Hydrogen has more energy per unit mass than other fuels (61,100 BTUs per pound versus 20,900 BTUs per pound of gasoline). ... Therefore one gallon of gasoline yields 125,400 BTUs of energy while a gallon of liquid hydrogen yields only 34,643 BTUs or 27.6% of the energy in a gallon of gasoline How many kWh is 1kg of hydrogen? 33.6 kWh In electrical terms, the energy density of hydrogen is equal to 33.6 kWh of usable energy per kg, versus diesel which only holds about 12–14 kWh per kg. What this really means is that 1 kg of hydrogen, used in a fuel cell to power an electric motor, contains approximately the same energy as a gallon of diesel.
以色列绿氢技术公司H2Pro近日宣称,其高效的水分解技术将在2030年前以每公斤不到1美元的价格提供绿色氢。这意味着绿色氢燃料的价格将下降60%至80%,比美国目前的汽油零售价格还便宜。然而,根据氢能源委员会目前的预测,这种价格下降起码要到2050年才会发生。另据香橙会研究院统计,世界主要氢能公司和机构的绿氢成本的近期目标多在1.5美元以上,因此H2Pro的技术如能推广,将大幅加快绿氢的导入进程,而这在全球都在加速“脱碳”的今天尤为重要。也许正因为如此,H2Pro才获得了投资界诸多大咖的青睐。据悉,该公司至今已完成两轮融资,总额达2200万美元。投资者包括比尔盖茨名下的Breakthrough Energy Ventures,李嘉诚名下的维港投资,立陶宛国家控股能源集团Ignitis旗下的创新基金,以及日本住友、现代汽车等氢能相关实业公司。
据了解,要实现上述目标,关键还是H2Pro公司独有的制氢技术——E-TAC(Electrochemical-Thermally Activated Chemical),即电化学-热能激活化学技术。据H2Pro介绍,E-TAC水裂解工艺是“首个将能源效率提高95%的技术”,它能够比传统的电解法每千瓦时多生产30%的氢气。
Hydrogen has more energy per unit mass than other fuels (61,100 BTUs per pound versus 20,900 BTUs per pound of gasoline). ... Therefore one gallon of gasoline yields 125,400 BTUs of energy while a gallon of liquid hydrogen yields only 34,643 BTUs or 27.6% of the energy in a gallon of gasoline
How many kWh is 1kg of hydrogen? 33.6 kWh In electrical terms, the energy density of hydrogen is equal to 33.6 kWh of usable energy per kg, versus diesel which only holds about 12–14 kWh per kg. What this really means is that 1 kg of hydrogen, used in a fuel cell to power an electric motor, contains approximately the same energy as a gallon of diesel.