而且在英国的牛津疫苗效果还不好说,因为英国一直在lockdown中,要到月底才开始逐步放开。 Nov 23: Astra Zeneca Vaccine shows 70% efficacy Dec 30: UK approves AZ vaccine Mar 22: US results out today: 79% efficacy.
韩国也出现了打Oxford-AZN疫苗后的血栓。 In South Korea, a total of 676,607 people have received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine so far; 619,100 of those received the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to KDCA press release. A total of 9,703 adverse reactions after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine have been reported as of Monday — 9,592 had common symptoms, 89 had suspected anaphylaxis, six had severe reactions and 16 were deaths. South Korean health authorities investigated ten cases of severe adverse reactions and anaphylaxis reported after receiving Covid-19 vaccines and identified two linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said in a news release on Monday. A nursing hospital patient in her 40s reported high fever and seizureafter receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine and low blood pressure the next day, and a medical worker in her 20s displayed anaphylaxis symptoms seven minutes after getting the AstraZeneca vaccine. Both individual's conditions improved, KDCA added. Separately, there were two suspected blood clot cases after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccines in South Korea. One of the two died, but the Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Investigation Committee during KDCA briefing on Monday said the correlation between the vaccine and blood clot is "very low."An investigation is continuing for the other patient, who is currently in good condition.
韩国也出现了打Oxford-AZN疫苗后的血栓。 In South Korea, a total of 676,607 people have received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine so far; 619,100 of those received the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to KDCA press release. A total of 9,703 adverse reactions after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine have been reported as of Monday — 9,592 had common symptoms, 89 had suspected anaphylaxis, six had severe reactions and 16 were deaths. South Korean health authorities investigated ten cases of severe adverse reactions and anaphylaxis reported after receiving Covid-19 vaccines and identified two linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said in a news release on Monday. A nursing hospital patient in her 40s reported high fever and seizureafter receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine and low blood pressure the next day, and a medical worker in her 20s displayed anaphylaxis symptoms seven minutes after getting the AstraZeneca vaccine. Both individual's conditions improved, KDCA added. Separately, there were two suspected blood clot cases after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccines in South Korea. One of the two died, but the Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Investigation Committee during KDCA briefing on Monday said the correlation between the vaccine and blood clot is "very low."An investigation is continuing for the other patient, who is currently in good condition. meraviglia 发表于 2021-03-22 10:26
Novavax 在美国的三期正在进行中,下个月可以完成,结果5月初出来。如果FDA接受UK的数据,EUA会4月底5月初;如果只认美国数据,要5月底。 牛津疫苗也不都是在美国,看FDA怎么处理。Oxford-AstraZeneca''s analysis is based on results from 32,449 adult volunteer participants enrolled across 88 sites in the United States, Chile and Peru.
Novavax 在美国的三期正在进行中,下个月可以完成,结果5月初出来。如果FDA接受UK的数据,EUA会4月底5月初;如果只认美国数据,要5月底。 牛津疫苗也不都是在美国,看FDA怎么处理。Oxford-AstraZeneca''s analysis is based on results from 32,449 adult volunteer participants enrolled across 88 sites in the United States, Chile and Peru. meraviglia 发表于 2021-03-22 18:48
kai kupferschmidt在Twitter上面的更新: Fauci just called me as well and clarified the concerns: “It appears that they [AZ] may have been using the most favorable data, and the DSMB wanted to make sure that they corrected that..." [url]https://twitter.com/kakape/status/1374341139222892545[/url]
kai kupferschmidt在Twitter上面的更新: Fauci just called me as well and clarified the concerns: “It appears that they [AZ] may have been using the most favorable data, and the DSMB wanted to make sure that they corrected that..." https://twitter.com/kakape/status/1374341139222892545 little_racoon 发表于 2021-03-23 09:12
kai kupferschmidt在Twitter上面的更新: Fauci just called me as well and clarified the concerns: “It appears that they [AZ] may have been using the most favorable data, and the DSMB wanted to make sure that they corrected that..." [url]https://twitter.com/kakape/status/1374341139222892545[/url] little_racoon 发表于 2021-03-23 09:12
这次各家都是在赔本赚吆喝。辉瑞的CFO是这么说的—— Under one pandemic supply deal, Pfizer is charging the U.S. $19.50 per dose, D'Amelio said, which is “not a normal price like we typically get for a vaccine—$150, $175 per dose. So, pandemic pricing.” 其他家跟美国合同的价格: In initial deals with the U.S. government, Pfizer and BioNTech's vaccine costs $19.50 per dose, compared with $15 for Moderna's shot, $16 for Novavax's program, $10 for Johnson & Johnson's vaccine and $4 for AstraZeneca's. 我很奇怪同样是赔本赚吆喝,为啥牛津疫苗能比其他疫苗便宜那么多。要说技术有差别,强生也是腺病毒,比牛津还是贵了一倍多。
Here’s what happened with AstraZeneca vaccine drama Monday press release said 79% effective thru Feb 17th, but newer data suggests 69-74% effective. DSMB “strongly recommended” that information be included in the news release, but AZN didn’t. 看来腺病毒疫苗的有效率也就是70%上下,强生疫苗是66%-72%
Here’s what happened with AstraZeneca vaccine drama Monday press release said 79% effective thru Feb 17th, but newer data suggests 69-74% effective. DSMB “strongly recommended” that information be included in the news release, but AZN didn’t. 看来腺病毒疫苗的有效率也就是70%上下,强生疫苗是66%-72% meraviglia 发表于 2021-03-23 15:16
可能还是一个 DataSet,AZN 是挑了最有利的结果。 In a two-page letter to AstraZeneca and federal authorities on Monday, an independent panel of medical experts that was helping oversee the vaccine’s clinical trial in the United States said the company had essentially cherry-picked data that was “most favorable for the study as opposed to the most recent and most complete.” “Decisions like this are what erode public trust in the scientific process,” the board wrote. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/23/business/astrazeneca-vaccine-questions.html 现在怀疑AZN在其他地方的数据是不是也有cherry-picking的现象。
我也想问下这个问题,pfizer好难约,moderna 就容易多了。
哈哈,我们这儿正好相反,那些每天能打几千人的大型接种点全是Pfizer ,moderna只有药店有,量很少,不到Pfizer 的零头,非常难约到。
心目中的疫苗排名: 优: Novavax,辉瑞,Moderna 良:(空缺) 中:腺病毒疫苗:牛津-AZN(有血栓隐患),强生等
问题是有多少人会打一个可能导致血栓,技术也不是完全成熟 (相对强生),有效率有不那么高的疫苗?
