其实拜登和老川一样啊,都American First

楼主 (北美华人网)
Biden Rebuffs EU, AstraZeneca and Says U.S. Will Keep Its Doses
AstraZeneca has encouraged Biden to consider sharing those U.S.-owned doses of its vaccine with the European Union, where countries face shortages and the drug is authorized for use. But Biden and his administration have made clear their priority is to inoculate the U.S. population first.
你看看南部边境新闻,大批非法移民都开始进来了,这也叫America first? cnn都开始报道了,成千上万大人孩子一起来,大家张开双臂欢迎新美国人
(CNN)The new details emerging daily at the US-Mexico border are tough to track. It''s a fast-moving situation, described by the Biden administration as a "stressful challenge" and decried by critics of immigration as a "crisis." There are a lot of developments we''re still learning in real time. Here''s a look at some of the key numbers we''ve been hearing, the deeper stories behind them and the questions we have.
More than 3,700 What this number represents: How many unaccompanied migrant children were in Customs and Border Protection custody as of Wednesday The deeper story behind it: This is a higher number than we''ve seen before. At the peak of the 2019 border crisis -- when there were overcrowded facilities and children sleeping on the ground -- there were around 2,600 unaccompanied children in Border Patrol custody, a former CBP official told CNN. The treatment of kids in custody is one of the thorniest issues at the border. One of the largest public outcries we heard during the Trump administration came when monitors revealed squalid conditions inside CBP facilities where children were held. We haven''t heard much about the current conditions in these facilities. But it''s concerning, because the number of children arriving is outpacing the Biden administration''s ability to place them in shelters overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services. And due to limited capacity at shelters, children are being held in CBP facilities beyond the 72-hour limit the law requires. The questions we have: Will the Biden administration open new facilities to house these children? Is this record high number of kids in CBP custody a sign of a major shift? Or will we see numbers stabilize as the new administration finds its footing?

Record number of children in border patrol custody at migrant facilities 03:48
More than 100,000 What this number represents: Encounters and arrests of migrants by US authorities in the past month The deeper story behind it: This is a big number and getting a lot of attention. But context is also key. Because a pandemic policy remains in place that allows migrants to be swiftly kicked out of the country without going through as many steps, advocates say these statistics can also include repeated crossing attempts by individuals. A migrant from Honduras seeking asylum in the US stands near rows of tents at the border crossing on March 1, 2021, in Tijuana, Mexico. One reason these latest numbers are raising eyebrows: Usually the number of migrants crossing goes down in the winter, and creeps upward in the spring. The fact that we''re already seeing higher numbers could be a sign that we''ll keep seeing the number of migrants at the border grow. The questions we have: What''s fueling this increase? Will the large numbers force the administration to adopt more restrictive policies on immigration, or will officials find a way to balance their more humanitarian policy goals with growing pressure at the border?
要不然呢? 我问你,如果你家还在饿肚子,家里还有嗷嗷待哺的小孩,你会先把唯一的一碗米饭给邻居送去吗? 如果你真的这么做了,我可以肯定地告诉你,小孩伴侣如果有选择的余地,会马上离你而去。
angelawang620 发表于 2021-03-13 00:08

民主党不是USA First,它们是wallstreet First,披着一层美国First的皮而已