中国疫苗接种意愿不强,可能明年才会放开旅行限制 FT

楼主 (北美华人网)
China’s Covid vaccination programme beset by delay and reluctance Slow pace of inoculations means international travel restrictions expected until next year
While China has pledged to ship hundreds of millions of vaccines abroad, domestically the rollout of inoculations has been slow, raising concerns that restrictions on international travel will remain until at least next year.
China was the first country to begin Covid-19 vaccinations in July and had administered 40.5m doses by early February, the highest number of injections behind the US. But at 2.9 doses per 100 residents, it is far behind other big economies and the levels needed to form herd immunity in the population. It has only given four-fifths of the vaccinations it had hoped to achieve by this point. In some ways China’s vaccination programme has been a victim of the success of its containment policies.
Rapid interventions last year brought the pandemic under control and saw case numbers tumble, reducing the incentive to get vaccinated. At the same time, the failure of vaccine manufacturers Sinopharm, Sinovac and CanSino to release comprehensive trial data has damaged confidence among some medical professionals, while many Chinese citizens are choosing to see first whether the vaccinations provoke unwanted side effects for others. “In China today there is very little upside for anyone to take the vaccine,” said Chen Long, partner at Beijing-based research company Plenum. “What that all means is a very slow opening of borders.” Chinese nationals who travel must quarantine for 14 days when they return, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated.
Borders have been almost completely closed to foreign nationals since March 2020, with exceptions made only for some diplomats and a handful of business executives. Global pollster Ipsos found that 85 per cent of Chinese people intend to get vaccinated, putting them among the world’s most willing. But the study did not ask the participations when.
A survey of mostly urban professionals by Beijing-based market research firm Gavekal Dragonomics found that of 307 respondents, some of whom had not yet been offered the jab, more than half did not plan to join the current round of vaccinations. As in some other countries, including Germany and parts of the US, vaccine hesitancy in China appears particularly high among health professionals. A survey published in February by a Chinese medical journal showed that medical workers are unlikely to want vaccinations: out of 756 medical workers in Zhejiang province, only 28 per cent were ready to get jabs.
For both the Gavekal and medical workers’ surveys, the most common reason to refrain from vaccination was fear of side-effects. Medical workers were also concerned about possible low efficacy, while both groups said they thought they did not need vaccination since the local risk of infection was so low. “Initially, we know so little about the vaccine, and there’s a lack of evidence to support its safety and efficacy. Plus, the situation in Beijing has been well under control for a while,” said a Beijing-based doctor who asked to remain anonymous.
The doctor estimated that roughly a fifth of her hospital colleagues had not been vaccinated, though in many cases it was because their health status, such as taking other medication or attempting to get pregnant, had ruled them out.
Age restrictions on the use of the Sinopharm and Sinovac shots have also slowed the rollout. Both vaccines are recommended only for people in good health aged 18 to 59, which automatically excludes those who would most want a jab. Instead the government has focused on vaccinating those likely to spread the virus, such as taxi drivers.
At this rate, analysts estimate it will take well into 2022 to vaccinate most of the population.
Since January, Beijing’s city government has extended its vaccination campaign to more residential areas, sending texts to residents to encourage them to sign up. Compulsory vaccinations have been enforced by some state-owned enterprises. In some parts of Beijing, local urban management officers have asked bar staff either to get vaccinated or be tested every week. The municipal government has also made vaccination mandatory for cab drivers.
Sinopharm and Sinovac together said they would have capacity to produce 2bn vaccines by the end of the year. Whether they achieve that target is uncertain: Sinovac is producing at a daily rate well below its stated capacity. Recommended News in-depthCoronavirus pandemic Wuhan is at the heart of a battle over the roots of coronavirus
The manufacturers also face a shortage of glass vials to store vaccines, which are mostly imported. Supply is particularly constrained since the Sinopharm vaccine uses a single-dose vial. In contrast, each vial of BioNTech/Pfizer’s vaccine contains six doses, while a vial of Oxford/AstraZeneca’s vaccine contain 10 doses.
Sinopharm and Sinovac also have to balance domestic demand with their global commitments. China’s foreign ministry has pledged 10m doses to the global vaccination programme Covax, which will mainly supply low-income countries. In addition, Chinese vaccine makers have pledged more than 500m doses in bilateral deals and delivered approximately 21m doses, according to Gavekal.
But help is on the way. Before February 6, when Sinovac’s jab was approved, only a single vaccine developed by Sinopharm had been authorised for general use. Two additional candidates, one made by CanSino and a second shot from Sinopharm, were approved on Thursday bringing the total number of available vaccines to four.
回复 1楼bigjohn123456的帖子
回复 1楼bigjohn123456的帖子
little_racoon 发表于 2021-03-02 12:10

香港老人是没得选吗? 为啥要打科兴疫苗 连政治局里的几个老头自己都不打
warmwinter 发表于 2021-03-02 12:18

回复 1楼bigjohn123456的帖子
little_racoon 发表于 2021-03-02 12:10

China plans to inoculate 40% of its population with Covid-19 vaccines by the end of June, respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan has revealed.    “Today I asked my CDC friends about China’s (vaccination) plan and they replied that (China is) planning to reach 40% by the end of June," said Zhong on Monday at a panel hosted by Tsinghua University and the Brookings Institution. With a population of 1.4 billion, 40% represents about 548 million people. China has only vaccinated 3.56% of its population — roughly 51 million people — so far, Zhong said. He added that it could take at least three years to reach any kind of herd immunity. However, Wu Zunyou of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention said if existing vaccination rates continue, China and the US could be the first countries to open up travel.
“In the United States, [let’s] look at the vaccination rate," Wu said, speaking at the same event. "Now it's already reached over 20%. Hopefully it can reach over 80% by June. So by August could reach 90 % to reach the herd immunity.
"So if that’s the case, if we could remove all the political barrier [and] just based on the science, the two countries could possibly be the first two countries to remove all the barrier for free travel. We can try our best. No matter what’s the result, we could do our best.”

China plans to inoculate 40% of its population with Covid-19 vaccines by the end of June, respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan has revealed.    “Today I asked my CDC friends about China’s (vaccination) plan and they replied that (China is) planning to reach 40% by the end of June," said Zhong on Monday at a panel hosted by Tsinghua University and the Brookings Institution. With a population of 1.4 billion, 40% represents about 548 million people. China has only vaccinated 3.56% of its population — roughly 51 million people — so far, Zhong said. He added that it could take at least three years to reach any kind of herd immunity. However, Wu Zunyou of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention said if existing vaccination rates continue, China and the US could be the first countries to open up travel.
“In the United States, [let’s] look at the vaccination rate," Wu said, speaking at the same event. "Now it's already reached over 20%. Hopefully it can reach over 80% by June. So by August could reach 90 % to reach the herd immunity.
"So if that’s the case, if we could remove all the political barrier [and] just based on the science, the two countries could possibly be the first two countries to remove all the barrier for free travel. We can try our best. No matter what’s the result, we could do our best.”

softness 发表于 2021-03-02 13:13

回复 10楼西风凉的帖子
国内看重控制疫情,远超过冬奥会 现在成了执政合法性的代表成果了 而且不开放国际旅行 土共应该觉得没啥损失 外贸刚刚的 国民也不用到外面去消费外汇了 实际上要等西方世界全面互相开放 才会对土共造成压力