没错,正事不做,整天就是这些性别呀,种族歧视啊,没完没了。记得去年通过的2.3Trillion stimulus package里还有给巴基斯坦$10 million for "gender program”。还有脑残的“Amen, Awoman". 怪不得左派要死死抓住左媒和high tech给人洗脑,控制言论自由,不然这么荒谬的政党会有多少人支持?
我的原帖里有说不理解不宽容这个团体吗?这很像左派的做法啊,你一不同意他,马上就站上道德制高点,给你扣上歧视的帽子,不管你有没有说。 我原贴里的第二篇文章就在说这些gender dysphoria的孩子并没有得到很好的治疗,文章里的受访者Ruby当初因为对性别有疑惑去gender clinic寻求帮助,那里的人就只是给她提供激素和手术。在她成年后悔以后,也不知道去哪里寻求帮助,并且她发现有hundreds of和她一样的人群不知道如何变回去。我们要做的是多帮助这些有困惑的孩子,多提供一些options和治疗办法,真正地为他们好,而不是像左派提出的让他们做手术change their body (帮助他们改变对性别的感知就是歧视),父母不允许干预。 The woman, who asked to be called Ruby says: "I didn''''t think any change was going to be enough in the end and I thought it was better to work on changing how I felt about myself, than changing my body. I''''ve seen similarities in the way I experience gender dysphoria, in the way I experience other body image issues." For example, Ruby says she has also had an eating disorder, but that she does not think the problem was explored properly in the therapy sessions she attended through gender identity services. "When I was at my gender clinic to get referred for hormones, we had a session where I went over my mental health issues and I told them about my eating disorder and they didn''''t suggest that that could maybe connected with my gender dysphoria," she says. "For everyone who has gender dysphoria, whether they are trans or not, I want there to be more options for us because I think there is a system of saying, ''''okay here''''s your hormones, here''''s your surgery, off you go''''. I don''''t think that''''s helpful for anyone." Evans was born female but decided to live as a male for almost ten years before detransitioning. She says she has received a huge response since announcing that she would no longer be identifying as a male or taking her testosterone therapy. Hundreds of people – just 30 in the Newcastle area alone – have contacted her seeking help, she says, either asking her to speak out or to help them find support over their decision to detransition. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20191007/Hundreds-of-trans-people-regret-changing-their-gender-says-trans-activist.aspx
有DVD 赶紧去买一个。
没错,正事不做,整天就是这些性别呀,种族歧视啊,没完没了。记得去年通过的2.3Trillion stimulus package里还有给巴基斯坦$10 million for "gender program”。还有脑残的“Amen, Awoman". 怪不得左派要死死抓住左媒和high tech给人洗脑,控制言论自由,不然这么荒谬的政党会有多少人支持?
不讲肤色的“美国梦”价值观,是民主党首先要铲除的。 尽力挑动族群对立,是民主党最乐意的事。 保住政治地位!这是每个民主党政客所唯一考虑的。
民主党仇恨的,是“美国梦”。 民主党仇恨的,是保守主义。 民主党仇恨的,是传统的家庭观念。 民主党仇恨的,是传统的善恶对错观念。
它们言语特别的动听,它们的话语特别的让人感动, 但最终你会看到, 其实它们的行为,特别的无耻,它们所作所为,特别让人恐惧。
透过民主党的各种乱象,民主党的问题的核心在于: 这是一个左派政党。 这是一个始终需要“革命”的政党, 这是一个始终以意识形态为指导的政党。
以意识形态为指导,就非常容易落入“假大空”的坑里。 而“假大空”,本身就是因为这些政客们只关注于如何制造焦点,而不是关注于解决问题。 ——因为在民主党,要的能当“武器”的问题,而不是实实在在地解决问题的人。
事实上,许许多多的意识形态的东西,许许多多美国社会的问题,已经成了民主党的“武器”,用来忽悠与恐吓善良的美国民众的“武器”。 比如“政治正确”,比如“种族歧视”,比如“保护弱势”等等。
如果去看原资料,大部分detransition(变回原生性别)的人最后又变回去了 而且这些detransition的人,只有5%是觉得变性不适合自己,大部分人变回去的理由是父母亲友反对、受到社会歧视、难以找到工作等等。 这难道不更说明了社会需要理解宽容对待这些人吗?
我原贴里的第二篇文章就在说这些gender dysphoria的孩子并没有得到很好的治疗,文章里的受访者Ruby当初因为对性别有疑惑去gender clinic寻求帮助,那里的人就只是给她提供激素和手术。在她成年后悔以后,也不知道去哪里寻求帮助,并且她发现有hundreds of和她一样的人群不知道如何变回去。我们要做的是多帮助这些有困惑的孩子,多提供一些options和治疗办法,真正地为他们好,而不是像左派提出的让他们做手术change their body (帮助他们改变对性别的感知就是歧视),父母不允许干预。
The woman, who asked to be called Ruby says: "I didn''''t think any change was going to be enough in the end and I thought it was better to work on changing how I felt about myself, than changing my body. I''''ve seen similarities in the way I experience gender dysphoria, in the way I experience other body image issues." For example, Ruby says she has also had an eating disorder, but that she does not think the problem was explored properly in the therapy sessions she attended through gender identity services. "When I was at my gender clinic to get referred for hormones, we had a session where I went over my mental health issues and I told them about my eating disorder and they didn''''t suggest that that could maybe connected with my gender dysphoria," she says. "For everyone who has gender dysphoria, whether they are trans or not, I want there to be more options for us because I think there is a system of saying, ''''okay here''''s your hormones, here''''s your surgery, off you go''''. I don''''t think that''''s helpful for anyone."
Evans was born female but decided to live as a male for almost ten years before detransitioning. She says she has received a huge response since announcing that she would no longer be identifying as a male or taking her testosterone therapy. Hundreds of people – just 30 in the Newcastle area alone – have contacted her seeking help, she says, either asking her to speak out or to help them find support over their decision to detransition.