有个白男同事。级别比我低。但是他今年想升职。特别爱干特别爱出风头。工作也很卖力。我和他做一个项目,他需要我做其中的一块,做就做吧。然后给几个老板汇报开会的时候他让我share screen 啥的。好像搞的我是给他打杂的。他为啥要让我share screen啊 自己不能搞吗? 我讲我那部分的时候。他也老喜欢指手画脚 comment on this comment on this 或者总结下搞得他很懂。但其实之前准备工作时候我这一部分他根本不会。他问我问题我要解释给他他才明白。但是人特自信。可以立刻把你告诉他的东西糅合糅合显得自己很懂。表达能力肯定也是比我这个亚裔移民在线很多的。。 这种情况怎么处理?为啥白男这种物种就喜欢order people around 之前也遇到过。 他其实内心对我也是服气的。但他有些举动就是让我不舒服啊。 还有就是工作中白人尤其白男那种吹牛和表达能力自信的感觉到底怎么学习啊。感觉也不是纯粹英语问题。
share screen那段:没什么。你讲的时候也可以叫他share screen。 你说话他打断:去看看Karmala Harris跟pence的辩论。直接跟他说:xx,I am speaking. Do you mind saving the comments till the end? 讲一次就够了。
share screen那段:没什么。你讲的时候也可以叫他share screen。 你说话他打断:去看看Karmala Harris跟pence的辩论。直接跟他说:xx,I am speaking. Do you mind saving the comments till the end? 讲一次就够了。 小红薯 发表于 2021-03-12 00:27
要你share screen的时候你就说 “you can share your screen I think. Go ahead.” Be nice and firm. 这种office chores别沾手上了。然后presentation的时候他不停的comment on this comment on that的时候,你不是懂的比他多么,在他说完之后你就再摘几处他说的不对或者不全面的地方,补充一下,再发扬光大,所以给他解释的时候也别解释的太通透,留点儿给自己这样的时候用。 他总是order you around的话,我猜测是不是和你how you carry yourself in the office 有关,我想象如果是默不吭声,叫啥就干啥,也不和人哈啦之类的,很容易成为easy target,可以试着活跃起来,chit chat一下,drive the conversation,越是你不喜欢的人越要joke around,打哈哈。 不给人一种很容易被boss around的印象,也许人家就back off了,以上基于我的猜测, 实际情况怎么样你分享的也不多,所以比较难判断,你看着办啊
Share screen 你可以说, good suggestion, xx. Actually going over how my part was put together, I think it’s beneficial for me to run a few high level ideas with everyone before digging into the details. Xx, maybe you can get the screen ready in the meantime? 然后你就谈几点要点,再让他share。 下次他了解你的工作的时候,你就说, hey I really appreciate the interest you took in my work. But I think I can handle the presentation myself and it’s more beneficial for people to hear it directly from me but I would appreciate it if you want to stay around and help supplement if needed.
要你share screen的时候你就说 “you can share your screen I think. Go ahead.” Be nice and firm. 这种office chores别沾手上了。然后presentation的时候他不停的comment on this comment on that的时候,你不是懂的比他多么,在他说完之后你就再摘几处他说的不对或者不全面的地方,补充一下,再发扬光大,所以给他解释的时候也别解释的太通透,留点儿给自己这样的时候用。 他总是order you around的话,我猜测是不是和你how you carry yourself in the office 有关,我想象如果是默不吭声,叫啥就干啥,也不和人哈啦之类的,很容易成为easy target,可以试着活跃起来,chit chat一下,drive the conversation,越是你不喜欢的人越要joke around,打哈哈。 不给人一种很容易被boss around的印象,也许人家就back off了,以上基于我的猜测, 实际情况怎么样你分享的也不多,所以比较难判断,你看着办啊 littlefish99 发表于 2021-03-12 01:15
Share screen 你可以说, good suggestion, xx. Actually going over how my part was put together, I think it’s beneficial for me to run a few high level ideas with everyone before digging into the details. Xx, maybe you can get the screen ready in the meantime? 然后你就谈几点要点,再让他share。 下次他了解你的工作的时候,你就说, hey I really appreciate the interest you took in my work. But I think I can handle the presentation myself and it’s more beneficial for people to hear it directly from me but I would appreciate it if you want to stay around and help supplement if needed. sleepybear0423 发表于 2021-03-12 01:25
Share screen 你可以说, good suggestion, xx. Actually going over how my part was put together, I think it’s beneficial for me to run a few high level ideas with everyone before digging into the details. Xx, maybe you can get the screen ready in the meantime? 然后你就谈几点要点,再让他share。 下次他了解你的工作的时候,你就说, hey I really appreciate the interest you took in my work. But I think I can handle the presentation myself and it’s more beneficial for people to hear it directly from me but I would appreciate it if you want to stay around and help supplement if needed. sleepybear0423 发表于 2021-03-12 01:25
