谢谢! 非常震惊竟然有华人也觉得shooter只是性瘾,不是racist. 听听Trevor Noah 怎末说的 Don't tell me this has nothing to do with the race. Even the shooter says he thinks it had to do with his sex addiction. You cannot disconnect this violence from the racial stereotype that people attach to asian women. This guy blamed a specific race of people for his problem, and then murdered them because of that.If that's not racism then the word had no meaning. 还有那个警察发言人,大家流言的时候应该直接要求fire him immediately. He tried to defend the shooter and tried to humanize the shooter more than the people who got killed. The comments he made publicly as a spokesman are unacceptable and showed no qualifications as a law enforcer. He should be fired!
回复 5楼badgerbadger的帖子 我给崔娃点赞留言了。大家一起去呼吁佐治亚州警局开除那个对凶手表示同情的警长吧! "Well said, Trevor. Thank you for supporting Asian Americans and for voicing your concern and disappointments. I would love to see Capt. Jay Baker of Georgia’s Cherokee County Sheriff’s office being discharged and banned from serving any public office for describing the brutal killer of eight human lives as having a bad day."
谢谢! 非常震惊竟然有华人也觉得shooter只是性瘾,不是racist. 听听Trevor Noah 怎末说的 Don't tell me this has nothing to do with the race. Even the shooter says he thinks it had to do with his sex addiction. You cannot disconnect this violence from the racial stereotype that people attach to asian women. This guy blamed a specific race of people for his problem, and then murdered them because of that.If that's not racism then the word had no meaning. 还有那个警察发言人,大家流言的时候应该直接要求fire him immediately. He tried to defend the shooter and tried to humanize the shooter more than the people who got killed. The comments he made publicly as a spokesman are unacceptable and showed no qualifications as a law enforcer. He should be fired! sleepykittie 发表于 2021-03-18 01:21
华人还这么想的可以直接 go fuck themselves 了。我在其他帖子也回了,写杀人犯的性瘾是想影射这些被害者是性工作者吗?! 他们有证据吗?这些都是在 fetishize and maginalize 亚洲女性!
还有那个警察发言人,大家流言的时候应该直接要求fire him immediately. He tried to defend the shooter and tried to humanize the shooter more than the people who got killed. The comments he made publicly as a spokesman are unacceptable and showed no qualifications as a law enforcer. He should be fired!
就不指望Jimmy Kimmel了 老id好多可能还记得或者肉身为了jimmy Kimmel show游行过
里面有好几个点值得仔细体会 警察把罪犯描述地非常人性化,有血有肉,而不是把受害者描绘地人性化,受害者就像不存在一样。代入思考:如果一个黑人在亚特兰大黑人区里面,挑选白人屠杀,那么警察也会这样吗? 为什么要相信一个杀人犯说的动机不是hate crime?他杀了8个人有六个亚裔女性,难道是碰巧?退一万步,就算按照他招供的,罪犯把自己的问题归罪于某个种族某个性别(亚裔女性),并且付诸行动针对这个种族开展屠杀,这还不叫种族歧视吗?还是说种族屠杀不算种族歧视!? 某些政治家们创造了一个这样的把新冠归罪于亚裔的氛围,整个社会出现的对亚裔的暴力此起彼伏了
说的很好。 但是还是不要说,如果是黑人怎么怎么样,就会怎么样的做论证。容易让人觉得怪怪的。有制造对立的感觉。
是的。Jimmy Kimmel一生黑。
Always liked him, always will
很喜欢他. very touched.
还记得他在自己的录播节目中微笑着听着小孩说:kill all Chinese。作为一个大人不阻止不教育不纠正。
"Well said, Trevor. Thank you for supporting Asian Americans and for voicing your concern and disappointments. I would love to see Capt. Jay Baker of Georgia’s Cherokee County Sheriff’s office being discharged and banned from serving any public office for describing the brutal killer of eight human lives as having a bad day."
还有 Louis CK 的ugly chinese babies, 也有一堆的华粉
华人还这么想的可以直接 go fuck themselves 了。我在其他帖子也回了,写杀人犯的性瘾是想影射这些被害者是性工作者吗?! 他们有证据吗?这些都是在 fetishize and maginalize 亚洲女性!