大家给建议:一年前疫情初始,在一个text群里一个亚裔在我面前开了“bat soup LOL”玩笑,(“谁让中国人吃蝙蝠,现在新冠都传到美国了”)。 出于对武汉死难者生命的敬畏,我那刻认为这个笑话十分冷血,立刻制止;对方轻描淡写的说“this is just a joke, why are you victimize yourself over a joke?” 一年后的今天许多人因此类煽动仇恨的言语失去了生命,我再次指出,这就是为什么这不是仅仅一个玩笑,不可容忍, 如果一年前不明白,我希望现在可以看到此类仇恨的言语力量多强大了。 结果!!!!!我被群起而攻之,说我小题大作,让我闭嘴停止nonsense。。。我还能付出一些什么努力让这些人共情呢?在群员看来:我咋这么纠结,抓着一个joke不放,我是坏人。。。我自己脑补。
假如他说他种族人不吃蝙蝠,你就问他Are you sure about that?问他有没有check每一个他种族的人全部都不吃蝙蝠?如果他没确认过他种族的每一个人都没吃过,那他就没有资格嘲笑别的种族,把一个小概率事件扩大到整体是非常愚蠢的,这只能显示他的stupidity,如果这就是他的水平那我们也没什么好说的了。 但如果是work space不建议这么说,直接complain hr 说他开的玩笑让你不舒服,或者语气遣词温和一点,毕竟刺儿头不好当,搞不好自己也会折里。
假如他说他种族人不吃蝙蝠,你就问他Are you sure about that?问他有没有check每一个他种族的人全部都不吃蝙蝠?如果他没确认过他种族的每一个人都没吃过,那他就没有资格嘲笑别的种族,把一个小概率事件扩大到整体是非常愚蠢的,这只能显示他的stupidity,如果这就是他的水平那我们也没什么好说的了。 但如果是work space不建议这么说,直接complain hr 说他开的玩笑让你不舒服,或者语气遣词温和一点,毕竟刺儿头不好当,搞不好自己也会折里。 西西弗斯的石头 发表于 2021-03-23 02:13
不是work place。此人是很蠢的。以前大家各种原谅他的蠢。我可能这次是钻了牛角尖了。。。 不能因为蠢就在Chinese American 面前有这样的歧视冷血的讽刺挖苦。蠢了就可以不顾及言行的后果么。我严厉警告他,no racism language and act in this chat group against Chinese American is and will be tolerated. 然后这厮死活不道歉,我就说 It is ok that you don’t apologize or are not understanding this can not be just Joke. You can hold up a sign” I like to joke about Bat soup” and join the #stopasianhate protest and see what the Asian American who actually support our race say , and to help you understand
不是work place。此人是很蠢的。以前大家各种原谅他的蠢。我可能这次是钻了牛角尖了。。。 不能因为蠢就在Chinese American 面前有这样的歧视冷血的讽刺挖苦。蠢了就可以不顾及言行的后果么。我严厉警告他,no racism language and act in this chat group against Chinese American is and will be tolerated. 然后这厮死活不道歉,我就说 It is ok that you don’t apologize or are not understanding this can not be just Joke. You can hold up a sign” I like to joke about Bat soup” and join the #stopasianhate protest and see what the Asian American who actually support our race say , and to help you understand sharonrr 发表于 2021-03-23 02:21
大家给建议:一年前疫情初始,在一个text群里一个亚裔在我面前开了“bat soup LOL”玩笑,(“谁让中国人吃蝙蝠,现在新冠都传到美国了”)。 出于对武汉死难者生命的敬畏,我那刻认为这个笑话十分冷血,立刻制止;对方轻描淡写的说“this is just a joke, why are you victimize yourself over a joke?” 一年后的今天许多人因此类煽动仇恨的言语失去了生命,我再次指出,这就是为什么这不是仅仅一个玩笑,不可容忍, 如果一年前不明白,我希望现在可以看到此类仇恨的言语力量多强大了。 结果!!!!!我被群起而攻之,说我小题大作,让我闭嘴停止nonsense。。。我还能付出一些什么努力让这些人共情呢?在群员看来:我咋这么纠结,抓着一个joke不放,我是坏人。。。我自己脑补。 sharonrr 发表于 2021-03-23 01:11
bat soup是蔡省长专门为推广的,只能认啊,知道她是条狗,问题长了中国人样子。另外告诉他们中国人得宠物是火鸡,西班牙人生吃猪肉,大家都是为了生存。
这个不是讨论要点 退一步就算是,那不是第一个吃的人么。其他那么多人因此失去生命的受难者大环境下合适么,不冷血么。百年大疫情,有点良知的人都不会开bat soup这种玩笑。可以作为讨论的内容,但不能容忍作为笑料谈资,这是我们最基本的分歧所在。认为just a joke 的人default 认为tragety是可以joke about it,缺乏良知缺乏人性。
我昨天的一共发了两条text, 第一条是说去年的learning 是这是个tragety, can not be just a joke, 今天我希望share 第二个learning 这样的"joke"也有传播仇恨的力量,我们不能低估。不过在他们眼里我不是在share learning, 是在翻旧账,dwell, 真是出发点不一样, 我很是无力。 随之在一堆人上来攻击我, 刺激我后,说我小题大做,让我闭嘴后, 我才发了第二条,作为Chinese American, I need an apology from you。看看这厮的回复,脑路清奇,跳来跳去,毫无逻辑,一会儿说他明白了一会sense of humor goes a long way? 一会儿说他会跟自己的朋友分享我说的message,一会儿说此类joke save for other audience。开头道歉了,结尾说你没权利要求道歉。 还教训我在美国怎么生活,因为我不是美国生的, 他是。还跟我科普free of speech。