个人觉得有的话有点太defensive了,比如“I think I can handle the presentation myself and it’s more beneficial for people to hear it directly from me”。IMO,open discussions should be encouraged。也许你可以说,谢谢你的补充,我们在开会之前的确是这样讨论的。还有他的comments有没有讲在点子上,如果有,那你应该考虑一下以后应该怎么更好地表达自己的想法;如果没有,那你也不用太担心,他提供的信息如果没有任何价值,别人也是能听出来的,并不是讲得越多越好。 最好的办法就是不要跟他事先讲太多,你们要share slides可以,你只要跟他讲你没有时间一起go over slides,告诉他你准备花多长时间讲你的slides。 至于谁来share screen,我觉得完全是小事,你要是不comfortable就私下里跟他讲好两个人轮流share,或者谁讲的时候谁share。
天,级别比你低的都骑到你头上去了。你是不是在办公室平时给人特别欺负的感觉?要firm一点啊。 争取不跟他合作。他这是很明显在踩着你上位。他敢这么做就是不把你当一回事,觉得你逆来顺受or你反击他也不怕。他手段比你狠多了,躲开他是你的上策。 非要跟他合作的话,分清楚界限。你做你的他做他的,不跟他share东西。他要是问问题,你就要他schedule a meeting。然后跟他不要讲太清楚,留一手。同时你去跟你老板说,这个白男还比较新有很多问题,所以你抽出了时间mentor他(会议就是铁证)。 开会的时候他要是再出来装你的老板,这时候你教他时候的留一手就有作用了。等他瞎bb完了,你就说,Let me add to that/let me clarify, 然后很客气地指出他说得不对的地方。 平时在办公室也别太软了,人善被人欺啊。
Share screen 你可以说, good suggestion, xx. Actually going over how my part was put together, I think it’s beneficial for me to run a few high level ideas with everyone before digging into the details. Xx, maybe you can get the screen ready in the meantime? 然后你就谈几点要点,再让他share。 下次他了解你的工作的时候,你就说, hey I really appreciate the interest you took in my work. But I think I can handle the presentation myself and it’s more beneficial for people to hear it directly from me but I would appreciate it if you want to stay around and help supplement if needed. sleepybear0423 发表于 2021-03-12 01:25
有个白男同事。级别比我低。但是他今年想升职。特别爱干特别爱出风头。工作也很卖力。我和他做一个项目,他需要我做其中的一块,做就做吧。然后给几个老板汇报开会的时候他让我share screen 啥的。好像搞的我是给他打杂的。他为啥要让我share screen啊 自己不能搞吗? 我讲我那部分的时候。他也老喜欢指手画脚 comment on this comment on this 或者总结下搞得他很懂。但其实之前准备工作时候我这一部分他根本不会。他问我问题我要解释给他他才明白。但是人特自信。可以立刻把你告诉他的东西糅合糅合显得自己很懂。表达能力肯定也是比我这个亚裔移民在线很多的。。 这种情况怎么处理?为啥白男这种物种就喜欢order people around 之前也遇到过。 他其实内心对我也是服气的。但他有些举动就是让我不舒服啊。 还有就是工作中白人尤其白男那种吹牛和表达能力自信的感觉到底怎么学习啊。感觉也不是纯粹英语问题。 fadeintoyou 发表于 2021-03-11 23:57
你如果表现得aggressive,他就不敢step on your toes了。我觉得你应该是女生,很多白男觉得东方女性好欺负,所以你如果不主动出击,就只能被碾压。下次会议,他打断你comment得时候,你可以告诉他,等你讲完再comment.而且回答他的问题也不用太用心。不要觉得自己无法跟白男竞争。你不去尝试这么知道。
你如果表现得aggressive,他就不敢step on your toes了。我觉得你应该是女生,很多白男觉得东方女性好欺负,所以你如果不主动出击,就只能被碾压。下次会议,他打断你comment得时候,你可以告诉他,等你讲完再comment.而且回答他的问题也不用太用心。不要觉得自己无法跟白男竞争。你不去尝试这么知道。 amoy 发表于 2021-03-12 09:49
他 comment有一点错的时候,直接打断他,然后宣布,entirely wrong and completely misleading. 他 comment 对的时候,等他说完,然后宣布,while there is some value, it is misleading when XXX and XXX. In our work, we must XXX, must XXX, must XXX. 越长越好。 你搞两次就可以了。
回复 1楼fadeintoyou的帖子 In order to be assertive, you must present yourself to others in a confident manner, with your words, body language, and actions all representing an assured personality. Tag questions after statements such as "I think we should go to the theater tonight, don''t you?" reduce the effectiveness of your statements by allowing others to easily oppose you. Qualifiers such as "more or less" and "probably" soften the potential conflict with another person and allow you to change your opinion if the other person disagrees with you. Disclaimers such as "I could be mistaken" and "I don''t want you to get mad" apologize for an opinion before the opinion is expressed. Fillers used in the middle of sentences or between sentences such as "um" and "you know" make you look dull and confused. Put-downs such as "I am stupid" or "I can''t fix anything" are another form of self-defeating language. All of these forms of de-emphasizers should be banished from your vocabulary. The last way to lose power verbally is to be too compassionate with your family and friends, so compassionate that you neglect your own needs and wants. Sentences such as "I don''t want to hurt his feelings" and "I feel sorry for my friend" allow others to play on your emotions in order to keep you serving them and taking care of their needs and not your own.
