我自己翻成英文给不读中文的(特别我们的下一代)分享: “I’m ready to tell my daughter I was wrong: we argued about BLM &Floyd, 3800 anti-Asian incidents and Atlanta opened my eyes” Like many Chinese American families we seldom see eye to eye with our children when it comes to politics. We especially disagree with my college-age daughter’s “leftist” idea that America has a serious racial problem. We argued over BLM and Trump last year. I told her Chinese thrive in places like America because of our tradition of ignoring all the noises and just quietly working hard. She accused me of suffering from internalized racism - looking down upon minority races including our own in order to be accepted by the white main stream. The 3800 anti-Asian incidents in the past year and now Atlanta finally opened my eyes. The insidious shouts of “go back to China” is evidence to me that no matter how much we Chinese think we have assimilated, mainstream America takes a look and sees only the difference. First generation immigrants like me may tolerate this - after all if things become really bad some of us do have the option to “go back to China.” But our next generation may not have the option. Are they supposed to just turn a blind eye to all the nonsense that’s happening in America and be content to live with discrimination and intimidation all their lives? So I realize now that my daughter has been right - I need to tell her that I was wrong!
回复 222楼cheeseball的帖子 如果不是因为肤色,为什么上次白人拿着枪杀完两个人警察眼睁睁看着他开车回家 如果不是因为肤色,这个白人杀了8个人,警察能带他去吃饭还告诉全天下:He just had bad day ,试试这个杀手若是黑人,不被打成筛子才怪 如果不是因为肤色,那是因为什么?White privilege 这个词不是想象出来的
楼主你反思是好的, 但是不要扯别人下水。 你开头就说,像其他很多亚裔家庭(中文还不够,还加上英文来一遍 like many Asian Americans), 首先,很多亚裔家庭没有歧视黑人,另外你代表不了其他亚裔家庭。 想说你的事, 说你自己就好。 像成龙, 出轨后说犯了全天下男人都犯的错? 就算是你无意之失,你要把这句去掉。
楼主你反思是好的, 但是不要扯别人下水。 你开头就说,像其他很多亚裔家庭(中文还不够,还加上英文来一遍 like many Asian Americans), 首先,很多亚裔家庭没有歧视黑人,另外你代表不了其他亚裔家庭。 想说你的事, 说你自己就好。 像成龙, 出轨后说犯了全天下男人都犯的错? 就算是你无意之失,你要把这句去掉。
转 以最近的所谓“anti asian hate”法案举例 正常的新闻应该是什么样子的? 当然是列出法案条目,一条条分析,然后采访和党以及猪党双方,为什么支持/反对反对的话是因为反对哪一条,还是全部反对 说实话,克林顿时期和以前,fake news相对还不是那么fake 的时候,虽然也避重就轻,或者故意找茬,但那时候的新闻基本就是这样的! 至少让民众更了解真相。 那现在大家看到的是什么样子呢? 麻痹的没有一个fuck news列出具体条目,只有标题党一样的煽情和大忽悠:164 members of Congress–all Republican–voted against……,cnn更牛逼,直接就是文革大字报“The GOP''s xenophobia is fueling toxic culture of hate” 麻痹的作为猪党喉舌也就罢了,连基本的新闻素养都没有一点,真是连ccav都不如,ccav至少为了立牌坊还稍微做做样子表现出点新闻素养 只有极少数媒体提了提共和党为什么投反对票,但是也只是说因为和党不认同法案里说chinese virus是攻击亚裔的原因,这样的条款不适合放在法案里。 没有一个fuck news具体说明是因为猪党人渣在该法案里加入了私货,要直接通过该法案给川普定罪(共和党当然也不好意思直接说出这一条)而导致和党集体反对 结果效果可以说是刚刚的,亚裔傻逼们在国内大部分不相信ccav的喉舌宣传吧,跑到美国,却被猪党喉舌fuck news文革大字报式样的弱智宣传忽悠的一愣一愣的,被牵着鼻子走,没有一个看出来麻痹的这次袭击亚裔完全就是猪党安排的,fuck news和猪党人渣各个配合无间各种阴毛陷阱忽悠小黄人,抹黑和党和川普 看看小黄人一个个义愤填膺的样子,反过来却对猪党的表演痛哭流涕,感恩戴德。简直活脱脱的傻逼现形记 ddz1332 发表于 2021-03-23 10:53
黄川粉现在还在造谣? 整个法案的全文如下。你告诉我里面哪一句是私货?你告诉我里面哪一句是要给川普欲加之罪? 敢做就要敢当。和党一边把亚裔当作挡箭牌垫脚石,大选祭旗的替罪羊。一边连个最最最基本的面子功夫都懒得做,“反对仇恨亚裔”! 我以前以为给AA吹鼓手的黄左下贱。现在看来,你们这群唾面自干的黄右,比黄左下贱百倍! 孟昭文的反仇恨法案全文如下: In the House of Representatives, U. S., September 17, 2020. Whereas 23 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders account for 7 percent of the Nation’s population in the United States; Whereas over 2 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are working on the frontlines of this COVID–19 pandemic in health care, law enforcement, first responders, transportation, supermarkets, and other service industries; Whereas the use of anti-Asian terminology and rhetoric related to COVID–19, such