打新冠疫苗前 要不要先吃过敏药?

楼主 (北美华人网)
有看到说打新冠疫苗前可以吃一粒过敏药 但是按照cdc的说法好像并不推荐
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/expect.html For most people, it is not recommended to avoid, discontinue, or delay medications for underlying medical conditions around the time of COVID-19 vaccination. However, your healthcare provider should talk to you about what is currently known and not known about the effectiveness of getting a COVID-19 vaccine when taking medications that suppress the immune system. It is not recommended you take over-the-counter medicine, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen, before vaccination for the purpose of trying to prevent vaccine-related side effects. It is not known how these medications may affect how well the vaccine works. However, if you take these medications regularly for other reasons, you should keep taking them before you get vaccinated. It is also not recommended to take antihistamines before getting a COVID-19 vaccine to try to prevent allergic reactions. If you have questions about medications that you are taking, talk to your doctor or your vaccination provider.
除了过敏,好像糖尿病,肝不好的都要小心吧,这是在网上看到的。另外,国内朋友单位的一位老人快70了,来美探亲, 因为滞留一年多不能回去,年初打了疫苗后就开始发烧,住院几天就去世了,不知有什么基础病。看起来这个疫苗打的也要小心。