Dealing Assertively with Anger and Criticism Dealing with Anger How do you deal with people who behave aggressively? Their behavior is abusive, intimidating, and overwhelming. Their tone is arrogant and they verbally attack you by calling you stupid or incompetent. They often treat you as an inferior person who deserves to be bullied and belittled. It does no good to show weakness or even rage in return. This kind of response often stimulates aggressive people to push even harder with their aggressiveness. They Are Always Right Aggressive people have a need to prove to themselves and others that they are always right. They believe that what needs to be done is obvious, and think it should be obvious to everyone else as well. They get impatient with people who do not see things as they do. When they feel anyone is resisting them, their impatience quickly becomes irritation, indignation, or anger. Because they feel their view of the world is always correct, it is difficult for them to receive any feedback on their behavior. They lack the capacity to see that their behavior is causing a problem with the impact they have on other people. They Devalue Others Because they value aggressiveness and confidence, they devalue those who lack these qualities and see them as inferior. So by degrading others, they create a sense of self-importance and strength. Every time a person acts weak and confused around them, their sense of superiority is reinforced. You can expect to feel awkward, distraught, and angry about the situation. These are natural and appropriate reactions to aggressive people. But it is crucial that you respond to them assertively. If you do not, they will continue to act as though you are inferior to them. 1. Look him in the eyes and let him finish The first thing to do with an angry person is to give him time to run down and finish what he is saying. While you do this, look directly at him. If you find it difficult to look at his eyes, look within a 9-inch radius of his nose (for example, look at his ear). 2. Hold your place Wherever you are, hold your place while he is presenting his hostility. If you are standing, stand with your feet firmly planted on the floor and your arms loosely at your sides. If you are sitting, sit with your back straight and your arms comfortably in your lap or on the table. 3. Start making assertive statements As soon as he begins to lose momentum, start making assertive statements about the situation he is angry about. Do not wait for him to allow you to enter the conversation; he will not do so. Interrupt him if you must. If he interrupts you, say firmly, "You interrupted me." Say this a number of times if he continues to interrupt you. To get his attention, call him by his name. Use the name that is appropriate for your level of acquaintance with him. Don't call him by his first name if you would normally call him mister and vice versa. 