCP today.
Obviously some low-level officials could not monitor bad doings by some under-educated citizens for issues like food safety and corrution, when an emerging countriy like China has been growing so fast.
AFAIK, according to Deming theory, systemic change or company-wide transformation can only be designed/ programmed by appointing external consultants, in order to be effective and without sub-optimisation.