对了,客服告诉我如果股价快要升到我的行权价而我其实不想卖出的话可以在expiration前buy to close,这种情况下请问大家一般在什么时候buy to close呢?是过期当天吗?还是要提前? Dosso 发表于 2021-03-08 13:25
U.S. options can be exercised at any time before expiration (European style options can only be exercised on the day of expiration and Asian options at a set of specific dates). You can close out at any time before expiration (4pm on the expiration day, I think).
U.S. options can be exercised at any time before expiration (European style options can only be exercised on the day of expiration and Asian options at a set of specific dates). You can close out at any time before expiration (4pm on the expiration day, I think).