4. Ask him to sit down If you are sitting and he is standing, stand up slowly and push your chair back so you are able to look him directly in the eye. If possible, try to get him to sit down since most people are less aggressive when they are seated. Point to a chair and say, "Look, if we're going to talk about this, we might as well be comfortable." Start to sit down yourself. But watch the other person. If he continues standing, you should also. 5. Use "I" statements State your opinions in an assertive manner using "I" statements. These express your own viewpoint or perception but do not imply a direct attack on him or what he has said. Use sentences that start with "In my opinion, it's a good idea to. . ." "I disagree with you about that. . ." and "I can see that you think. . .but my experience has been. . ." Many aggressive people begin to respect you when you are assertive with them. They may even make friendly overtures to you. Be ready for this and be friendly back to them. Don't be surprised or get angry with them. You may be able to create a productive relationship when they respect you. Dealing with Criticism There are two types of criticisms that are common. Before you can respond assertively, you need to identify which type of criticism is being leveled at you. Manipulative Criticism The first type of criticism occurs when another person wants to impose her own arbitrary structures and expectations on you. She creates right-and-wrong structures on what you should do. If your behavior deviates from her arbitrary structures, you are criticized. In this situation, she disapproves of your behavior over and over again and is doing so only to manipulate you. Many times, she will criticize you for something about your behavior and not say what is really on her mind. This can be frustrating because it is impossible to have an honest conversation about feelings or attitudes that she does not share with you. When you are criticized, you may respond in a number of ways. You may be completely intimidated by the criticism and give in to the other person. You may defend yourself and try to talk her out of her criticism of you by proving you have not done what she is accusing you of or that it is not as bad as she says it is. You may become angry at her, becoming loud and insulting her. Or you may criticize her about something else. Any of these reactions will make the relationship suffer. If you are assertive with manipulative criticism, you are able to distinguish between the truth that another person says about you and the arbitrary right and wrong that person assigns to your behavior. You do not have to accept the other person's description of right and wrong according to her values. A technique to use in dealing with another person's criticism is to agree with the truth of what she says or agree in principle. Here are some examples of starting such an assertive sentence. · That's an interesting point. · I can certainly see why you would think that. · I can see that you think that way. · I can understand why you would say that. By agreeing specifically with what the person says, you are responding only to what she is saying, not whether your behavior is right or wrong. You avoid responding in a destructive way and being anxious when others criticize you. Helpful Criticism The second type of criticism occurs when another person tells you something she feels is for your own good and does so only when she sees a good reason for it. She rarely criticizes you and wants to hear what you have to say in response. There are three steps to use in dealing with this type of criticism. · First, get