且不说不是党员的好学生很多,单说早期好学生是党员就justify现在不要搞政审了?而且和好不好学生有什么关系?还是说你有亲人是党员就屁股决定脑袋希望不要审了?偷渡的某功虽然对于华人整体属于牛鬼蛇神之列,但至少不会想损害美国利益,不像某些(非全部)党员burn the bridges. 还有什么叫牵涉无辜,若不是因为一些老鼠屎,能折腾到普通百姓吗?反观中国,类似情况只会审得更严格。不要太双标。
https://www.wsj.com/articles/americans-negative-views-on-china-spike-polls-show-11614870001?mod=searchresults_pos9&page=1 Americans’ Views on China Go From Bad to Worse Nearly half of Americans in a new Pew survey said the U.S. should seek to limit China’s power Souvenirs in Beijing featuring Chinese President Xi Jinping, center. Nine of 10 Americans view China as a competitor or enemy, according to new research. PHOTO: GREG BAKER/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES By James T. Areddy March 4, 2021 10:00 am ET A series of recent U.S. public opinion polls show some of the frostiest views ever toward China and indicate growing support for the Biden administration to take tougher stands aimed at influencing Beijing’s behavior. The polls suggest political rhetoric and negative headlines about China are adding to a rise in negative perceptions about the country, which increasingly focus on human-rights concerns. Nine of 10 Americans view China as a competitor or enemy and nearly half believe the U.S. should seek to limit China’s power, according to a Pew Research Center poll published on Thursday. A Gallup poll, also released this week, put China’s unfavorable view among Americans at 79%, by far the worst reading since its polling began in 1979. Only Iran and North Korea scored worse. The catalog of issues facing President Biden as he develops his China strategy is extensive—but only 53% of Americans have confidence that he will be able to execute it effectively, according to the Pew survey. That contrasts with the 60% who told Pew they expect positive results from the newly elected U.S. president in world affairs in general, like improving relations with allies. In part, doubts about Mr. Biden’s chances of success reflect deep distrust of Chinese President Xi Jinping, with only 15% in the U.S. confident he would do the right thing regarding global affairs, according to Pew. The view in China is that American public opinion of the country has been hurt by the Trump administration’s efforts to “damage U.S.-China relations and demonize China” during its final year in office, as well as deeply critical American press coverage of government actions in Xinjiang and Hong Kong, according to Wu Xinbo, a U.S. affairs specialist at Shanghai’s Fudan University. “It is shaped by the political leaders, their statements,” he said. “It is shaped by the media coverage.” At a daily briefing Wednesday in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said the previous U.S. administration “poisoned the public-opinion atmosphere in both countries.” The recent polls, including one published by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a nonpartisan think tank, show that concern about China is shared by members of both American political parties. Republicans—especially Republican opinion leaders—harbor hawkish views about China and support American efforts to constrain Beijing’s rise, according to the Chicago poll. Democrats, who are more split, generally prefer engagement, it found. While American views of China had already been hardening in recent years, a clash of ideologies came to a head in 2020 as Covid-19 spread world-wide amid signs Beijing initially played down its seriousness when it was detected there. China sparred with Taiwan and had border skirmishes with India, while it faced widespread criticism from foreign governments about behavior at home for crackdowns on ethnic minorities like Uyghurs and the introduction of a national-security law in Hong Kong