as the “Chinese Virus”, “Wuhan Virus”, and “Kung-flu” have perpetuated anti-Asian stigma; Whereas since January 2020, there has been a dramatic increase in reports of hate crimes and incidents against those of Asian descent; Whereas according to a recent study, there were over 400 cases related to COVID–19 anti-Asian discrimination between February 9, 2020, and March 7, 2020; Whereas the increased use of anti-Asian rhetoric has resulted in Asian Americans being harassed, assaulted, and scapegoated for the COVID–19 pandemic; Whereas in March 2020, anti-Asian violence includes: a woman wearing a mask was kicked and punched at a New York City subway station; two children and two adults were stabbed at a wholesale grocery in Midland, Texas; a couple was assaulted and robbed by a group of attackers in Philadelphia; and a 16-year-old boy was sent to the hospital after being attacked by bullies in Los Angeles, California; Whereas the increased use of anti-Asian rhetoric has also resulted in Asian-American businesses being targeted for vandalism; Whereas there are approximately 2 million Asian American-owned businesses that generate over $700 billion in annual revenue and employ nearly 4.5 million workers; Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognize that naming COVID–19 by its geographic location or linking it to a specific ethnicity perpetuates stigma; Whereas in 2015, the WHO issued guidance calling on media outlets, scientists, and national authorities to avoid naming infectious diseases for locations to avoid stigmatizing groups of people; Whereas, on February 27, 2020, the Secretary of Health and Human Services stated “ethnicity is not what causes the novel coronavirus” and that it is inappropriate and inaccurate to call COVID–19 the “Chinese virus”; Whereas, on February 28, 2020, Dr. Mitch Wolfe, the Chief Medical Officer of the CDC said, “Stigma is the enemy of public health”; Whereas, on March 10, 2020, Dr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the CDC, testified that use of the term “Chinese coronavirus” is wrong and inappropriate; and Whereas the Secretary General of the United Nations called for international solidarity and an end to any ill-founded discrimination of the outbreak’s victims: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives— (1) calls on all public officials to condemn and denounce any and all anti-Asian sentiment in any form; (2) recognizes that the health and safety of all Americans, no matter their background, must be of utmost priority; (3) condemns all manifestations of expressions of racism, xenophobia, discrimination, anti-Asian sentiment, scapegoating, and ethnic or religious intolerance; (4) calls on Federal law enforcement officials, working with State and local officials— (A) to expeditiously investigate and document all credible reports of hate crimes and incidents and threats against the Asian-American community in the United States; (B) to collect data to document the rise of incidences of hate crimes due to COVID–19; and (C) to hold the perpetrators of those crimes, incidents, or threats accountable and bring such perpetrators to justice; and (5) recommits United States leadership in building more inclusive, diverse, and tolerant societies— (A) to prioritize language access and inclusivity in communication practices; and (B) to combat misinformation and discrimination that put Asian Americans at risk.