a clear picture of what the other person is saying and repeat it back to her so that she knows you understand her. Ask her to elaborate and provide details. When you repeat back to her what she is saying, don't use the same words. Instead, paraphrase it in your own words. · Second, examine the validity of what she is saying. Look at the situation from various angles to see how accurate her description is. Consider the situation from her point of view. Also tell her the situation from your point of view if it is different from hers. If she has any valid points, say so. If not, tell her why you think her description is not accurate. · Third, consider different solutions to the situation that will benefit both of you. For example, if your spouse criticizes you for not helping with the housework, possible solutions may include the following:
别说上班了,上学的时候我就有感受了。有些人就这个德行,到不一定针对你或者移民歧视什么的,他们就是觉得老子天下第一,fake it until you make it。上学的时候一个白男哥们儿,上课的时候的吧的吧跟老师就像说相声一样,我当年刚来语言也不好,上课连猜带蒙,觉得这哥们儿牛死了,怎么这么快就听懂了。然后期末,全班就一个需要重修,就是他。再然后,这人成绩太差被退学了。当时上课的时候真的完全看不出来,而且他回答问题也不是全胡扯,挺多挺靠谱的,当然也可能我当年没听懂。
别说上班了,上学的时候我就有感受了。有些人就这个德行,到不一定针对你或者移民歧视什么的,他们就是觉得老子天下第一,fake it until you make it。上学的时候一个白男哥们儿,上课的时候的吧的吧跟老师就像说相声一样,我当年刚来语言也不好,上课连猜带蒙,觉得这哥们儿牛死了,怎么这么快就听懂了。然后期末,全班就一个需要重修,就是他。再然后,这人成绩太差被退学了。当时上课的时候真的完全看不出来,而且他回答问题也不是全胡扯,挺多挺靠谱的,当然也可能我当年没听懂。 doublemint 发表于 2021-03-12 13:31
他 comment有一点错的时候,直接打断他,然后宣布,entirely wrong and completely misleading. 他 comment 对的时候,等他说完,然后宣布,while there is some value, it is misleading when XXX and XXX. In our work, we must XXX, must XXX, must XXX. 越长越好。 你搞两次就可以了。 zhegufei 发表于 2021-03-12 10:34
回复 1楼fadeintoyou的帖子 其实你可以顺水推舟、反客为主: proactively share the screen, try to open the conversation and give a overview of the agenda, so you are effectively leading the meeting share your slides/part with him in private and seek his comments before the meeting, incorporate his comments into your talk points and practice your presentation after your finish your part of presentation, give him a chance to add color
文化不同我赞同,不过也要看个人的性格,这个比较aggressive,大部分还是laid back的。aggressive的人里也有恶意和善意之分,也需要观察来决断。 这个人明显让楼主不舒服了,但如果没有太出格,我觉得楼主不必显露出来,但是有机会要给他提个醒,说话尽量polite and assertive,喜怒不形于色。如果自己被激了乱了阵脚我觉得会给其他同事一种不professional的感觉。我也觉得反过去让他也share screen有点幼稚,但可以说that's not a bad idea, but I'd love to get to some of my main points first. Shoot me an email later if you want more details. 或者I'd love to answer your questions about details later. 大多数时候condescending的语气不好,但有时候也得稍微condescending一下让他明白谁是老大。 工作中我很欣赏的品质是对事不对人,我觉得要避免说你如何如何,这人以后真要没完没了了需要谈一下,我会说what you did the other day made me a bit uncomfortable了等等等等。 my two cents
要你share screen的时候你就说 “you can share your screen I think. Go ahead.” Be nice and firm. 这种office chores别沾手上了。然后presentation的时候他不停的comment on this comment on that的时候,你不是懂的比他多么,在他说完之后你就再摘几处他说的不对或者不全面的地方,补充一下,再发扬光大,所以给他解释的时候也别解释的太通透,留点儿给自己这样的时候用。 他总是order you around的话,我猜测是不是和你how you carry yourself in the office 有关,我想象如果是默不吭声,叫啥就干啥,也不和人哈啦之类的,很容易成为easy target,可以试着活跃起来,chit chat一下,drive the conversation,越是你不喜欢的人越要joke around,打哈哈。 不给人一种很容易被boss around的印象,也许人家就back off了,以上基于我的猜测, 实际情况怎么样你分享的也不多,所以比较难判断,你看着办啊 littlefish99 发表于 2021-03-12 01:15
re re re 还有就是你也学他,他做presentation的时候你也comments这个那个! 白男总是莫名其妙的有优越感,总觉得自己entitle to everything,你要在心里把自己放在他们的level之上,站在一个更高的层面去lead他。然后,抓大放小,跟上级需要表现的时候,不要让着他!你既然更懂,你就应该更抓细节或者他不懂的地方说,最好能有一种你和你的上级在carry一个conversation,他是outsider的感觉。 be nice and firm