要把这个归罪于网上Palau蝙蝠汤,为他自己传播嘲笑歧视言语找理由。" No one is better than the others "跟他那嘲笑歧视性的贴蝙蝠汤图言行不一,那意思不就是说他自己比图里的人高等。 share learning 变成我take out anger at him, 本末倒置。。。 我放弃了,感觉是在对牛弹琴, 我们路真长,asian american都有这样的人存在,认为他steretype 不同的Asian group没什么问题,那离unite 还远着呢: 在他发这个长text前, 第三方从中调解,说你要个apology 你是得不到的。 我说,如果不是真心歧视说“ I apologize for what I said that was racially offensive to you." 很难吗。只说" it is a bad joke" 是个借口,借口不等于道歉。 那如果他非不道歉, 我只能take it as he meant it, 那我的理解是只有racist才会说了racism 的言论不道歉的。这就是他说我accuse 他racist的依据。 You are absolutely right. I might have joked around it in the wrong time. I am apologizing for a joke that happened once not multiple times in this private chat not publicly like Facebook and that is not meant directly at you or anyone. Never in a million years I thought me saying that one time will escalate to me being a cold blooded and it will follow me now. That happened once in private chat and it’s negative for you to judge me that I’m freely joking about it publicly which I’m not. We are supposed to be part of this chat that is open to anything , not be judge mental. We do not throw people against the bus because of other’s belief or opinions. If other Chinese American have a problem with me they can tell me themselves, you don't represent them. They are Adult. If I knew you have a problem/ Vendetta against me that we could have solved the issue back then because we are supposed to part of this chat. We are also grown ADULTS. You shouldn’t try to degrade me with all that. You don’t know me like that to accuse me. We joke loosely around about ourselves but which we still do. Then if that’s the case every one should apologize. You should demand it from them too. So if you didn’t hear or see it from them they are excused. You are not around every one all the time and start with strong accusations. Living here in the USA, we DON’T take those type of jokes literally because we are all part of this chat. That is also why we keep it as a private joke. Especially MOST of us or our friends ARE Asian American. Honestly, we look and stereotype other people but I would not call us Racist. Even when we all joke around and offend each other. At the end we don’t take things to heart and that there are far more worse things than to dwell in it. This chat group starts with TRUST. Not everyone is perfect and we are flawed individuals and we shouldn’t be judge mental towards each other’s actions but to help each other fix it so over they can problem. This is how respect is earned and never demand anything. No one is better than the others everyone is equal level. You should treat everyone with love not hateful feelings which your showing to me right now with your degrading comments. We live in a crazy world so SENSE OF HUMOR goes a long way. I will definitely tell my friends about what you said so they themselves will understand that this joke words are evilly powerful and they also shouldn’t be joking or talking about it and have them decide themselves. Racism and discrimination in the USA has been here way