是非常subtle,如果平时下班就不和美国人接触的expose的几率就小很多。我是感觉美国的race问题确实根深蒂固,特别是白女社会地位社交地位就明显比同level的亚女高,白男同理。但是这些满口BLM和social equality的白左是隐形歧视的主力军。现在这些运动可能可以遏制犯罪(也不一定,如果对方是黑人,媒体闭口不谈),根本解决不了这种under the skin的歧视
我家老大很好 基本上政治立场和我出奇的一致 她热爱自己的文化 比我优秀的地方是懂得为自己stand up and speak up 我们的下一代还是很有希望的 CleverBeaver 发表于 2021-03-24 16:42
mm一直觉得你人很不错。浪潮来了和个人能不能stand up for yourself无关。对趋势有判断力,不盲从,不attach到任何国家或民族才是根本,对个人来讲。 能stand up for yourself只能得到上等人的尊敬,下等人不吃这一套。别让自己落到下等人手里,不管是白人黑人还是亚洲人才是正解。上等人都是类似的,下等人各有各的表现,种族主义,战狼都只是欺负的借口,不管站哪边都是输。
看谁都是五毛要害你是受迫害妄想症 得治
Arrogance & ignorance
遇到有形或无形的歧视,一定要让自己有所行动,最好是攒够经验,能够做到当场反驳/抗议,形式可以多变。要是当场不能够提出抗议,事后也要有所行动,或者投诉或者抱团讲出自己的经历寻求support。不然,很容易把自己憋出内伤,或者长久潜移默化后internalize racism。两者都不好。
你不如先问问你女儿针对亚洲人hate crime的观点再决定道歉还是不道歉
那来个Asian life matters 运动,天天上街游行示威,再加打砸抢?
“I’m ready to tell my daughter I was wrong: we argued about BLM &Floyd, 3800 anti-Asian incidents and Atlanta opened my eyes”
Like many Chinese American families we seldom see eye to eye with our children when it comes to politics. We especially disagree with my college-age daughter’s “leftist” idea that America has a serious racial problem. We argued over BLM and Trump last year. I told her Chinese thrive in places like America because of our tradition of ignoring all the noises and just quietly working hard. She accused me of suffering from internalized racism - looking down upon minority races including our own in order to be accepted by the white main stream.
The 3800 anti-Asian incidents in the past year and now Atlanta finally opened my eyes. The insidious shouts of “go back to China” is evidence to me that no matter how much we Chinese think we have assimilated, mainstream America takes a look and sees only the difference. First generation immigrants like me may tolerate this - after all if things become really bad some of us do have the option to “go back to China.” But our next generation may not have the option. Are they supposed to just turn a blind eye to all the nonsense that’s happening in America and be content to live with discrimination and intimidation all their lives? So I realize now that my daughter has been right - I need to tell her that I was wrong!
为什么Asian life matters就要打砸抢 我们游行从来都是很和平的好不好
游行示威是美国生活的一部分, 不可剥夺的权利。
如果不是因为肤色,这个白人杀了8个人,警察能带他去吃饭还告诉全天下:He just had bad day ,试试这个杀手若是黑人,不被打成筛子才怪
如果不是因为肤色,那是因为什么?White privilege 这个词不是想象出来的
可以去#blackchina下面了解一下,也是现在推特上很火的一个话题。 非洲人民控诉中国的种族歧视。 其他地方感受不到中国的种族歧视,仅仅是因为中国的影响力还没这么大。
有一种心理问题就是被歧视的一方支持歧视者, 因为这样从心理上暗示自己没有被歧视
估计是你不知道而已,随着年龄的增大 概率越大
同意,会反思是好的,但反思就说自己,能不代表别人吗?还翻译成英文,我就想说, 请不要拖着其他亚裔下水。
精辟 总结的好
确实 很多一代移民都是这样思维方式
恩 很难想象说出这样话的人是接受过高等教育国外教育的 简直素质拉低华人水平
In the House of Representatives, U. S., September 17, 2020.