回复 1楼fadeintoyou的帖子 In order to be assertive, you must present yourself to others in a confident manner, with your words, body language, and actions all representing an assured personality. Tag questions after statements such as "I think we should go to the theater tonight, don''t you?" reduce the effectiveness of your statements by allowing others to easily oppose you. Qualifiers such as "more or less" and "probably" soften the potential conflict with another person and allow you to change your opinion if the other person disagrees with you. Disclaimers such as "I could be mistaken" and "I don''t want you to get mad" apologize for an opinion before the opinion is expressed. Fillers used in the middle of sentences or between sentences such as "um" and "you know" make you look dull and confused. Put-downs such as "I am stupid" or "I can''t fix anything" are another form of self-defeating language. All of these forms of de-emphasizers should be banished from your vocabulary. The last way to lose power verbally is to be too compassionate with your family and friends, so compassionate that you neglect your own needs and wants. Sentences such as "I don''t want to hurt his feelings" and "I feel sorry for my friend" allow others to play on your emotions in order to keep you serving them and taking care of their needs and not your own. yinfei 发表于 2021-03-12 11:32
我讲我那部分的时候。他也老喜欢指手画脚 comment on this comment on this 或者总结下搞得他很懂。但其实之前准备工作时候我这一部分他根本不会。他问我问题我要解释给他他才明白。但是人特自信。可以立刻把你告诉他的东西糅合糅合显得自己很懂。表达能力肯定也是比我这个亚裔移民在线很多的。。
这种情况怎么处理?为啥白男这种物种就喜欢order people around 之前也遇到过。 他其实内心对我也是服气的。但他有些举动就是让我不舒服啊。
🔥 最新回帖
看来大家和我的观点相同,人品那么差的,爬上去只可能踩lz 更历害。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
是啊 水平也没有高一大截 又不是啥rocket science 但白男的表达能力和气场一下就高出太多了 太不讨巧了
是啊 我也是服气的 也有观察别人怎么说 但是还是不太能学的来啊
我发现白人欺软怕硬,你得找准他犯错说着你比较有理的时候把你的想法说出来,不能做鸵鸟,你反抗一下他们会收敛 但这个不能老用。
我也是...常常在职场上吃亏就是很会做但不如native speakers解释的好
语言不好,挤兑黑人和穷人也不见得能讨到好 😂
我觉得白人超级爱面子啊 这样不好吧 即使知道对方是错的时候 也要说 I would be wrong... But my recollection is... Blah blah
- 直接但政治正确的告诉他,你的concern和不满; - 1 on 1 和你老板,谈你工作和贡献,并政治正确的提到ppt时候的concern; - 联合其他同事对他有看法的,搞好关系/随便政治正确的谈谈自己的想法/concern - 。。。。
那些人欺下捧上呗,认为穷人不吃福利了自己日子就好过了。 大空头里结尾有句话,很多人过的不如意就抱怨穷人和民主党,在本版得到了很好的体现。
和老板怎么提啊 我和他之间share slides 时候也没有 cc 我老板 因为他先发给我的时候也没 cc 老板 我也没必要cc 吧
是啊 不会说不会表达好吃亏啊 我一发言还很紧张 容易越说声音越抖 无语了
而且白男ego 都很高啊 我开会说了句 maybe you can help me understand blah blah 他结束了好开心哦
顶这个,you have to choose your battle, 抓住机会让他出个大洋相,他才会老实。
- 为啥不cc 你老板,把事情放在明面上,但要有技巧 - ppt 后,你没有和老板的 1o1吗,问问他/她对ppt的feedback, 随便有技巧的提出问题/concern。。
怕被这人bully 这人太咄咄逼人了
不要紧张,practice makes perfect.. ppt前多练习,你没问题的
没有 这个忘了 是个good point 我就觉得和他对过ppt 后就直接一起给老板汇报了 因为我对我自己的那部分还是很有信心的
忘了先给我老板汇报问问题了 这样也可以显示我做的东西
你说话他打断:去看看Karmala Harris跟pence的辩论。直接跟他说:xx,I am speaking. Do you mind saving the comments till the end? 讲一次就够了。
做ppt也有技巧的。比如直接在ppt 的agenda slide上注明谁cover什么slides. 不要紧,慢慢来,大家都是慢慢学会游戏规则和生存竞争的。。 和这个的alpha 打交道,要be assertive
是啊 这个让我share screen 的把戏真是low 啊 亏他能想出来 之前准备工作对接讨论的时候 我最好的东西 他让我walk through 他 问问题为啥写这个那个态度就是好像在审问我 我气的 我说 well, you tell me 他就不会了 然后还要我给他解释
谢谢 感觉是personality 问题 我从小用中文发言 都会声音抖
我还在摸索这人的人品。反正咄咄逼人aggressive 的感觉不是很喜欢。我还是喜欢和laid back 一点的人相处。气场不合吧。但他这种太适合混职场了。说不定哪天就成我上司了。也不好得罪。
Good point 这个把人说糊涂的能力太重要了 我经常为别人要东西时候就发现那人给我胡扯 听完更糊涂了
good response.
他总是order you around的话,我猜测是不是和你how you carry yourself in the office 有关,我想象如果是默不吭声,叫啥就干啥,也不和人哈啦之类的,很容易成为easy target,可以试着活跃起来,chit chat一下,drive the conversation,越是你不喜欢的人越要joke around,打哈哈。 不给人一种很容易被boss around的印象,也许人家就back off了,以上基于我的猜测, 实际情况怎么样你分享的也不多,所以比较难判断,你看着办啊
Be assertive and be nice and firm.
