Do you have kids that just went through U.S. high school? If you don't then spare me would you? I came from similar schools in China and did 3 highschool years in 2 (in a so called 省重点?) and frankly the only thing you need to be good at is taking tests. Completely different story here.
hehe. Maybe I am from a different China or at least not from the the same periods as yours. Anyway, you are probably right if you compare NC with California, though. I reserve my opinion comparing California highschool pressure against Chinese highschool, afterall, I came out of Chinese highschool more than 3 decades ago. I realize things there certainly changed a lot. I suppose you also have kids that went through U.S. highschool systems?
I don't think it is required but there are various after school activities or clubs kids attend if they are interested in them. If you are in a sports team, in my area you commit at least 20 hrs a week training for it. Debate is not as bad but there are various competitions kids go. Dancing also have many scheduled competitions on the east coast. Anyway, all optional depending on your kids' interests.
Do you have kids that just went through U.S. high school? If you don't then spare me would you? I came from similar schools in China and did 3 highschool years in 2 (in a so called 省重点?) and frankly the only thing you need to be good at is taking tests. Completely different story here. yolandos 发表于 2021-03-11 18:48
你小时候有这里这么多课外活动?Cary (take an example, Cary Academy)高中时间分配的压力比我小时候大多了,特别是小孩有AP classes, 加体育,跳舞,debate等等有比赛的课外活动,还打个工勤工俭学的话。我小时后在江浙一味读读书考考试太轻松了。
谢谢解释。我这个问题有点无知还请见谅。孩子平均都要上这么多课外活动吗?如果不上的话是不是在本地算很奇葩的。可否最后就选择一两个项目专攻呢?真的很不了解教育的实际情况因为娃还没到学龄 不过也得好好开始做好思想准备了。
那个什么Cary Academy才764个人。以前一所高中随随便便3000人,还是市重点。
Do you have kids that just went through U.S. high school? If you don't then spare me would you?
I came from similar schools in China and did 3 highschool years in 2 (in a so called 省重点?) and frankly the only thing you need to be good at is taking tests. Completely different story here.
hehe. Maybe I am from a different China or at least not from the the same periods as yours. Anyway, you are probably right if you compare NC with California, though. I reserve my opinion comparing California highschool pressure against Chinese highschool, afterall, I came out of Chinese highschool more than 3 decades ago. I realize things there certainly changed a lot. I suppose you also have kids that went through U.S. highschool systems?
I don't think it is required but there are various after school activities or clubs kids attend if they are interested in them. If you are in a sports team, in my area you commit at least 20 hrs a week training for it. Debate is not as bad but there are various competitions kids go. Dancing also have many scheduled competitions on the east coast. Anyway, all optional depending on your kids' interests.
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