我覺得 轉譯蛋白質比較有效
mRNA 還得先透過人體 轉譯成 轉譯蛋白質 才能觸發 免疫反應 那如果 病人的身體新陳代謝不夠去
轉譯 mRNA 呢
Nov 23: Astra Zeneca Vaccine shows 70% efficacy Dec 30: UK approves AZ vaccine Mar 22: US results out today: 79% efficacy.
我是想说,新品有mRNA 相对技术有强生,AstraZeneca 的定位是什么呢?
In South Korea, a total of 676,607 people have received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine so far; 619,100 of those received the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to KDCA press release. A total of 9,703 adverse reactions after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine have been reported as of Monday — 9,592 had common symptoms, 89 had suspected anaphylaxis, six had severe reactions and 16 were deaths.
South Korean health authorities investigated ten cases of severe adverse reactions and anaphylaxis reported after receiving Covid-19 vaccines and identified two linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said in a news release on Monday.
A nursing hospital patient in her 40s reported high fever and seizure after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine and low blood pressure the next day, and a medical worker in her 20s displayed anaphylaxis symptoms seven minutes after getting the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Both individual's conditions improved, KDCA added.
Separately, there were two suspected blood clot cases after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccines in South Korea. One of the two died, but the Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Investigation Committee during KDCA briefing on Monday said the correlation between the vaccine and blood clot is "very low." An investigation is continuing for the other patient, who is currently in good condition.
AstraZeneca原来是订货量最大的疫苗,也是WHO打算用来援助第三世界国家的主力。 所以如果翻车,对世界联手抗疫是一个重大打击。
血小板 》 0
对英国变种最好的是 Novavax 85.6%, 牛津-AZN 疫苗是70%,辉瑞和Moderna 没有三期的数据,估计在80%-85%。强生估计60%-66%。
Novavax 在美国的三期正在进行中,下个月可以完成,结果5月初出来。如果FDA接受UK的数据,EUA会4月底5月初;如果只认美国数据,要5月底。
牛津疫苗也不都是在美国,看FDA怎么处理。Oxford-AstraZeneca''s analysis is based on results from 32,449 adult volunteer participants enrolled across 88 sites in the United States, Chile and Peru.
kai kupferschmidt在Twitter上面的更新:
Fauci just called me as well and clarified the concerns: “It appears that they [AZ] may have been using the most favorable data, and the DSMB wanted to make sure that they corrected that..."
看来AZN是cherry-picking 数据。
1 横刀夺爱,在政府干预下从Merck 手上抢下和牛津的合作,开创公司的疫苗业务。牛津很多人才对这个行为不满离职。 2 10月左右?因为两起疫苗导致神经方面的问题而停止。今天根据wsj 披露,之后公司也不重视,和FDA 之后的交流也让人觉得不规范。 3. 英国实验竟然有几千人第一针给了错误的剂量。 4. 该疫苗对南非变种保护很差,对艾滋病人无效。 5. 今天的消息。公司回应两天之内公布初期数据。
美国反正财大气粗,有足够的疫苗。但是全世界很多发展中国家就指望用这个便宜的疫苗 (2 元/针, vs20/针)也许当初英国不是保护主义,让完全没有经验的人搞,不会发展到这一步。
Under one pandemic supply deal, Pfizer is charging the U.S. $19.50 per dose, D'Amelio said, which is “not a normal price like we typically get for a vaccine—$150, $175 per dose. So, pandemic pricing.”
其他家跟美国合同的价格: In initial deals with the U.S. government, Pfizer and BioNTech's vaccine costs $19.50 per dose, compared with $15 for Moderna's shot, $16 for Novavax's program, $10 for Johnson & Johnson's vaccine and $4 for AstraZeneca's.
辉瑞季报时候说了,他们的利润是30%,低于公司毛利率70%。但是,因为这个5/5和合作厂商分成、+专利费用,整个下来、还是70% 的毛利率
Monday press release said 79% effective thru Feb 17th, but newer data suggests 69-74% effective. DSMB “strongly recommended” that information be included in the news release, but AZN didn’t.
可能还是一个 DataSet,AZN 是挑了最有利的结果。
In a two-page letter to AstraZeneca and federal authorities on Monday, an independent panel of medical experts that was helping oversee the vaccine’s clinical trial in the United States said the company had essentially cherry-picked data that was “most favorable for the study as opposed to the most recent and most complete.”
“Decisions like this are what erode public trust in the scientific process,” the board wrote.