for a long time and your just speaking and seeing this now. We live in this Corporate America and a lot of racist people that do what ever they want to do and either way nothing gets done about it. So what do you do? We Either live and adjust in it or move somewhere else. Plus you now live in a world where social media rules the world. All they show is what promotes ratings. Who ever those asian people posting them eating exotic food and should be punished. They are the one putting a bad image even if others think it’s not and will be up for criticism and even resulting bad actions. Not to mention that image went viral in all social media and so many memes. You live in America and there is free speech so it’s hard to question things. Your right though about one thing about the future. Going forward I will know who my audience is so I will save my jokes for them. And for the record I AM an Asian American either I go out there or not. I don’t have to prove my ethnic worth to anyone or how I became an Asian American. We know what is the spirit of BLM is and did you see any changes yet? Like I said we have lived a long ass time here in the USA and this is not new. You should join the protest and maybe you can make a difference like you say and please STOP taking up your anger in me plus you literally don’t know me like that and where I came from and accuse me for being Racist. I hope you understand again if you have a problem with me then tell me I’m a grown man I will acknowledge you but you should NEVER demand it.
你懂我! 全文都在指责我。根本没有真心道歉。 现在我有些相信此人racist against chinese american. 不过人家就说自己不是, 是我accuse 他的。 如果不是racist 怎么做到这么不敏感,还”it is just a bad joke" + "you want an apology and you are not getting it". 然后apology 来了,全文在辩解。。。。。。。不是racist辩解个啥劲 根本没有Get 到我想分享的两点成长要素。 没准扭头把我当笑柄讲给别人听。 其实在很多人其他人还没攻击的我时候, 第一回复的人succesfully spin 我的learnging sharing to" look she is dwelling on a joke over 365 days ago" 把我树成靶子,然后群起而攻之。
楼主还是太耿直了。别人出阴招,你不能硬接啊。 他说bat soup,你就说: Someone told me you caught a skunk in your backyard yesterday and it never got out of your house. Did you make soup of it? What does skunk soup taste like? 他要生气,你就可以说他的台词了lol... it’s just a joke, since you’re obsessed with bushmeat. A good sense of humor goes a long way...
你懂我! 全文都在指责我。根本没有真心道歉。 现在我有些相信此人racist against chinese american. 不过人家就说自己不是, 是我accuse 他的。 如果不是racist 怎么做到这么不敏感,还”it is just a bad joke" + "you want an apology and you are not getting it". 然后apology 来了,全文在辩解。。。。。。。不是racist辩解个啥劲 根本没有Get 到我想分享的两点成长要素。 没准扭头把我当笑柄讲给别人听。 其实在很多人其他人还没攻击的我时候, 第一回复的人succesfully spin 我的learnging sharing to" look she is dwelling on a joke over 365 days ago" 把我树成靶子,然后群起而攻之。
”this is just a joke, why are you victimize yourself over a joke?” 我会说 Sorry but Im totally not entertained. I don’t know if there was such thing as bat soup and I don’t know if it had anything to do with corona virus. But I do know that corona virus caused many people to loose their lives. It’s a SAD topic. And it’s even sadder to see someone making it a joke material.
