F* you, I live here, where I came from is not your business.. tell me how much tax you pay, f**, I pay more tax than you do or F* you, this is not your f** private property, go back to your trailer and f** yourself and ask people to stay off
“go back to Europe” 不 make sense, 你跟他/她讲逻辑你就已经输了。就算是老移民也不一定很快能分清对方是Eruopean decent, 拉丁美洲人,还是犹太人,中东人甚至还有中亚人。 没必要分清楚,直接叫他F他自己,然后报警。 wssca 发表于 2021-03-24 19:28
F* you, I live here, where I came from is not your business.. tell me how much tax you pay, f**, I pay more tax than you do
or F* you, this is not your f** private property, go back to your trailer and f** yourself and ask people to stay off
我进铁门的时候玻璃上的感应器不灵敏,所以等了几秒才进去。后面的车不耐烦地超过我然后停在了我前面。 我知道这是路怒了,就等了半分钟吧。对方还是不动我就只能摁喇叭,然后对方开到了一边,出车门开始骂我。我停下来竖中指fuck off之,然后俩人就开走了。 这种打个嘴炮还是没问题,不涉及人身安全。
go back to uteris
当然make sense,就是用对方的逻辑,进行和狗打架一样的对抗。你以为他们能分清亚裔?他们又不是只对华人骂这句,让其他亚裔回中国make sense么?