美国将和日本,印度,澳大利亚联合给亚洲供应JJ疫苗。 美日出钱,印度生产,澳洲分发。 这个项目是独立于WHO系统以外的,当然也是有政治目的。 from financial times: The US has crafted a plan with Japan, India and Australia to provide 1bn doses of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine to south-east Asian nations in a bid to counter Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific region. President Joe Biden and his counterparts will unveil the initiative on Friday when they convene the first “Quad” summit. Under the deal, the US and Japan will finance production of the vaccine in India, while Australia will help to distribute the jabs across south-east Asia.
回复 1楼susansd的帖子 Biden政府回应了这种说法了。Biden连美国还没批准的阿斯利康的疫苗stockpile都不愿意放给欧洲。Biden真是哈哈哈,嘴上说联合盟友,手头却很紧,连不怎么要用的疫苗都不舍得给盟友。其实我是觉得阿斯利康疫苗看来效果有限,干脆都退货,让欧洲谁爱用谁用去。 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-12/astrazeneca-asks-biden-to-consider-shipping-u-s-doses-to-eu President Joe Biden’s administration is holding on to its stockpile of AstraZeneca PLC vaccines, even though the shot isn’t authorized for U.S. use, top aides said Friday -- rebuffing pressure from Europe and the company to consider sharing doses of the shot. “We have a small inventory of AstraZeneca so that, if approved, we can get that inventory out to the American people as quickly as possible,” Jeff Zients, Biden’s Covid-19 response coordinator, said at a press briefing Friday. “We’re rightly focused on getting Americans vaccinated as soon as possible.” Even though it has yet to seek U.S. regulatory approval, the U.K.-based company has begun manufacturing doses in the U.S. to fill an order for 300 million shots the American government placed last year. AstraZeneca has encouraged Biden to consider sharing those U.S.-owned doses of its vaccine with the European Union, where countries face shortages and the drug is authorized for use. But Biden and his administration have made clear their priority is to inoculate the U.S. population first. “At this time, there have been requests around the world, of course, from a number of countries who have requested doses from the United States, and we have not provided doses from the U.S. government to anyone,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Friday. “So this is not about Europe. This is about our focus and our priority.” The current U.S. stockpile of AstraZeneca doses is less than 10 million, several people familiar with the matter said. An AstraZeneca executive told CNBC last week that the company expects to have 30 million doses ready to ship when the shot receives authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. It isn’t clear when that may happen, but it’s at least weeks away.
马克思 , 恩格斯 都是德国人!!
from financial times:
The US has crafted a plan with Japan, India and Australia to provide 1bn doses of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine to south-east Asian nations in a bid to counter Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific region. President Joe Biden and his counterparts will unveil the initiative on Friday when they convene the first “Quad” summit. Under the deal, the US and Japan will finance production of the vaccine in India, while Australia will help to distribute the jabs across south-east Asia.
clinical trials就不花钱啦?
三德子应该把自己的beach front house 捐掉,能让好几千人打上疫苗了。
你咋不把谎话吹上天呢,我也是闲的,最近您们这种无知无畏无耻的namama一样的的战🐺好好战友特别多,5毛灵棺给你们了几毛钱?复兴在中国只有marking辉瑞疫苗的权力,没有研发生产这种欧美已批mRNA的疫苗的权力,辉瑞和biontech是partner的平行关系,实际没有辉瑞技术的nano delivery system这个疫苗biontech是不会真快上临床的。最初复兴买的除了做distrubutor 还可以和biontech合作在大中华区研发用全spike蛋白的疫苗,去年底就已经失败了。现在就是辉瑞和biontechmRNA疫苗的distributor, 通过复兴送到香港的辉瑞疫苗特别强调了生产在德国。送给你们最喜欢的加红链接
你居然又开始跟疫苗帖子了 据说前面你因为跟疫苗帖子被骂出shi了。 这是吃完了,继续来? 持之以恒啊
RNA疫苗不是面瘫吗? 为啥生产啊
美国这是有善心。 良心使用更多的背景是你欠别人的,然后还别人,然后别人会说你有良心。在乙肝疫苗这个事情上美国以前应该不欠中国的。但是中国宣传上一直是美帝国主义亡我之心不死,乙肝疫苗这事不怎么提,这就是没良心。
先回应你香蕉措辞 我觉得用香蕉捅你妈B最合适,不信你试试。
下面再谈疫苗 欧美疫苗从来都可以给想要的人,去阻止你所说的变异。 问题是你为什么要放开发疫苗公司的血?你tg那么有钱为啥不是买下所有疫苗,分给劳苦大众,阻止病毒变异?
民主党的问题就是鼓励不劳而获 这么下去谁还会去努力 最后大家都吃什么
你不用说那么多大道理 你把家产捐了买疫苗,给没能力研发的劳苦大众。 用你的话说,这些人都是鲜活的生命!家产这东西生不带来 死不带去,没了可以再挣,人没了,就真没了,对吧?来吧 捐了,我就真的服你。
既然是一群人的事,就是某些人口中说的public goods, 为啥只让这个群体中真正做事的去付出?
Biden政府回应了这种说法了。Biden连美国还没批准的阿斯利康的疫苗stockpile都不愿意放给欧洲。Biden真是哈哈哈,嘴上说联合盟友,手头却很紧,连不怎么要用的疫苗都不舍得给盟友。其实我是觉得阿斯利康疫苗看来效果有限,干脆都退货,让欧洲谁爱用谁用去。 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-12/astrazeneca-asks-biden-to-consider-shipping-u-s-doses-to-eu
President Joe Biden’s administration is holding on to its stockpile of AstraZeneca PLC vaccines, even though the shot isn’t authorized for U.S. use, top aides said Friday -- rebuffing pressure from Europe and the company to consider sharing doses of the shot. “We have a small inventory of AstraZeneca so that, if approved, we can get that inventory out to the American people as quickly as possible,” Jeff Zients, Biden’s Covid-19 response coordinator, said at a press briefing Friday. “We’re rightly focused on getting Americans vaccinated as soon as possible.” Even though it has yet to seek U.S. regulatory approval, the U.K.-based company has begun manufacturing doses in the U.S. to fill an order for 300 million shots the American government placed last year. AstraZeneca has encouraged Biden to consider sharing those U.S.-owned doses of its vaccine with the European Union, where countries face shortages and the drug is authorized for use. But Biden and his administration have made clear their priority is to inoculate the U.S. population first. “At this time, there have been requests around the world, of course, from a number of countries who have requested doses from the United States, and we have not provided doses from the U.S. government to anyone,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Friday. “So this is not about Europe. This is about our focus and our priority.” The current U.S. stockpile of AstraZeneca doses is less than 10 million, several people familiar with the matter said. An AstraZeneca executive told CNBC last week that the company expects to have 30 million doses ready to ship when the shot receives authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. It isn’t clear when that may happen, but it’s at least weeks away.
欧盟骚操作也是惊呆了 说起来不喜欢牛津疫苗没毛病 但是自己不要还拦着不给澳大利亚就呵呵。。。
Bogey 这个劳改犯从管教哪里抄来的?