”this is just a joke, why are you victimize yourself over a joke?” 我会说 Sorry but Im totally not entertained. I don’t know if there was such thing as bat soup and I don’t know if it had anything to do with corona virus. But I do know that corona virus caused many people to loose their lives. It’s a SAD topic. And it’s even sadder to see someone making it a joke material. 聚 发表于 2021-03-23 11:56
你这个出发点跟我一样一样的。 这个我以前说过了的, 对面丢过来 come on, it was just a bad joke. 结束了
大家给建议:一年前疫情初始,在一个text群里一个亚裔在我面前开了“bat soup LOL”玩笑,(“谁让中国人吃蝙蝠,现在新冠都传到美国了”)。 出于对武汉死难者生命的敬畏,我那刻认为这个笑话十分冷血,立刻制止;对方轻描淡写的说“this is just a joke, why are you victimize yourself over a joke?” 一年后的今天许多人因此类煽动仇恨的言语失去了生命,我再次指出,这就是为什么这不是仅仅一个玩笑,不可容忍, 如果一年前不明白,我希望现在可以看到此类仇恨的言语力量多强大了。 结果!!!!!我被群起而攻之,说我小题大作,让我闭嘴停止nonsense。。。我还能付出一些什么努力让这些人共情呢?在群员看来:我咋这么纠结,抓着一个joke不放,我是坏人。。。我自己脑补。 sharonrr 发表于 2021-03-23 01:11
我能get到this is just a joke,楼主你如果get不到,说明你世界观和该群其他人不同,没有指责你错的意思,就是物以类聚的意思,你应该退群。
我能get到this is just a joke,楼主你如果get不到,说明你世界观和该群其他人不同,没有指责你错的意思,就是物以类聚的意思,你应该退群。 789 发表于 2021-03-23 12:19
Too often racists make horrible jokes and when you feel offended how about they just say "it's just about values"? "get back to your country"? No I'm not going back to my country nor am I leaving the group. People interacting with each other in THIS COUNTRY just need to learn to show some respect. Or you leave.
你有没有想过,新冠是怎么来的? 最主流的两种猜想,包括华人自己的判断,是: 1) 野生动物在武汉海鲜市场传给人的。这可是中国政府最初的舆论方向。这样 bat soup 其实是有其事实基础的。可能不是bat直接做soup,但是源头来自野生动物,而最终一环动物是被人吃了。 2) 武汉病毒所收集野生动物,污染外泄。这个指控恐怕比 bat soup更严重。那真是 China Virus了。 外国人受新冠所累,讲个 bat soup。当年非典时期北方人骂广东人吃啥不好非吃果子狸。
你有没有想过,新冠是怎么来的? 最主流的两种猜想,包括华人自己的判断,是: 1) 野生动物在武汉海鲜市场传给人的。这可是中国政府最初的舆论方向。这样 bat soup 其实是有其事实基础的。可能不是bat直接做soup,但是源头来自野生动物,而最终一环动物是被人吃了。 2) 武汉病毒所收集野生动物,污染外泄。这个指控恐怕比 bat soup更严重。那真是 China Virus了。 外国人受新冠所累,讲个 bat soup。当年非典时期北方人骂广东人吃啥不好非吃果子狸。 789 发表于 2021-03-23 12:48
混淆视听, 我的楼门在那里, 慢走不送。源头不是本贴讨论的内容。 本贴讨论是这类racist joke, language 我们应该如何应对的贴。 我们要从立马制止对方开始 我们要从寻求对方理解这类歧视言论对我们的emotional 是有伤害开始 我们要从向对方传递这类歧视言论“bat soup, gong flu”是强大的伤害性语言,每一个Asian American 都有responsibility去尽我们的力量不要再出来新词或被继续传播开始
Bat soup 就是关于病毒源头的joke. 你拒绝讨论源头,一副北朝鲜腔调,别人自然也没有什么跟你说的。 789 发表于 2021-03-23 14:05
当初包括现在都没源头是什么的定论,争论有什么用呢。 当时那么多无辜的百姓的死亡了,这个joke不冷血么? 我前面已经说了,就算退n步,是又能用这个joke over thousands of dead bodies, 有人性不? 把这个joke 贴在asian American 背后被当靶子,自己还是asian american 主动传播这个,是不是我们应该做的事情
当初包括现在都没源头是什么的定论,争论有什么用呢。 当时那么多无辜的百姓的死亡了,这个joke不冷血么? 我前面已经说了,就算退n步,是又能用这个joke over thousands of dead bodies, 有人性不? 把这个joke 贴在asian American 背后被当靶子,自己还是asian american 主动传播这个,是不是我们应该做的事情 sharonrr 发表于 2021-03-23 14:35
你认为源头没有定论,别人认为源头是 bat soup。每个人都有自己的推断啊。而且你是谁?你有什么资格代表几千个死者说话?武汉死者家属,可不见的都认为源头没有定论。 更何况美国还有几十万死者呢?你一句没定论就打发了?你没定论还不许人家自己定论,不就是bat soup (海鲜市场)或者 China virus (病毒所)二选一吗。哦对了还有美军投毒论,你也可以试试这么说。