写写你的建议 以前也经常被一个白男order around 感觉性格有点软软 被人当target
哇 碰到高手了 谢谢 得体不失礼貌
你为什么要和他share slides?下次他做他的你做你的,之前也别跟他go over不就完了。你说话的时候他插嘴,你就说没时间了,如果今天要讲完的话,请他等你讲完在开口。我只跟上下级互相分享slides,同级完全不会分享。
级别高了,手下就不止楼主一个人可供蹂躏了 😂
个人觉得有的话有点太defensive了,比如“I think I can handle the presentation myself and it’s more beneficial for people to hear it directly from me”。IMO,open discussions should be encouraged。也许你可以说,谢谢你的补充,我们在开会之前的确是这样讨论的。还有他的comments有没有讲在点子上,如果有,那你应该考虑一下以后应该怎么更好地表达自己的想法;如果没有,那你也不用太担心,他提供的信息如果没有任何价值,别人也是能听出来的,并不是讲得越多越好。
最好的办法就是不要跟他事先讲太多,你们要share slides可以,你只要跟他讲你没有时间一起go over slides,告诉他你准备花多长时间讲你的slides。
至于谁来share screen,我觉得完全是小事,你要是不comfortable就私下里跟他讲好两个人轮流share,或者谁讲的时候谁share。
在白人文化里,他这就叫leadership skill。并不是他有意压你,而是人家骨子里觉得天将降大任于斯人也,自己就是那个斯人。会议要主动组织分工,觉得你哪个地方讲的不好,不得不jump in,人家心里还想着是帮了你帮了team呢。。 这是文化上的不同。我们习惯事不关己高高挂起,不是自己做的那块懒得管,人家不一样,都过一遍get involved是leadership。没有必要锱铢必较,非得让人家也share screen,搞得莫名其妙
争取不跟他合作。他这是很明显在踩着你上位。他敢这么做就是不把你当一回事,觉得你逆来顺受or你反击他也不怕。他手段比你狠多了,躲开他是你的上策。 非要跟他合作的话,分清楚界限。你做你的他做他的,不跟他share东西。他要是问问题,你就要他schedule a meeting。然后跟他不要讲太清楚,留一手。同时你去跟你老板说,这个白男还比较新有很多问题,所以你抽出了时间mentor他(会议就是铁证)。 开会的时候他要是再出来装你的老板,这时候你教他时候的留一手就有作用了。等他瞎bb完了,你就说,Let me add to that/let me clarify, 然后很客气地指出他说得不对的地方。
他让你share screen, 你可以呀;然后,好好讲你这部分,明眼人一听就明白谁是能人, 谁肚子里面有货。 我一般不说话,如果讲,每次都会是最有信息量的。如果你的部分会给领导帮助和启发,他们会心里有数的。
你跟他分享slides,自然也会expect他跟你分享slides,不光是分享,还应该做collaborative editing,两个人需要协助保证整个deck的连贯性,这是个互利的关系。如果大家都access了所有的slides,但他能讲出融会贯通的发言,你讲不出,那就是水平问题,没啥好说的。如果因为自己水平不行怕露怯,就守着自己那三分地自high,永远也不可能发展大局观,不可能往上走
这个社会处处double standard。大妈做同样的事情,不一定得到白男一样的结果。
share screen没啥问题,是因为其他方面能力不行才搞得好像是问题。解决方法是提高其他方面的能力,不要把精力花在纠结这些细枝末节上
你如果表现得aggressive,他就不敢step on your toes了。我觉得你应该是女生,很多白男觉得东方女性好欺负,所以你如果不主动出击,就只能被碾压。下次会议,他打断你comment得时候,你可以告诉他,等你讲完再comment.而且回答他的问题也不用太用心。不要觉得自己无法跟白男竞争。你不去尝试这么知道。
他 comment有一点错的时候,直接打断他,然后宣布,entirely wrong and completely misleading. 他 comment 对的时候,等他说完,然后宣布,while there is some value, it is misleading when XXX and XXX. In our work, we must XXX, must XXX, must XXX. 越长越好。 你搞两次就可以了。
楼主还不承认,这就是英语问题,想象在上海工作,撕逼算事吗,有人抢你功劳,你还需要事后揣摩?需要上论坛抱怨? 国内玩不过人那是手段问题,这里99.9%的华人,玩不过人都首先是英语问题,手段行不行不知道,因为根本到不了那一步
可是这斯人必须自己先把东西搞懂,不然也无法得民心。 白人就是天生蜜汁自信,张口就来,没什么好为白人辩驳得。从上课做group project开始就是这样。
是的。非常同意。 特别亚女容易成为进攻目标。我很同意littlefish在帖子里分享得,都是很好得点,值得推敲跟学习。 看起来弱,有的时候可以成为自己得优点,只要自己脑子清晰心理稳得住,该放放该装装。
In order to be assertive, you must present yourself to others in a confident manner, with your words, body language, and actions all representing an assured personality.