to stop antigovernment agitation, factors reflected in some of the poll numbers. Washington-based Freedom House, which advocates for democracy, said Wednesday that China, which it already grades as “not free,” worsened in the past year in terms of political and civil rights. China watchers in the U.S. also attribute some of the negative feelings about China to former President Donald Trump’s challenges to Beijing, particularly in the final year or so of his presidency after the two sides concluded a trade deal. Several of his cabinet secretaries condemned Chinese authorities in high-profile speeches, while targeting officials with punitive sanctions. His State Department made headlines world-wide in January by categorizing China’s treatment of ethnic Uyghurs in the western region of Xinjiang as genocide. Beijing has rejected those criticisms. It has said it acted responsibly with Covid and that other issues constitute Chinese internal affairs. It has also held out the chance for improved relations with the Biden administration, such as in dealing with climate change. Mr. Wang at China’s Foreign Ministry said it is up to the U.S. to “adopt practical and rational China policies” and for the American media to promote understanding and trust. But even on climate issues, 79% of respondents in the U.S. think Beijing is doing a bad job, according to the Pew survey. On Covid, 54% said China has mishandled the pandemic, similar to the 58% who say the U.S. has done poorly. And 55% said it is a good idea to limit the ranks of Chinese students in the U.S. About two-thirds of respondents to the Pew survey viewed economic relations between the two biggest economies as somewhat or very bad. The deterioration in Americans’ regard for China is clear from the Gallup numbers, which have worsened every year since 2015 when exactly half of Americans held an unfavorable view of the country, compared with nearly eight in 10 today. By comparison, even in the strong backlash to Beijing’s 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy activists, unfavorability topped out at 54% that year. Mr. Wu at Fudan said China, as a non-ally run by a Communist government, has rarely enjoyed favorable views with the American public. “Does the Chinese government worry about this? I guess not really,” he said. Authorities are trying to address China’s core national interests, he said, so support of the Chinese people is paramount. Human rights is the China policy area where the two ends of the American political spectrum come closest to agreement, Pew said. Human rights topped the list when Pew asked Americans open-ended questions about their concerns about China, followed by economic issues and the political system. The new polls indicate limited American concern about underlying specifics, however. While 50% saw Chinese human-rights policy as a very serious issue and 52% viewed China’s military that way, according to the Pew numbers, fewer than a third saw the situations in either Hong Kong or Taiwan as very serious concerns for Americans.
🔥 最新回帖
中國 4.0 比反共有意義多了
也好,阵营明确了,看实力 我坚决站在非洲这边
自己没出息,就不要怪别人了。 华人没有地位,应该好好反省一下,您这样的自贱党,是不是成了华人的负资产。
呵呵呵呵呵 “你们这些”
不是你在跪舔美国吗 到底谁是跪族 我跪谁了?你是怎么看出我活在奴隶社会的??? 所以我问你 社会进步了这么多 就进步到亚裔今天这个处境? 还是你的逻辑是 自从排华法案之后 亚裔的地位一直在上升 突然因为1949年土共建国了 亚裔地位又遭到了打击? 你这逻辑 你们李大师都不敢恭维啊
🛋️ 沙发板凳
lol 他怎么这么了解中国
如果你能适应国内的各种限制各种不公, 把成为人上人,翻身把别人踩脚下作为人生目标, 那里的生活确实挺棒的。
认识英文么? 你这个图统计的是啥,我贴的图统计的是啥, 你是不是看不懂?
美国人反感中国人权,过半支持限制中国留学生 皮尤的研究显示,美国人对中国的人权政策看法尤其负面,九成的美国人认为中国不尊重其人民的人身自由,五成人认为中国的人权政策对美国而言是一个极严重的问题。 55%的美国人认为应该限制在美学习的中国学生人数,43%的人反对限制。
另外虽然轮子骂中国,但是在喜欢川大大这一点上应该跟中国统一起来, 毕竟川大大下台了,CCTV攻击美国的靶子一下就少了不少, 当初川大大鼓励攻击国会,CCTV简直乐疯了。 现在还是经常揪着他出来骂,其实很舍不得呢
掰叨叨 发表于 2021-03-04 14:01
我几个月前因为发帖骂轮子跟川大大,已经被师傅驱逐了。。 如果跟你们干能拿几个钱?