当初包括现在都没源头是什么的定论,争论有什么用呢。 当时那么多无辜的百姓的死亡了,这个joke不冷血么? 我前面已经说了,就算退n步,是又能用这个joke over thousands of dead bodies, 有人性不? 把这个joke 贴在asian American 背后被当靶子,自己还是asian american 主动传播这个,是不是我们应该做的事情 sharonrr 发表于 2021-03-23 14:35
你有没有想过,新冠是怎么来的? 最主流的两种猜想,包括华人自己的判断,是: 1) 野生动物在武汉海鲜市场传给人的。这可是中国政府最初的舆论方向。这样 bat soup 其实是有其事实基础的。可能不是bat直接做soup,但是源头来自野生动物,而最终一环动物是被人吃了。 2) 武汉病毒所收集野生动物,污染外泄。这个指控恐怕比 bat soup更严重。那真是 China Virus了。 外国人受新冠所累,讲个 bat soup。当年非典时期北方人骂广东人吃啥不好非吃果子狸。 789 发表于 2021-03-23 12:48
受新冠所累有本事你去找真正的源头,找到他她它大耳刮子抽我没意见,现在是洋大爷手才抬起来你立刻把脸送上去,打完了你你还得担心人家是不是手疼。 在源头不明确的情况下(你说明确就明确了那是你的事情),把这个扩散到所有中国人头上,尽管是用个笑话的形式,就是being racist。再说就算源头明确了,你去骂ccp啊,take it out on中国人尤其是八竿子打不着的北美华人算什么鬼? 非典的时候我在国内,我周围人怎么没有骂广东人的? 你周围都是些什么scumbags? 另外,中国没有美国这种种族歧视,即使有也很少有极端引起社会动乱的,顶多地域歧视到头了(虽然不对)。你是觉得华人在美国受的气还不够大,送刀子给别人是不?
你是这样的看的?谢谢你的提醒。我多数时候是不会这样的,就这次觉得我包容不了了……我想create awareness
Nop, that’s not ok to joke about it.
我也想传达的是这个信息。 1。别说起因还不明,就算是也只有第一个。国内众多无辜的死难者都也是受害者,冷血,没人性。 2。bat soup 跟gong flu 的性质是一样的,有散布仇恨的作用,这不就是stop Asian hate 的一部分吗
还有一种抬高他自己的意味,他的种族不吃蝙蝠,贬低鄙视Chinese 有吃蝙蝠的恶习
今年是我提出的,希望大家意识到这不just a bad joke,I was the only one see this coming, 没想到仅仅一年居然现在这么多仇恨犯罪. Joke 是有后果的,语言时候散播仇恨的作用的。然后就被群殴了……
假如他说他种族人不吃蝙蝠,你就问他Are you sure about that?问他有没有check每一个他种族的人全部都不吃蝙蝠?如果他没确认过他种族的每一个人都没吃过,那他就没有资格嘲笑别的种族,把一个小概率事件扩大到整体是非常愚蠢的,这只能显示他的stupidity,如果这就是他的水平那我们也没什么好说的了。 但如果是work space不建议这么说,直接complain hr 说他开的玩笑让你不舒服,或者语气遣词温和一点,毕竟刺儿头不好当,搞不好自己也会折里。
不是work place。此人是很蠢的。以前大家各种原谅他的蠢。我可能这次是钻了牛角尖了。。。
不能因为蠢就在Chinese American 面前有这样的歧视冷血的讽刺挖苦。蠢了就可以不顾及言行的后果么。我严厉警告他,no racism language and act in this chat group against Chinese American is and will be tolerated. 然后这厮死活不道歉,我就说 It is ok that you don’t apologize or are not understanding this can not be just Joke. You can hold up a sign” I like to joke about Bat soup” and join the #stopasianhate protest and see what the Asian American who actually support our race say , and to help you understand
bat soup是蔡省长专门为推广的,只能认啊,知道她是条狗,问题长了中国人样子。另外告诉他们中国人得宠物是火鸡,西班牙人生吃猪肉,大家都是为了生存。
这个不是讨论要点 退一步就算是,那不是第一个吃的人么。其他那么多人因此失去生命的受难者大环境下合适么,不冷血么。百年大疫情,有点良知的人都不会开bat soup这种玩笑。可以作为讨论的内容,但不能容忍作为笑料谈资,这是我们最基本的分歧所在。认为just a joke 的人default 认为tragety是可以joke about it,缺乏良知缺乏人性。
随之在一堆人上来攻击我, 刺激我后,说我小题大做,让我闭嘴后, 我才发了第二条,作为Chinese American, I need an apology from you。看看这厮的回复,脑路清奇,跳来跳去,毫无逻辑,一会儿说他明白了一会sense of humor goes a long way? 一会儿说他会跟自己的朋友分享我说的message,一会儿说此类joke save for other audience。开头道歉了,结尾说你没权利要求道歉。 还教训我在美国怎么生活,因为我不是美国生的, 他是。还跟我科普free of speech。要把这个归罪于网上Palau蝙蝠汤,为他自己传播嘲笑歧视言语找理由。" No one is better than the others "跟他那嘲笑歧视性的贴蝙蝠汤图言行不一,那意思不就是说他自己比图里的人高等。 share learning 变成我take out anger at him, 本末倒置。。。 我放弃了,感觉是在对牛弹琴, 我们路真长,asian american都有这样的人存在,认为他steretype 不同的Asian group没什么问题,那离unite 还远着呢:
在他发这个长text前, 第三方从中调解,说你要个apology 你是得不到的。 我说,如果不是真心歧视说“ I apologize for what I said that was racially offensive to you." 很难吗。只说" it is a bad joke" 是个借口,借口不等于道歉。 那如果他非不道歉, 我只能take it as he meant it, 那我的理解是只有racist才会说了racism 的言论不道歉的。这就是他说我accuse 他racist的依据。
