有细则: https://git.musta.ch/airbnb/treehouse/pull/304519 你应该是这个: Paused Payment Option-Paid back at End of Mortgage: Your servicer allows you to pause payments for one year, and that amount is repaid by either adding it to the end of your mortgage loan or by you taking out a separate loan. What to consider: You can extend the term of your loan for some amount of time to pay back the paused payments or take out a separate loan. Extending your loan means the missed payments will be added on to the end of your loan. For example if you were given a twelve month period where you didn’t have to pay your mortgage, you’ll have twelve months of payments added on to the date when your loan was supposed to be paid off by. Extending with a separate loan means when your mortgage is due you’ll also have to pay off this separate loan. This is like a balloon payment, which is one large payment due at the end of your loan. Interest on the missed amounts will continue to accrue until you repay them. 所以欠的利息直接加到本金里面了。
谢谢楼上的两位。当时照我的理解,错过的payment(包括利息),推迟到以后补上来。只是把之前错过的payment shift到以后来付清。现在银行把利息加到本金里的话,这简直就不是帮助客户来应对疫情,而是坑客户。而且,银行每个月的statement当中,没有增加任何费用。现在我说要继续还款了,突然在我本金当中加了$14,000。
谢谢您的回复。我能理解您的第一行内容,但是不能理解第二行内容。我之前的Mortgage balance是342,000,如果我payoff的话,只要付342,000加上少许的费用。我现在的Mortgage balance是356,000,如果我要payoff的话,我则要付356,000,比之前多了14000,这不就是亏很多吗?再次谢谢您。
我刚才查了一下,那个银行是在政府bail out的名单上面。
第二项,如果您因新冠疫情遭受经济困难,您有权申请长达 180 天的债务宽限期。您还有权在该还款宽限期后申请再延长不超过 180 天。您必须联系您的贷款服务机构,申请债务宽限。在这段期间内,不得向您的账户收取除约定金额外的任何附加费用、罚金或附加利息。除了表示因新冠疫情遭受经济困难的声明外,您无需提交其他文件。
你应该是这个: Paused Payment Option-Paid back at End of Mortgage: Your servicer allows you to pause payments for one year, and that amount is repaid by either adding it to the end of your mortgage loan or by you taking out a separate loan. What to consider: You can extend the term of your loan for some amount of time to pay back the paused payments or take out a separate loan. Extending your loan means the missed payments will be added on to the end of your loan. For example if you were given a twelve month period where you didn’t have to pay your mortgage, you’ll have twelve months of payments added on to the date when your loan was supposed to be paid off by. Extending with a separate loan means when your mortgage is due you’ll also have to pay off this separate loan. This is like a balloon payment, which is one large payment due at the end of your loan. Interest on the missed amounts will continue to accrue until you repay them.
还是值得的, 对疫情中现金周转困难的人有很大帮助。这利息加到整个15年mortagage, 并没有多出多少钱。这个平时也是有的,financial hardship时候银行情愿给你延期,避免foreclosure.
这个很可能会影响你refinance 的rate的。资本家玩钱玩的比你透,天下没有免费的午餐。
好像听说如果房子在forbearance的时候没有办法refinance ?
我记得当时这里有人讨论过,要是延期而不用付利息拿比stimulus check给的救助还要大。比如我家一个月那时候还贷要2千7,十个月要是能免息差不多相当于白给了一万7、8,而且房贷越多越合算,没有这么白来的好事啊