对于这样的racial term, Fox也没有像挡脏话一样挡一下(就是B-那种声音),真是出离愤怒了,Fox包括它的广告赞助商,真的应该被抵制! 谢谢后面的姐妹贴出可能可以制止Fox不断播出"China virus" 的一个办法。 请大家行动起来,不要再让右派媒体继续向极右传播"China virus"把责任全推到华人身上了!!Fox是极右最喜欢看的电视。希望喜欢内斗的华人(包括川粉们)这次为了我们的女性,后代和老人可以团结起来!一起消灭"China virus"的说法! 1.去Tell these advertisers to stop funding Fox News now - Action Network 2.填写右手边的地址姓名 3.点击Start writing 4.在右手边,把原来的信换成下面改写的信,欢迎大家改写模板,多样化会好点,没时间改写的话就用下面的模板。 5.点击send letter 模板: Your company is one of Fox News’s biggest advertisers. Fox News becomes the gateway channel to discriminations against Asian. Donald Trump spent his term exploiting anti-immigrant hostility for political gain. He said “China virus” again this week during a Fox News interview on the very night of the Georgia shootings, which is absolutely unacceptable. I’m writing to demand that you act today, and urge Fox news to add the racial phrase "China virus" to bleep censors by suggesting the possibility of cutting off all advertising on Fox News. You can either keep on funding Fox’s spreads of racism, or say that you support American Asian community — not both. It’s high time for you to choose. 模板结束。
兔子急了也会咬人!Tell these advertisers to stop funding Fox News now https://risingtidenorthamerica.org/2021/01/fox-news-🙄/ Here’s the list of the top 12 companies giving millions of advertising money to Fox News every year: GlaxoSmithKline, Liberty Mutual, General Motors, Procter & Gamble, Intuit, NortonLifeLock, Nestle, Kraft Heinz, Progressive, Charles Schwab, Toyota, and Subaru.
兔子急了也会咬人!Tell these advertisers to stop funding Fox News now https://risingtidenorthamerica.org/2021/01/fox-news-🙄/ Here’s the list of the top 12 companies giving millions of advertising money to Fox News every year: GlaxoSmithKline, Liberty Mutual, General Motors, Procter & Gamble, Intuit, NortonLifeLock, Nestle, Kraft Heinz, Progressive, Charles Schwab, Toyota, and Subaru.
谢谢后面的姐妹贴出可能可以制止Fox不断播出"China virus" 的一个办法。
请大家行动起来,不要再让右派媒体继续向极右传播"China virus"把责任全推到华人身上了!!Fox是极右最喜欢看的电视。希望喜欢内斗的华人(包括川粉们)这次为了我们的女性,后代和老人可以团结起来!一起消灭"China virus"的说法!
1.去Tell these advertisers to stop funding Fox News now - Action Network 2.填写右手边的地址姓名 3.点击Start writing 4.在右手边,把原来的信换成下面改写的信,欢迎大家改写模板,多样化会好点,没时间改写的话就用下面的模板。 5.点击send letter
模板: Your company is one of Fox News’s biggest advertisers.
Fox News becomes the gateway channel to discriminations against Asian. Donald Trump spent his term exploiting anti-immigrant hostility for political gain. He said “China virus” again this week during a Fox News interview on the very night of the Georgia shootings, which is absolutely unacceptable.
I’m writing to demand that you act today, and urge Fox news to add the racial phrase "China virus" to bleep censors by suggesting the possibility of cutting off all advertising on Fox News. You can either keep on funding Fox’s spreads of racism, or say that you support American Asian community — not both. It’s high time for you to choose.
Here’s the list of the top 12 companies giving millions of advertising money to Fox News every year: GlaxoSmithKline, Liberty Mutual, General Motors, Procter & Gamble, Intuit, NortonLifeLock, Nestle, Kraft Heinz, Progressive, Charles Schwab, Toyota, and Subaru.
川粉: 这病毒本来就是中国来的, 还不是zhaoilijian 先说。。。blah, blah blah, 这种话耳朵都听出长茧子了
民主党韭菜记得还要抵制CNN,这披着“左媒”的狼第一时间出来给Atlanta凶手洗地,说是“sex addiction”, 还人证物证起因经过结果说的“有鼻子有眼儿的”:https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/03/17/us/robert-aaron-long-suspected-shooter/index.html
Trump早就被通报疫情,证据是早就切断了中国航线,却到明明知道意大利成了重灾区后来很久才切断欧洲航线。而且之前之后还是没有任何防疫措施的让欧洲美国人蜂拥回美国,才导致了纽约这么严重的疫情,后来又从纽约传遍全美国。又宣扬big flu,又没有协调好各州抗疫。这些美国人民大部分都看得清清楚楚,抗疫太差才被选下去的,当然如果你是川粉就算我白说,只希望大家这次能团结起来。
翻墙的你抵制不抵制有毛线用。 英语四级都没过。
对。还有中国疫苗是最有效最安全的, 军运会是投毒的,这种话怎么听怎么爱听。
不许说才帝坏话。 哈哈哈。