小白来问day trading问题

楼主 (北美华人网)
小白来问问Day trading的交易规则问题。第一次做,在TD家开的户,客服电话超级难打通。再次问问各位大牛:
Day Trading Buying Power Day trading buying power is equal to excess equity (which is calculated as the equity in your account at the close of business the previous day, less total Financial Industry Regulatory Authority [FINRA] maintenance requirements), multiplied by up to four. If your account exceeds day trading buying power, we will issue a day trading buying power call.
(1)这个buy power是以股票的资产为基础,而不是现金对吗?那如果我在现金内部买了由卖,卖了又买,不用margin的情况下,只要总交易额不超过资产的4倍就可以是吗? (2)股票买了之后交割要2个交易日之后钱才会到账,这个会影响buying power吗?还是不管交割没交割的钱都可以用,我是一般控制风险,只在现金内部买卖,不用margin。