wholefood如果发现价格错误,到customer service的柜台去,他们核对好了会把一个物品免费给你 The WFM policy pertains to items that are advertised or stickered for the wrong price. If your cashier rings up your CV Fuji apples correctly (4131) but they ring at 2.99/lb when the sign says $1.99/lb; then you get them for free. If an item rings up at a higher price than was advertised, the customer gets one for free and any others at the lower price. If an item rings for a lower price than advertised, the customer gets the lower price on all items. This policy is meant to tighten teams up on pulling expired sale tags, and making sure to stock items with a current price tag.
wholefood如果发现价格错误,到customer service的柜台去,他们核对好了会把一个物品免费给你 The WFM policy pertains to items that are advertised or stickered for the wrong price. If your cashier rings up your CV Fuji apples correctly (4131) but they ring at 2.99/lb when the sign says $1.99/lb; then you get them for free. If an item rings up at a higher price than was advertised, the customer gets one for free and any others at the lower price. If an item rings for a lower price than advertised, the customer gets the lower price on all items. This policy is meant to tighten teams up on pulling expired sale tags, and making sure to stock items with a current price tag. purepoison 发表于 2021-03-13 13:19
wholefood如果发现价格错误,到customer service的柜台去,他们核对好了会把一个物品免费给你
The WFM policy pertains to items that are advertised or stickered for the wrong price.
If your cashier rings up your CV Fuji apples correctly (4131) but they ring at 2.99/lb when the sign says $1.99/lb; then you get them for free.
If an item rings up at a higher price than was advertised, the customer gets one for free and any others at the lower price. If an item rings for a lower price than advertised, the customer gets the lower price on all items.
This policy is meant to tighten teams up on pulling expired sale tags, and making sure to stock items with a current price tag.
啊 什么?从来都没仔细注意过这些
还能这样??我从来都没仔细核对过 商家怎么这么缺德
Whole Foods乱收钱,你要给他指出来,那份东西就白给你,以前我喜欢去wholefoods,基本次次都有乱收钱的商品
why is it always customers that lose?
是的,碰到过几次这样的,明明打折,扫出来却是原价,拿去CS退差价,还查半天才给退。 还是老美店好,老美店碰到这种价格错误的,直接把该商品送给你了,收错的钱全退。
还有这种事?去任何一个超市不看receipt? 看了这个帖,才知道这么多人收银完了不看单子的。你们从costco出来也敢这样吗?万一cashier有一个item没扫码,忘记charge, 门口检查的人发现了,你怎么解释这个不是你偷的?
Hmart, 和华人超市碰到好多次这样的情况,而且价格出错,总是价格高于正确的,从来没有低过。这个也太诡异了吧!