回复 6楼的帖子 谁说的? American academy of pediatrics? AAP does not have an opinion on this. This is an interesting person article from a pediatrician https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/140/1/e20170398 "EC has potential health benefits. Avoiding soiled diapers and promoting more complete bladder emptying at a younger age may reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.5,6 Furthermore, Dr Bender’s clinic is filled with children suffering from recurrent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin and soft tissue infections. MRSA thrives in warm, moist environments. Diapers provide the ideal incubator. Although manufacturers of diapers tout their ability to remain dry even after urination, the plastic outer layer ensures that moisture does not escape. Children frequently stay in soiled or wet diapers for hours, rubbing and irritating the skin. Wipes and creams further contribute to diaper dermatitis. These and other factors lead to skin breakdown, which allows MRSA to invade and cause abscesses.7 Although guidelines for how to treat MRSA skin and soft tissue infections are available,8 the best way to prevent these abscesses is to get children out of diapers. Other benefits of EC reported by families include better communication with their infant. Similar to cues regarding hunger and tiredness, the need to eliminate can be understood by caregivers as well. Many families report saving time by not having to change diapers or carry all of the paraphernalia that goes with them. When the child is developmentally ready to toilet train, those who have done EC make the transition easily and may enjoy the independence. Others have observed that toddlers who don’t wear diapers can learn to walk more naturally, without a thick layer of padding between their legs.9 EC-trained children are thought to have better awareness and control of the bladder, with more complete emptying.5 Anecdotally, they have less nocturnal enuresis. These and the other potential benefits of EC have been rarely studied due to limited awareness and funding."
回复 19楼的帖子 因为有时候娃真的很小。坐便难度太大。 我是当时买了一个市面上最小的便盆给娃坐。 楼主,我老大弄了elimination communication,老二就不弄了,太累人了。我一上班就爱怎么就怎么了。特别是要拎着两岁的老大去公园的厕所,腋窝夹着八个月的老大..... 这个主要是你个人爱好,你觉得还可以就可以。也的确是更环保,但是的确稍微累人一些。 也不需要非常教条。娃吃完早饭十几分之后每天便盆坐一会儿,读读书,有助于培养娃bowel movement pattern 预防便秘。鼓励娃坐一会儿,不需要poopoo. 不要着急,没有成功与失败,just spending time with your child. 老二我不管了也不到三岁戒掉纸尿布。
有点道理。。。不过我小时候那代人都把尿的 到后来好像也不会搞错cue啊 前几天闲话上有个帖子好几个把尿的说早点摘尿布觉得挺好的
这个叫elimination communication. 写这个书挺多的。 你自己看一下。 同时这还是要看娃。 我认识的儿医自己家的娃 potty training 已经快疯了。 有的一岁半就摘掉尿布。 我没有特别把尿,但整体注意观察。娃吃完饭到便盆上坐一会儿也可以帮助regulate bowel movement. 娃也相对比较早就摘掉尿布了。这个过程蛮累人。
谁说的? American academy of pediatrics? AAP does not have an opinion on this.
This is an interesting person article from a pediatrician https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/140/1/e20170398
"EC has potential health benefits. Avoiding soiled diapers and promoting more complete bladder emptying at a younger age may reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.5,6 Furthermore, Dr Bender’s clinic is filled with children suffering from recurrent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin and soft tissue infections. MRSA thrives in warm, moist environments. Diapers provide the ideal incubator. Although manufacturers of diapers tout their ability to remain dry even after urination, the plastic outer layer ensures that moisture does not escape. Children frequently stay in soiled or wet diapers for hours, rubbing and irritating the skin. Wipes and creams further contribute to diaper dermatitis. These and other factors lead to skin breakdown, which allows MRSA to invade and cause abscesses.7 Although guidelines for how to treat MRSA skin and soft tissue infections are available,8 the best way to prevent these abscesses is to get children out of diapers. Other benefits of EC reported by families include better communication with their infant. Similar to cues regarding hunger and tiredness, the need to eliminate can be understood by caregivers as well. Many families report saving time by not having to change diapers or carry all of the paraphernalia that goes with them. When the child is developmentally ready to toilet train, those who have done EC make the transition easily and may enjoy the independence. Others have observed that toddlers who don’t wear diapers can learn to walk more naturally, without a thick layer of padding between their legs.9 EC-trained children are thought to have better awareness and control of the bladder, with more complete emptying.5 Anecdotally, they have less nocturnal enuresis. These and the other potential benefits of EC have been rarely studied due to limited awareness and funding."
推荐哪种便盆呢 是三餐吃完都去坐一会吗 那尿尿呢? 我家娃现在大便时间上感觉规律不强
另外除非你家娃可以完全自己potty前都不大算送出去,也不打算请babysitter, 否则没人会给你加孩子把尿的
我家6个月会坐后买了个小马桶,每天到点该换尿布的时候,如果还没尿就放马桶上坐两分钟,尿不尿随意。开始比较随机,后来坐上去尿的次数越来越多。比较佛系,没搞过什么三天大法,反正没为potty train发过愁
我没有给孩子把尿过, 也没用那个3天大法,也没用过光屁股大法,尿布穿到快3岁,帮助一下孩子客服第一次就没问题了,也没有为了potty train发愁过啊。
p.s 很羡慕你家娃那么小都肯乖乖坐马桶上面两分钟
我也不理解。 完全不要小马桶,直接上儿童用马桶圈, 很容易就 学会上厕所了。哪怕是学习有困难的,也是坐在马桶上多给点儿时间、鼓励、讲讲故事之类的,也就学会了。不需要小马桶这种东西。
re re
P.S 小马桶放车里,出门时候用很方便
因为有时候娃真的很小。坐便难度太大。 我是当时买了一个市面上最小的便盆给娃坐。 楼主,我老大弄了elimination communication,老二就不弄了,太累人了。我一上班就爱怎么就怎么了。特别是要拎着两岁的老大去公园的厕所,腋窝夹着八个月的老大..... 这个主要是你个人爱好,你觉得还可以就可以。也的确是更环保,但是的确稍微累人一些。
也不需要非常教条。娃吃完早饭十几分之后每天便盆坐一会儿,读读书,有助于培养娃bowel movement pattern 预防便秘。鼓励娃坐一会儿,不需要poopoo. 不要着急,没有成功与失败,just spending time with your child.
出门就用尿布,在过渡期就带着尿布出门。 直到孩子完全过渡,不会随便拉尿,能坚持到找厕所。