https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2619610 https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2619349&posterid=430966
美华们要有精神准备,搞不好我们就是最后一批中美友好的结果了,以后的世界会逐渐回到类似于1950年开始的红蓝二色阵营的年代。 现在中国其实也在悄无声息的做长期冷战的准备:上次的内循环就是迹象之一。
日本其实嘴上不说,心里是绝对不想和中国走在一起的:战后七十年的大繁荣,零战争零流血,日本在这个美国体系里活的舒服得很。 唯一的一点问题是出生率太低导致人口负增长,但这个怎么着也怪不到美国人头上。
对,气功,特异功能。。。当初都是TG毛左支持下的民粹反智产物, 有钱学森这种无耻科学家敲锣打鼓,跟义和团一样, 到最后形成了法轮功这个毒瘤。
话说包叔颠覆了小平同志不少政策,小平棋高一手,几十年前一胎化强制堕胎杀婴埋了个大地雷。 这个雷搞不好要爆,会影响包叔强国梦,结果如何我们不妨拭目以待。
党和川大大惺惺相惜,你看川普不管如何骂中国病毒,可是从来没有骂过ccp和包叔, 而且川大大内心极其崇拜包叔在国内一言九鼎。
不要悲愤,你去中国做民调,没准对印度,美国印象更差。 这样你也可以认为印度,美国是被强奸者, 心理会不会平衡一点??
且不说不是党员的好学生很多,单说早期好学生是党员就justify现在不要搞政审了?而且和好不好学生有什么关系?还是说你有亲人是党员就屁股决定脑袋希望不要审了?偷渡的某功虽然对于华人整体属于牛鬼蛇神之列,但至少不会想损害美国利益,不像某些(非全部)党员burn the bridges. 还有什么叫牵涉无辜,若不是因为一些老鼠屎,能折腾到普通百姓吗?反观中国,类似情况只会审得更严格。不要太双标。
当然了,什么equifax cyber attack, 新冠甩锅,生产假疫苗这些新闻英文主流媒体也会出来-这点可能让很多华人不满了。
反观CCTV人民日报的新闻,对美国没有一句好话,早期骂疫苗不安全,现在骂囤积疫苗,什么穷人区的打不上, 只能说想让中国人明白什么是“对等”真的太难了
There's always a most important 'but'.
非法移民大多数是底层劳动人民。他们以低廉的劳动力价格大大方便了当地人的生活。 合法移民不少是高科技人才。他们本人和当地人竞争好的工作机会,高智商的子女和本地人的子女竞争上大学的机会。 普通人愿意限制哪种移民不是显而易见吗
大媒体的新闻(News)一般是中性的,opioion栏目代表编辑部跟个人观点。 如果你不信可以找找英美的News,看看有多少是表扬他们自己国家政府的
Americans’ Views on China Go From Bad to Worse Nearly half of Americans in a new Pew survey said the U.S. should seek to limit China’s power
Souvenirs in Beijing featuring Chinese President Xi Jinping, center. Nine of 10 Americans view China as a competitor or enemy, according to new research. PHOTO: GREG BAKER/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES By James T. Areddy March 4, 2021 10:00 am ET
A series of recent U.S. public opinion polls show some of the frostiest views ever toward China and indicate growing support for the Biden administration to take tougher stands aimed at influencing Beijing’s behavior. The polls suggest political rhetoric and negative headlines about China are adding to a rise in negative perceptions about the country, which increasingly focus on human-rights concerns. Nine of 10 Americans view China as a competitor or enemy and nearly half believe the U.S. should seek to limit China’s power, according to a Pew Research Center poll published on Thursday.
A Gallup poll, also released this week, put China’s unfavorable view among Americans at 79%, by far the worst reading since its polling began in 1979. Only Iran and North Korea scored worse. The catalog of issues facing President Biden as he develops his China strategy is extensive—but only 53% of Americans have confidence that he will be able to execute it effectively, according to the Pew survey. That contrasts with the 60% who told Pew they expect positive results from the newly elected U.S. president in world affairs in general, like improving relations with allies.
In part, doubts about Mr. Biden’s chances of success reflect deep distrust of Chinese President Xi Jinping, with only 15% in the U.S. confident he would do the right thing regarding global affairs, according to Pew.
The view in China is that American public opinion of the country has been hurt by the Trump administration’s efforts to “damage U.S.-China relations and demonize China” during its final year in office, as well as deeply critical American press coverage of government actions in Xinjiang and Hong Kong, according to Wu Xinbo, a U.S. affairs specialist at Shanghai’s Fudan University. “It is shaped by the political leaders, their statements,” he said. “It is shaped by the media coverage.”