You are absolutely right. I might have joked around it in the wrong time. I am apologizing for a joke that happened once not multiple times in this private chat not publicly like Facebook and that is not meant directly at you or anyone. Never in a million years I thought me saying that one time will escalate to me being a cold blooded and it will follow me now. That happened once in private chat and it’s negative for you to judge me that I’m freely joking about it publicly which I’m not. We are supposed to be part of this chat that is open to anything , not be judge mental. We do not throw people against the bus because of other’s belief or opinions. If other Chinese American have a problem with me they can tell me themselves, you don't represent them. They are Adult. If I knew you have a problem/ Vendetta against me that we could have solved the issue back then because we are supposed to part of this chat. We are also grown ADULTS. You shouldn’t try to degrade me with all that. You don’t know me like that to accuse me. We joke loosely around about ourselves but which we still do. Then if that’s the case every one should apologize. You should demand it from them too. So if you didn’t hear or see it from them they are excused. You are not around every one all the time and start with strong accusations. Living here in the USA, we DON’T take those type of jokes literally because we are all part of this chat. That is also why we keep it as a private joke. Especially MOST of us or our friends ARE Asian American. Honestly, we look and stereotype other people but I would not call us Racist. Even when we all joke around and offend each other. At the end we don’t take things to heart and that there are far more worse things than to dwell in it. This chat group starts with TRUST. Not everyone is perfect and we are flawed individuals and we shouldn’t be judge mental towards each other’s actions but to help each other fix it so over they can problem. This is how respect is earned and never demand anything. No one is better than the others everyone is equal level. You should treat everyone with love not hateful feelings which your showing to me right now with your degrading comments. We live in a crazy world so SENSE OF HUMOR goes a long way. I will definitely tell my friends about what you said so they themselves will understand that this joke words are evilly powerful and they also shouldn’t be joking or talking about it and have them decide themselves. Racism and discrimination in the USA has been here way for a long time and your just speaking and seeing this now. We live in this Corporate America and a lot of racist people that do what ever they want to do and either way nothing