经常遇到老美问:where did you come from? 我通常会说America 或US。然后他们又会接着问: where did you originally come from?原来我还会说。后来被问烦了,我就随便说一个美国州名,对方就会悻悻地而去。大家在这种情况下都是怎么回答的? 虽然已经表明是US citizen,但任然不断地追问你从哪里来,不就是典型的对亚裔的歧视吗?因为我曾经也反问:where did you originally come from? 那个问你的老美立马会脸色大变,表示出不满的样子。 而且如果你回答是China,他们就开始户口调查:中国哪里?为什么来美国?父母sibling在哪?你们家都是做什么都?你在米国几年了……没完没了!但是在老美之间,通常大家也就止于从哪个州来的,没有听说会刨根问底地追问你们家祖上是德国的还是爱尔兰的、意大利的? 以下是热心网友的精彩评论, 很有道理,很有意思! “看情景,有时候答from China, 有时候答之前住过很久的城市。 这个问题在HR给我们的反歧视training 上特别提过,要求员工不许假定他人来自国外,若对方答美国的地方,再次追问算歧视,可以直接向HR file complaint. 歧视的第一原则就是被歧视人感觉不舒服。如果回答问题的人主动提来自中国,那没事的。 主动说跟问别人是两回事。如果你们彼此有点了解了,你知道对方是第一代移民,这么问是可以。但是你不知道对方是第一代移民,就去追问人家originally from哪里,就是假设对方是外国来的,又对别人的第一步回答不信任,这样确实是冒犯别人。公司的training都讲过,是不是歧视跟听者有关。如果你不确定,还是按最谨慎的做法行事。” 来自一个出生于佛州的大学教授的感受: where are you from? “Florida.” “I mean, where were you born?” “Florida.” “I mean where you grew up.” “I went to high school in Florida.” “I mean where your parents live.” “Still Florida.” All too often, the other person, exasperated, finally says: “You know what I mean. Where are you really from?” I know what they mean. They know what they mean. They mean: Where is your brown skin from? I can’t tell you how often I am complimented (even by academics) for “how well you speak English.” I know it sounds like a compliment, but it is not.
我一般也回答美国居住城市+ originally from China。 一问我中国哪个城市?我回答xx(省会),下一个问题一般都是靠近上海还是北京? 我心里的小九九就是你就知道中国两个城市啊?呵呵 当然也有少数例外,对中国那个真是熟悉啊 估计大多数人是看不出亚洲人的长相区别的,我被认为过是中国人,日本人,韩国人和越南人。不过话说回来,韩国和越南好像也蛮多华裔的。
经常遇到老美问:where did come from? 我通常会说America 或US。然后他们又会接着问: where did you originally come from?原来我还会说。后来被问烦了,我就随便说一个美国州名,对方就会悻悻地而去。大家在这种情况下都是怎么回答的? Riverview 发表于 2021-03-21 08:04
上周带孩子去参加网球赛,正好两个华人妈妈,一个老外妈妈,都带着口罩。老外妈妈问我们, where are you from? 知道是China后,老外妈妈高兴的和我们说,他正在打网球的儿子也来自China。他出生在上海,每次这么说,但别人一看他明显白人长相,都很奇怪。她家三个孩子,都出生在亚洲不同国家。这个生在上海的孩子很小就离开了中国,仅知道自己和中国的渊源。他哥哥在中国读过书,但中文现在也忘记得差不多了。
被问了无数次Where are you from 每次坦然说 China 。 经常被追问 Where in China ? 就乘机科普教育一下中国地理。 再聊聊人文历史 民族风情。 聊天不就是这样嘛, 总要找个话题break the ice 然后延伸下去聊啊聊的两个人就close了,别人也记住了关于你的一些东西。 没必要什么事都觉得是被歧视被冒犯。 别人没有那个意思你这么想是多想, 要是别人稍微有那个意思更要挺直背脊加倍自豪: 啊,对,就是China,有问题吗?
网上看到这些人的回答 Where are you from; is it too rude to ask? It's not rude to ask. It's rude to not accept the answer I give you. If you want to know my ethnicity just ask what it is. Don't start of with "where are you from?" and respond with "no but where are you REALLY from?" and keep beating around the bush until you find the answer you wanted when I tell you where my great grand parents are from.
And, if you're going to ask, have a reason for the question. "You have an interesting accent; where is it from?" or "Sorry, but you have such an interesting complexion; what's your ethnicity?" I usually just get: "Where are you from?" "Delaware. But my parents are from South America." "Hunh." Like I'm a human bingo square.
Oh, good point. It's usually fine to ask this but definitely never then contradict the person's answer and ask 'where are you really from?' Never ok.
说实话我对自己Chinese的身份挺认同的, 并不会觉得被冒犯. 一般去外州旅游别人问我, 我都回答currently living in California, originally from China. ABC估计会比较反感这个问题. 我觉得对自己文化自信的人反倒更容易获得别人的尊重, 你自信的分享, 认同自己的culture root, 比拼了命自恨的反而更容易交朋友.没人喜欢弱者, 尤其是在美国.
网上看到这些人的回答 Where are you from; is it too rude to ask? It's not rude to ask. It's rude to not accept the answer I give you. If you want to know my ethnicity just ask what it is. Don't start of with "where are you from?" and respond with "no but where are you REALLY from?" and keep beating around the bush until you find the answer you wanted when I tell you where my great grand parents are from.
And, if you're going to ask, have a reason for the question. "You have an interesting accent; where is it from?" or "Sorry, but you have such an interesting complexion; what's your ethnicity?" I usually just get: "Where are you from?" "Delaware. But my parents are from South America." "Hunh." Like I'm a human bingo square.
Oh, good point. It's usually fine to ask this but definitely never then contradict the person's answer and ask 'where are you really from?' Never ok.