At a daily briefing Wednesday in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said the previous U.S. administration “poisoned the public-opinion atmosphere in both countries.”
The recent polls, including one published by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a nonpartisan think tank, show that concern about China is shared by members of both American political parties. Republicans—especially Republican opinion leaders—harbor hawkish views about China and support American efforts to constrain Beijing’s rise, according to the Chicago poll. Democrats, who are more split, generally prefer engagement, it found.
While American views of China had already been hardening in recent years, a clash of ideologies came to a head in 2020 as Covid-19 spread world-wide amid signs Beijing initially played down its seriousness when it was detected there. China sparred with Taiwan and had border skirmishes with India, while it faced widespread criticism from foreign governments about behavior at home for crackdowns on ethnic minorities like Uyghurs and the introduction of a national-security law in Hong Kong to stop antigovernment agitation, factors reflected in some of the poll numbers.
Washington-based Freedom House, which advocates for democracy, said Wednesday that China, which it already grades as “not free,” worsened in the past year in terms of political and civil rights.
China watchers in the U.S. also attribute some of the negative feelings about China to former President Donald Trump’s challenges to Beijing, particularly in the final year or so of his presidency after the two sides concluded a trade deal. Several of his cabinet secretaries condemned Chinese authorities in high-profile speeches, while targeting officials with punitive sanctions. His State Department made headlines world-wide in January by categorizing China’s treatment of ethnic Uyghurs in the western region of Xinjiang as genocide.
Beijing has rejected those criticisms. It has said it acted responsibly with Covid and that other issues constitute Chinese internal affairs.
It has also held out the chance for improved relations with the Biden administration, such as in dealing with climate change. Mr. Wang at China’s Foreign Ministry said it is up to the U.S. to “adopt practical and rational China policies” and for the American media to promote understanding and trust.
But even on climate issues, 79% of respondents in the U.S. think Beijing is doing a bad job, according to the Pew survey. On Covid, 54% said China has mishandled the pandemic, similar to the 58% who say the U.S. has done poorly. And 55% said it is a good idea to limit the ranks of Chinese students in the U.S. About two-thirds of respondents to the Pew survey viewed economic relations between the two biggest economies as somewhat or very bad.
The deterioration in Americans’ regard for China is clear from the Gallup numbers, which have worsened every year since 2015 when exactly half of Americans held an unfavorable view of the country, compared with nearly eight in 10 today. By comparison, even in the strong backlash to Beijing’s 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy activists, unfavorability topped out at 54% that year.
Mr. Wu at Fudan said China, as a non-ally run by a Communist government, has rarely enjoyed favorable views with the American public. “Does the Chinese government worry about this? I guess not really,” he said. Authorities are trying to address China’s core national interests, he said, so support of the Chinese people is paramount.
Human rights is the China policy area where the two ends of the American political spectrum come closest to agreement, Pew said. Human rights topped the list when Pew asked Americans open-ended questions about their concerns about China, followed by economic issues and the political system.
The new polls indicate limited American concern about underlying specifics, however. While 50% saw Chinese human-rights policy as a very serious issue and 52% viewed China’s military that way, according to the Pew numbers, fewer than a third saw the situations in either Hong Kong or Taiwan as very serious concerns for Americans.
LOL 来了一样挨揍啊
? ?
哎 真的 打你之前也不会问你是不是ccp 怎么有的人就是想不明白…
就能洗腦 美華
那 刁 每年幾百億美元的預算
WASHINGTON: Indian-Americans are taking over the country, US President Joe Biden said on Thursday, referring to the high number of people from the community getting a place in his administration. In less than 50 days of his presidency, Biden has appointed at least 55 Indian-Americans to key leadership positions in his administration ranging from his speech writer to the Nasa, to almost every wing of the government. "Indian-of-descent Americans (sic) are taking over the country. You (Swati Mohan), my Vice President (Kamala Harris), my speech writer (Vinay Reddy)," Biden said in a virtual interaction with Nasa scientists who were involved in the historic landing of Perseverance landing at Mars.