gets done about it. So what do you do? We Either live and adjust in it or move somewhere else. Plus you now live in a world where social media rules the world. All they show is what promotes ratings. Who ever those asian people posting them eating exotic food and should be punished. They are the one putting a bad image even if others think it’s not and will be up for criticism and even resulting bad actions. Not to mention that image went viral in all social media and so many memes. You live in America and there is free speech so it’s hard to question things. Your right though about one thing about the future. Going forward I will know who my audience is so I will save my jokes for them. And for the record I AM an Asian American either I go out there or not. I don’t have to prove my ethnic worth to anyone or how I became an Asian American. We know what is the spirit of BLM is and did you see any changes yet? Like I said we have lived a long ass time here in the USA and this is not new. You should join the protest and maybe you can make a difference like you say and please STOP taking up your anger in me plus you literally don’t know me like that and where I came from and accuse me for being Racist. I hope you understand again if you have a problem with me then tell me I’m a grown man I will acknowledge you but you should NEVER demand it.
我真是开始没有针对他, 非常平和的希望Share我这一年来的感受和最近新得到的learning。虽然这个跟他的joke有关,但这就是我最近深刻的learning. 相信咱们大家近一年来也成长了不少。
啥意识形态 这是事实性错误……………………
你懂我! 全文都在指责我。根本没有真心道歉。 现在我有些相信此人racist against chinese american. 不过人家就说自己不是, 是我accuse 他的。 如果不是racist 怎么做到这么不敏感,还”it is just a bad joke" + "you want an apology and you are not getting it". 然后apology 来了,全文在辩解。。。。。。。不是racist辩解个啥劲
根本没有Get 到我想分享的两点成长要素。 没准扭头把我当笑柄讲给别人听。
其实在很多人其他人还没攻击的我时候, 第一回复的人succesfully spin 我的learnging sharing to" look she is dwelling on a joke over 365 days ago" 把我树成靶子,然后群起而攻之。
别人向你放个有毒的暗器,你功力再高也别赤手空拳去接不是?你来个乾坤大挪移啊 来个以彼之道还施彼身。 看到小人下套,别一脚踩进去,正中下怀
我是耿直 呵呵
现在的出发点不是挪移。是对于这种言论要零容忍, 从我们自己做起。
这些侮辱歧视冷血的字眼joke都做不到制止, 怎么像BLM学习把各种跟S字有关的字都给禁了。
楼主的反应完全是正常人的反应, 支持你。 我会和你一模一样。
我会说 Sorry but Im totally not entertained. I don’t know if there was such thing as bat soup and I don’t know if it had anything to do with corona virus. But I do know that corona virus caused many people to loose their lives. It’s a SAD topic. And it’s even sadder to see someone making it a joke material.
制止也要有方法。 显然你耿直的方法并不是很有效不是吗?反而被别有用心的人说的更不堪了。 楼主气过以后思考一下,什么情境用什么方法可以更好的达到我们的目的。有的时候要直接,有的时候要subtle, 不一概而论的。
你这个出发点跟我一样一样的。 这个我以前说过了的, 对面丢过来 come on, it was just a bad joke. 结束了
我想过,但是感觉这样起不到creat awareness 的效果,对方还很理所应当的。所以是多费了很多精力😄
我也怀疑精力是不是浪费掉了。。。。。因为我觉得群里里有救的人的。。。。也不知道silent 的人是不是能接受awareness的人
”A joke is meant for a laughter. It’s hard to believe anybody would laugh over it. Did you?”
他真的 用了很多LOL, 还有各种大笑moji
“It’s a shame.”