Tag questions after statements such as "I think we should go to the theater tonight, don''t you?" reduce the effectiveness of your statements by allowing others to easily oppose you. Qualifiers such as "more or less" and "probably" soften the potential conflict with another person and allow you to change your opinion if the other person disagrees with you. Disclaimers such as "I could be mistaken" and "I don''t want you to get mad" apologize for an opinion before the opinion is expressed. Fillers used in the middle of sentences or between sentences such as "um" and "you know" make you look dull and confused. Put-downs such as "I am stupid" or "I can''t fix anything" are another form of self-defeating language. All of these forms of de-emphasizers should be banished from your vocabulary. The last way to lose power verbally is to be too compassionate with your family and friends, so compassionate that you neglect your own needs and wants. Sentences such as "I don''t want to hurt his feelings" and "I feel sorry for my friend" allow others to play on your emotions in order to keep you serving them and taking care of their needs and not your own.
岂止上课project,从小就是这么培养的 养了娃才知道,从preschool开始,主动帮老师管管小朋友,替说不清话的小朋友跟老师沟通,通过沟通的方式从别人手里要玩具,这都叫leadership,叫self advocacy。 张口bs的人也见过,你可以说啥也不懂,但是不妨碍老板认为人家是当leader的料。 当然可以去copy人家的行为,但是如果mindset没有改变,就显得petty了。 关键是看对自己怎么定位的。如果觉得是自己的,就要拿出积极的态度张罗起来
这是white culture,上面的上面也是这种culture,人家更能fit in。不是一定非得是白的,亚裔会这套的也能混的好
同道中人 我也是奉行这个处事法则
一个班总有一个这样的同学 那嘴吧吧的
你想害死楼主啊😂 平时开会没说几句话的人,忽然这么aggressive只会给大家留下她很负面的印象
其实你可以顺水推舟、反客为主: proactively share the screen, try to open the conversation and give a overview of the agenda, so you are effectively leading the meeting share your slides/part with him in private and seek his comments before the meeting, incorporate his comments into your talk points and practice your presentation after your finish your part of presentation, give him a chance to add color
文化不同我赞同,不过也要看个人的性格,这个比较aggressive,大部分还是laid back的。aggressive的人里也有恶意和善意之分,也需要观察来决断。
这个人明显让楼主不舒服了,但如果没有太出格,我觉得楼主不必显露出来,但是有机会要给他提个醒,说话尽量polite and assertive,喜怒不形于色。如果自己被激了乱了阵脚我觉得会给其他同事一种不professional的感觉。我也觉得反过去让他也share screen有点幼稚,但可以说that's not a bad idea, but I'd love to get to some of my main points first. Shoot me an email later if you want more details. 或者I'd love to answer your questions about details later. 大多数时候condescending的语气不好,但有时候也得稍微condescending一下让他明白谁是老大。
工作中我很欣赏的品质是对事不对人,我觉得要避免说你如何如何,这人以后真要没完没了了需要谈一下,我会说what you did the other day made me a bit uncomfortable了等等等等。
my two cents
同意 有种就跟白人去争
re re re 还有就是你也学他,他做presentation的时候你也comments这个那个! 白男总是莫名其妙的有优越感,总觉得自己entitle to everything,你要在心里把自己放在他们的level之上,站在一个更高的层面去lead他。然后,抓大放小,跟上级需要表现的时候,不要让着他!你既然更懂,你就应该更抓细节或者他不懂的地方说,最好能有一种你和你的上级在carry一个conversation,他是outsider的感觉。 be nice and firm
我觉得是因为他们从小练的,说一些言之无物的废话 但是讲到细节他们绝对就不行了 我亲眼看过一个白男,在公司里的leadership training上,让读一个article,他啥也没读就开始瞎说 如果我们也从来不做homework,老是这么瞎说、也能练出胡说八道的水平 这种人,你要是想搞他,就是挑细节问他就行,他就露馅了 当然,你自己在会议前要做足够的功课,甚至可以想好chit chat的topic,想要follow up questions等等
讲得很好。举个最简单的例子,很多人尤其是女性喜欢讲I think,如果想要更assertive,应该讲I believe。