lz又睁眼说瞎话 2017 Las Vegas shooting October 1, 2017 killing 60 people and wounding 411, with the ensuing panic bringing the injury total to 867。 In November 2017, 26 people were killed at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. In February 2018, 17 people were killed at a high school in Parkland, Florida. In May 2018, 10 people were killed at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas. In October 2018, 11 people were killed at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In November 2018, 12 people were killed at a restaurant in Thousand Oaks, California. In May 2019, 12 people were shot and killed at an office building in Virginia Beach, Virginia. In August 2019, 22 people were killed at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. The US suffered more mass killings in 2019 than any year on record, according to researchers
3/23 纽约邮报报道了昨天那场科罗拉多州的枪击案细节: 一个21岁就秃顶的穆斯林“恨川普者”,名字叫阿迈德.阿利萨(Ahmad Al-Issa),他射杀了10名20-65岁的人,包括一名51岁的警察。他是在奥巴马时期利用叙利亚难民身份移民美国的。他相信反穆斯林阴谋论,痛恨川普,支持左翼欢迎穆斯林移民,认为川普继承了奥巴马的经济成绩。
这种通过枪击案推动禁枪计划的民主党阴谋20年前就被揭露了。Bill Cooper,一个著名的广播秀主持人,通过广播和著书深度揭露了民主党和Cabal要建立“新世界秩序”的计划。他当时就详细写出民主党和阴谋集团如何利用枪击案,推动禁枪立法,毁灭第二修正案的。他当时被攻击为“阴谋论者”,没想到20年后的今天,每一条阴谋论都被证实了。
看看拜登今天说了什么。他说:“作为总统他可以任意使用任何资源。他敦促国会“禁止攻击性武器”。” 奥巴马这个阴损的家伙,把“恐惧注入普通人的生活”。他说因为枪支,我们不能出去买菜,去上学,跟朋友出去,或去教堂...”。如果你不了解这个阴损的邪灵,你还真会觉得他关心普通人呢。所有这些枪击案,都为了一个最终目的,把美国人的枪缴下。当民众没了枪,就变成了老老实实的羊,就容易统治了,就容易实现“大重启”计划了。
川普上台咋没事了?2017年las Vegas mass shooting,2018年Stoneman Douglas High School shooting等等,川粉造谣前能不能稍微做点功课啊?
2017 Las Vegas shooting October 1, 2017 killing 60 people and wounding 411, with the ensuing panic bringing the injury total to 867。 In November 2017, 26 people were killed at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. In February 2018, 17 people were killed at a high school in Parkland, Florida. In May 2018, 10 people were killed at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas. In October 2018, 11 people were killed at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In November 2018, 12 people were killed at a restaurant in Thousand Oaks, California. In May 2019, 12 people were shot and killed at an office building in Virginia Beach, Virginia. In August 2019, 22 people were killed at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. The US suffered more mass killings in 2019 than any year on record, according to researchers
你跟这些人瞎掰掰干嘛,这里大多数都是那个5%,sleep/gone forever
我认为,他讲的是指 穆斯林的恐怖袭击 事件。
2017年的 LasVegas FBI 调查没有? 为什么 FBI 没有公开调查? 为什么
穆斯林为什么要要闹事?还不是归功于共和党布什父子对回教国家开战招致的报复,参照经典案例 *** 911 * * *