你的 id 臭大街了, 虽然只发过几个冷血贴, 大家都记住了
对。 其实对话停在这里就可以了。
对方就是找场子, 不必理了。
我想感化,结果一身伤。。。太take to heart了
我能get到this is just a joke,楼主你如果get不到,说明你世界观和该群其他人不同,没有指责你错的意思,就是物以类聚的意思,你应该退群。
说好的爱和感化呢? I am just joking,你太敏感了, 不get 我的joke! 你要反思自己是不是玻璃心
所以mass shooting里的gunman just have a bad day你觉得也ok了对吗?
Too often racists make horrible jokes and when you feel offended how about they just say "it's just about values"? "get back to your country"?
No I'm not going back to my country nor am I leaving the group. People interacting with each other in THIS COUNTRY just need to learn to show some respect. Or you leave.
你有没有想过,新冠是怎么来的? 最主流的两种猜想,包括华人自己的判断,是: 1) 野生动物在武汉海鲜市场传给人的。这可是中国政府最初的舆论方向。这样 bat soup 其实是有其事实基础的。可能不是bat直接做soup,但是源头来自野生动物,而最终一环动物是被人吃了。 2) 武汉病毒所收集野生动物,污染外泄。这个指控恐怕比 bat soup更严重。那真是 China Virus了。
外国人受新冠所累,讲个 bat soup。当年非典时期北方人骂广东人吃啥不好非吃果子狸。
混淆视听, 我的楼门在那里, 慢走不送。源头不是本贴讨论的内容。
本贴讨论是这类racist joke, language 我们应该如何应对的贴。
我们要从立马制止对方开始 我们要从寻求对方理解这类歧视言论对我们的emotional 是有伤害开始 我们要从向对方传递这类歧视言论“bat soup, gong flu”是强大的伤害性语言,每一个Asian American 都有responsibility去尽我们的力量不要再出来新词或被继续传播开始
Bat soup 就是关于病毒源头的joke. 你拒绝讨论源头,一副北朝鲜腔调,别人自然也没有什么跟你说的。
我前面已经说了,就算退n步,是又能用这个joke over thousands of dead bodies, 有人性不?
把这个joke 贴在asian American 背后被当靶子,自己还是asian american 主动传播这个,是不是我们应该做的事情
你认为源头没有定论,别人认为源头是 bat soup。每个人都有自己的推断啊。而且你是谁?你有什么资格代表几千个死者说话?武汉死者家属,可不见的都认为源头没有定论。
更何况美国还有几十万死者呢?你一句没定论就打发了?你没定论还不许人家自己定论,不就是bat soup (海鲜市场)或者 China virus (病毒所)二选一吗。哦对了还有美军投毒论,你也可以试试这么说。
慢走不送。 你不care 华裔的利益
我已经说了就算承认了那死去的受害者也不应该被当人血馒头, 有人性没你们
"当初包括现在都没源头是什么的定论" 那是某国自己的说法。
有的人,真是有精神病。 刚刚送走一股极右,极左又登场。受不了。
什么拉其八糟 阴阳怪气的
我来美国都十几二十年了, 新冠的源头是什么 跟 Asian American 不能歧视chinese american 有关系吗? 是了就可以歧视了吗?
妈呀。。。多谢提醒, 不知道, 踩坑了。。。。。。。
我看这帖子 也要沉下去了。。。。。。。。。总有五毛极左极右来混淆视听,乱带节奏。
就不能集中看问题 应该怎么往前走么。
楼主我支持你发声,但是你要认识到让racists承认他们自己是racist基本是不可能的, 而且racism是很有群众基础的。
川普这么个毫无节操的racist照样是美国历史上选票第二多的总统,你想一下就能明白为什么chat group里你孤立无援了。
别人的 opinion你不可能轻易改变。唯一办法是先不谈opinion,退到facts建立共识再考虑往前。现在楼主不肯承认facts,那么注定不能说服任何人。
在源头不明确的情况下(你说明确就明确了那是你的事情),把这个扩散到所有中国人头上,尽管是用个笑话的形式,就是being racist。再说就算源头明确了,你去骂ccp啊,take it out on中国人尤其是八竿子打不着的北美华人算什么鬼?
非典的时候我在国内,我周围人怎么没有骂广东人的? 你周围都是些什么scumbags?