if you plan to drive 10+ years or if you drive over the annual mileage cap, I would think you want to buy... on the other hand if you can write off your mileages or deprecate as a business expense, then lease it... YMMV(pun intended)
I have a hybrid and I had similar concerns in 2010 but 11 years and 130K miles later no issues with the batteries. Take another example, say prius owners, all had similar concerns initially but at least historical performance data suggested these concerns did not manifest further. You can check prices of Prius batteries on Ebay and they are not as expensive at all. If there are a large failure or degrade of batteries you would see battery cost much higher. Frankly those hybrid batteries held remarkabley well against the time and I bet TSLA's batteries are similar if not better.
谢谢答复,不过我有点不特别明白,从来没有见过合同上写depreciated value,我就想知道特斯拉lease三年,买车(电池保修8年)过保修期还有什么维修没有?刹车之类的是否费?如果将来不想开trade in了,价值是不是损耗很多?和lease比哪个更划算更省事,希望经历过的MM分享一下第一手信息,现在也不想去店里,打算网上直接下单买了递到家里的。
我以前开过宝马奔驰和奥迪,奥迪是买的开了六年trade in 后算下来比lease花钱少$300/月左右,奔驰开了差不多7年买比lease的算下来还要贵几十/月,买不好之处都是需要经常去dealer报道,特别出了保修期后。
我研究买车用Edmunds.com做参考。 从这也可以看3年前买车价和如今卖出差别的depreciation。它也有所为的'true-cost-to-own"但(a) 这是5年的评论,而通常汽车lease没有5年的 (b)通过dealership的trade-in价值和自己私卖的价值不一样。因此不能用这个直接来算。
原本机械系统的车子确实能开很久。。。 但Tesla这种一大堆电脑芯片的,更加类似电子产品。。。
就问你个人电脑在恒温室内环境下能挺几年? 5-6年前的电脑,手机,跑最新的应用还顺畅吗?
Tesla 价格网上公开的,去tesla.com,选择车型,configuration后,点击continue to pay,在下一个页面(下定金前)就可以看到cash, lease和loan的金额,在那里你也可以customize lease 和 loan 的payment。
只从可靠性而言,我们用的hybrid 已经12 年了,没有任何mechanical or electronic 问题。
月供1%大约相当于三年64%的residue value?假定msrp砍下来的价钱和money factor抵消
what kind of break through? like a nuclear battery?
tesla的lease按照这个标准不是什么好deal,它的残值定的很低,money factor很高。 MSRP 36K 的model 3, 0 downpay 要月付460. 对传统油车, lease适合宝马之类残值定的很高,lease期内包修包维护,另外正好每年能开1万或者一万二的。你如果要长期持有,或者开的明显少于/多于它规定的里程,都不合算。 对电车,lease的一个问题是federal tax credit可能拿不到(当然特斯拉现在也没这个问题,反正已经没了)。 它的好处是电池技术三四年之后会有很大的不同,纯电车过个三四年你不会愿意再去冲同样的里程花双倍的时间。 所以先lease一辆,尝尝鲜,等电池达到期望值了再购买不迟。 Hybrid就不会有这样的顾虑,电池只是辅助local开开的。
I have a hybrid and I had similar concerns in 2010 but 11 years and 130K miles later no issues with the batteries. Take another example, say prius owners, all had similar concerns initially but at least historical performance data suggested these concerns did not manifest further. You can check prices of Prius batteries on Ebay and they are not as expensive at all. If there are a large failure or degrade of batteries you would see battery cost much higher. Frankly those hybrid batteries held remarkabley well against the time and I bet TSLA's batteries are similar if not better.