Whereas 23 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders account for 7 percent of the Nation’s population in the United States;
Whereas over 2 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are working on the frontlines of this COVID–19 pandemic in health care, law enforcement, first responders, transportation, supermarkets, and other service industries;
Whereas the use of anti-Asian terminology and rhetoric related to COVID–19, such as the “Chinese Virus”, “Wuhan Virus”, and “Kung-flu” have perpetuated anti-Asian stigma;
Whereas since January 2020, there has been a dramatic increase in reports of hate crimes and incidents against those of Asian descent;
Whereas according to a recent study, there were over 400 cases related to COVID–19 anti-Asian discrimination between February 9, 2020, and March 7, 2020;
Whereas the increased use of anti-Asian rhetoric has resulted in Asian Americans being harassed, assaulted, and scapegoated for the COVID–19 pandemic;
Whereas in March 2020, anti-Asian violence includes: a woman wearing a mask was kicked and punched at a New York City subway station; two children and two adults were stabbed at a wholesale grocery in Midland, Texas; a couple was assaulted and robbed by a group of attackers in Philadelphia; and a 16-year-old boy was sent to the hospital after being attacked by bullies in Los Angeles, California;
Whereas the increased use of anti-Asian rhetoric has also resulted in Asian-American businesses being targeted for vandalism;
Whereas there are approximately 2 million Asian American-owned businesses that generate over $700 billion in annual revenue and employ nearly 4.5 million workers;
Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognize that naming COVID–19 by its geographic location or linking it to a specific ethnicity perpetuates stigma;
Whereas in 2015, the WHO issued guidance calling on media outlets, scientists, and national authorities to avoid naming infectious diseases for locations to avoid stigmatizing groups of people;
Whereas, on February 27, 2020, the Secretary of Health and Human Services stated “ethnicity is not what causes the novel coronavirus” and that it is inappropriate and inaccurate to call COVID–19 the “Chinese virus”;
Whereas, on February 28, 2020, Dr. Mitch Wolfe, the Chief Medical Officer of the CDC said, “Stigma is the enemy of public health”;
Whereas, on March 10, 2020, Dr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the CDC, testified that use of the term “Chinese coronavirus” is wrong and inappropriate; and
Whereas the Secretary General of the United Nations called for international solidarity and an end to any ill-founded discrimination of the outbreak’s victims: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) calls on all public officials to condemn and denounce any and all anti-Asian sentiment in any form;
(2) recognizes that the health and safety of all Americans, no matter their background, must be of utmost priority;
(3) condemns all manifestations of expressions of racism, xenophobia, discrimination, anti-Asian sentiment, scapegoating, and ethnic or religious intolerance;
(4) calls on Federal law enforcement officials, working with State and local officials—
(A) to expeditiously investigate and document all credible reports of hate crimes and incidents and threats against the Asian-American community in the United States;
(B) to collect data to document the rise of incidences of hate crimes due to COVID–19; and
(C) to hold the perpetrators of those crimes, incidents, or threats accountable and bring such perpetrators to justice; and
(5) recommits United States leadership in building more inclusive, diverse, and tolerant societies—
(A) to prioritize language access and inclusivity in communication practices; and
(B) to combat misinformation and discrimination that put Asian Americans at risk.
是非常subtle,如果平时下班就不和美国人接触的expose的几率就小很多。我是感觉美国的race问题确实根深蒂固,特别是白女社会地位社交地位就明显比同level的亚女高,白男同理。但是这些满口BLM和social equality的白左是隐形歧视的主力军。现在这些运动可能可以遏制犯罪(也不一定,如果对方是黑人,媒体闭口不谈),根本解决不了这种under the skin的歧视
她热爱自己的文化 比我优秀的地方是懂得为自己stand up and speak up
美国阶级固化比国内严重多了,我后来回想起来。美国人对对方一眼就能评判阶层和高下,私立学校,工作,last name, 穿衣打扮谈吐,圈子,白人精英也不会搭理白垃圾的
mm一直觉得你人很不错。浪潮来了和个人能不能stand up for yourself无关。对趋势有判断力,不盲从,不attach到任何国家或民族才是根本,对个人来讲。
能stand up for yourself只能得到上等人的尊敬,下等人不吃这一套。别让自己落到下等人手里,不管是白人黑人还是亚洲人才是正解。上等人都是类似的,下等人各有各的表现,种族主义,战狼都只是欺负的借口,不管站哪边都是输。