转:SF School Board Member Accused Asians of Using ‘White

楼主 (北美华人网)
Supremacy’ to ‘Get Ahead’
A member of the San Francisco School Board referred to Asian Americans as “house n****r[s]” in a 2016 tweet thread, in a comment highlighted by the organizer of a movement to recall her.
Alison Collins, who serves as vice president on the school board, published a long Twitter thread in December 2016 in which she explained her intention “to combat anti-black racism in the Asian community at at [sic] my daughters’ mostly Asian Am[erican] school.”
Collins accused “many Asian American Ts, Ss, and Ps” — teachers, students, and parents — of promoting “the ‘model minority’ BS” and of using “white supremacist thinking to assimilate and ‘get ahead.’”
#### 对亚裔整体,估计主要以东亚裔为主(印巴裔皮肤黑一些),在种族上,应有是“持久战”的心里准备;一个大原因估计是 亚裔平均收入最高。。。
Supremacy’ to ‘Get Ahead’
A member of the San Francisco School Board referred to Asian Americans as “house n****r[s]” in a 2016 tweet thread, in a comment highlighted by the organizer of a movement to recall her.
Alison Collins, who serves as vice president on the school board, published a long Twitter thread in December 2016 in which she explained her intention “to combat anti-black racism in the Asian community at at [sic] my daughters’ mostly Asian Am[erican] school.”
Collins accused “many Asian American Ts, Ss, and Ps” — teachers, students, and parents — of promoting “the ‘model minority’ BS” and of using “white supremacist thinking to assimilate and ‘get ahead.’”
#### 对亚裔整体,估计主要以东亚裔为主(印巴裔皮肤黑一些),在种族上,应有是“持久战”的心里准备;一个大原因估计是 亚裔平均收入最高。。。
csliz 发表于 2021-03-22 14:11

这种人能当school board???
坚决同意recall her

我这贴这么贴近 现在,为啥,立马转 政治版,?