网上看到这些人的回答 Where are you from; is it too rude to ask? It's not rude to ask. It's rude to not accept the answer I give you. If you want to know my ethnicity just ask what it is. Don't start of with "where are you from?" and respond with "no but where are you REALLY from?" and keep beating around the bush until you find the answer you wanted when I tell you where my great grand parents are from.
And, if you're going to ask, have a reason for the question. "You have an interesting accent; where is it from?" or "Sorry, but you have such an interesting complexion; what's your ethnicity?" I usually just get: "Where are you from?" "Delaware. But my parents are from South America." "Hunh." Like I'm a human bingo square.
Oh, good point. It's usually fine to ask this but definitely never then contradict the person's answer and ask 'where are you really from?' Never ok.
虽然已经表明是US citizen,但任然不断地追问你从哪里来,不就是典型的对亚裔的歧视吗?因为我曾经也反问:where did you originally come from? 那个问你的老美立马会脸色大变,表示出不满的样子。
以下是热心网友的精彩评论, 很有道理,很有意思!
“看情景,有时候答from China, 有时候答之前住过很久的城市。 这个问题在HR给我们的反歧视training 上特别提过,要求员工不许假定他人来自国外,若对方答美国的地方,再次追问算歧视,可以直接向HR file complaint. 歧视的第一原则就是被歧视人感觉不舒服。如果回答问题的人主动提来自中国,那没事的。
主动说跟问别人是两回事。如果你们彼此有点了解了,你知道对方是第一代移民,这么问是可以。但是你不知道对方是第一代移民,就去追问人家originally from哪里,就是假设对方是外国来的,又对别人的第一步回答不信任,这样确实是冒犯别人。公司的training都讲过,是不是歧视跟听者有关。如果你不确定,还是按最谨慎的做法行事。”
来自一个出生于佛州的大学教授的感受: where are you from? “Florida.” “I mean, where were you born?” “Florida.” “I mean where you grew up.” “I went to high school in Florida.” “I mean where your parents live.” “Still Florida.” All too often, the other person, exasperated, finally says: “You know what I mean. Where are you really from?” I know what they mean. They know what they mean. They mean: Where is your brown skin from?
I can’t tell you how often I am complimented (even by academics) for “how well you speak English.” I know it sounds like a compliment, but it is not.
🔥 最新回帖
我做的不对的是不该来华人发帖,不幸遇上你h r 369这只心里阴暗的家伙。听你讲的天方夜谭,你就是一个穴居在埃塞俄比亚的抠脚大汉。还自称来自美国,你也配?!回去反省一下自己,为什么会被人揭穿了吧!
🛋️ 沙发板凳
对啊,没必要非刺猬一样。我碰到这种情况如果说from china反倒让对方愣住了,所以后来干脆直接说之前从哪个州搬来的
From China, 这么简单的事情, 扭扭捏捏有必要么?
有些ABC可能会觉得这个问题有点冒犯他们。但我自己来自中国,从来都是坦然回答“China", 不觉得被冒犯。
哈哈跟我的经历一样,偶尔被人问过几次,我被网上教育的,直接回答china, 结果人家一脸懵,原来人家问我来自哪个镇或者州。后来一律回答州,贴心地加上中国长大,全cover.
很自豪地说 China!
从来没有被问过: where did you originally come from。
但每次被问 where are you from 的时候,我都说自己是from china。
下次就说hometown of Confucius.看他们有多了解地理
美国人一般会主动说出自己是哪里的后裔,他们好像不大care。一个老美说because being just American is boring.
可聊的多了去了;camping、度假、新电影、breaking news,kids school...
别人没有那个意思你这么想是多想, 要是别人稍微有那个意思更要挺直背脊加倍自豪: 啊,对,就是China,有问题吗?
re 没啥问题吧 还主动介绍一下从哪个region来的 顺便问一下对方去过没 推荐去玩一下 可好玩啦
对的,我的经历也是这样。很多人还会主动介绍自己主上original from哪里,然后话题就过度到不同的文化习俗什么的啦。
我觉得听口音吧,英语很好的ABC不应该被问 而且碰到奇怪口音的白人我也会assume他们是外国人……我自己倒是不会问哪里来的,因为不喜欢八卦。当然有的时候聊天聊到家乡的话问一句也很自然
有口音的肯定问啊。一般不管白人黑人有没有口音,我都会问are you from here? 人家都会说老家是哪里的。碰到很多次别人问我哪里来的,我说中国,他们都兴致勃勃说自己或者自己哪个亲戚去过中国。就是找话题聊天。
bingo, 抓住重点了。黑人不能问,他们祖先是被抓来美国的,所以这是个禁忌。
it's not about race, it's about ethnicity.
只有你这种自卑的人,才会往这个方向想。在我的字典里没有这个词。 只是非常反感不太熟的人对我刨根问底地追溯历史,但同时他们对自己的历史又缄默不语!
Where are you from; is it too rude to ask?
It's not rude to ask. It's rude to not accept the answer I give you. If you want to know my ethnicity just ask what it is. Don't start of with "where are you from?" and respond with "no but where are you REALLY from?" and keep beating around the bush until you find the answer you wanted when I tell you where my great grand parents are from.
And, if you're going to ask, have a reason for the question. "You have an interesting accent; where is it from?" or "Sorry, but you have such an interesting complexion; what's your ethnicity?" I usually just get: "Where are you from?" "Delaware. But my parents are from South America." "Hunh." Like I'm a human bingo square.
Oh, good point. It's usually fine to ask this but definitely never then contradict the person's answer and ask 'where are you really from?' Never ok.
well said answer. 友好的询问和恶意的区分还是不同的, 很多人应该都能体会出来.