FINDINGS: Breast tomosynthesis: Not utilized Regional calcifications in the outer left breast demonstrated predominately punctate and round morphology, however several calcifications appear amorphous. Calcifications in the outer central left breast posteriorly appear increased in number, possibly secondary to differences in technique. No suspicious masses are identified.
Bless LZ. I had a similar situation, but I chose to do mammogram once every six months. Asian women's breast tissues are dense, so the mammogram results are easier to be marked as abnormal. I asked my mammogram results to be read by two different radiologists, and the readings were different. So I chose to do mammogram once every six months. However, if you feel better to do the biopsy now, just do it so that you can feel more relaxed if you get a good biopsy result. Wish you can get a good result.
楼主妹子,别太担心,我四年前也做了穿刺,但幸运的是在breast imaging center 立即给我预约了第二天的穿刺,医生护士都很贴心,医生跟我聊家常分散我的注意力,护士小妹妹一直拉着我的手没松开过,穿刺结束,估计怕我看见血有心理障碍,直接还给我换了件新的袍子。原本说三天出结果,第二天一大早不到9点就告诉我B9了。穿刺以后到出结果之前,我平静的面对了,跟12岁的闺女和盘托出,找好了月子中心改做病号饭,我闺女哭的稀里哗啦,还问爸爸,你那么爱妈妈,你怎么连眼泪都不掉呀?她爸坚定的说,你妈说的对,这事哭能管用,她第一个抱着咱俩哭,所以听取医生建议,该follow啥就干啥。所以妹子别先吓唬自己,深呼吸,别放狗乱搜,太吓人(我干过,被医生制止)另外准备好一个前边带拉链的运动bra,穿刺之后方便穿和有support的功能。昨天是我四年之后的又一次每年的随访,结果很好,把我的好运传递给你,希望妹子啥事没有!
Bless LZ. I had a similar situation, but I chose to do mammogram once every six months. Asian women's breast tissues are dense, so the mammogram results are easier to be marked as abnormal. I asked my mammogram results to be read by two different radiologists, and the readings were different. So I chose to do mammogram once every six months. However, if you feel better to do the biopsy now, just do it so that you can feel more relaxed if you get a good biopsy result. Wish you can get a good result. wind4txxm 发表于 2021-02-26 15:07
Thank you :) The radiologist suggested biopsy because 1) I am still young 2)amorphous calcifications 3)it’s rare to see calcification in one breast but not the other one for my age(33 years old) 4) the biopsy will give a definitive answer since I am very easy to get anxious. all in all ,i hoped that the expert recommends no biopsy after he/she analyze the report and mammogram
LZMM不要太紧张,可疑无定形钙化是比别的疑似恶性钙化是恶性的可能性小很多,比较低的报告显示只有2-3%, Overcalling low-risk findings: grouped amorphous calcifications found at screening mammography associated with minimal cancer risk
Thank you :) The radiologist suggested biopsy because 1) I am still young 2)amorphous calcifications 3)it’s rare to see calcification in one breast but not the other one for my age(33 years old) 4) the biopsy will give a definitive answer since I am very easy to get anxious. all in all ,i hoped that the expert recommends no biopsy after he/she analyze the report and mammogram 原路看斜阳 发表于 2021-02-26 16:50
If the radiologist suggested biopsy, then just go ahead to do one. Wish you good luck. After I did mammogram once every six months for several years, I felt that the radiologists are not very competent. My radiologist told me to either do a biopsy, or do mammogram once every six months. I chose to do mammogram once every six months.
楼主所在地有没有breast cancer center? 有的话去那里做,我们城市的活检基本都是去那里做,他们做的多,经验多,万一有问题就接着在那里看病。当然绝大部分都是没事。我当时mammo也是4级,活检还取了两个样,放了两个marker,结果出来后就变2级了,我上午上班下午自己一个人开车去的,都没有和父母说,就和老公一个人说了,当时我们都没当回事,汗😓
果然第二天接到了家庭医生电话告知Mammogram做出来有可疑无定形钙化,建议biopsy,但是没有肿块也没有结节,ultrasound 结果也是良性的BI-RADS2,然后瞄了一眼报告,Mammogram已经打BI-RADS4了...
接着家庭医生帮我转了医院,因为之前是在imaging center做的Mammogram,人家大医院不承认说片子不清楚,结果又做了一次mammo.感觉真的吃了不少辐射啊,最终给了楼主2个选择:1)半年随访一次 2)进行活检,但是医生表明她建议我biopsy,因为第一我年纪轻加上有一点细小钙化(主要还是有可疑无定形钙化),其次我这个年龄一边乳房有钙化一边乳房没有钙化很少见。然后又华丽丽的给我打了一个BI-RADS mammogram: 4: Suspicious
还没有告诉家人怕他们担心,公立医院这边给我安排excisional biopsy时间是2周后,自己因为想多听听不同的意见,约了我们这比较好的breast surgical oncology specialist,但是要等到3月底才能初步看诊...
很纠结,家庭医生说我只是个简单的手术,不需要约那么好的医生.但是我个人的意思是,如果取出来的钙化不好,那就意味着后续要进一步开刀治疗,一开始选一个好医生很重要... 但是如果多等一个月会不会耽误病情,如果先找普通医公立医院外科生取样活检,到时候私立医院的专家还会收我吗
太迷茫了...楼主没有肿瘤家族史,平时每月的经期后都会自检,每年一次Breast ultrasound也都是固定的一个3mm的cyst,乳头也没有溢液、内陷,皮肤也没有改变,为什么第一次做mammo就钙化不好了呢,现在想如果当初不做是不是没有那么多烦恼了...
🔥 最新回帖
谢谢MM!建议你去做一些meditation,visualization - visualize you are healthy, 放松一下心情。good luck!
🛋️ 沙发板凳
Breast tomosynthesis: Not utilized
Regional calcifications in the outer left breast demonstrated predominately punctate and round morphology, however several calcifications appear amorphous. Calcifications in the outer central left breast posteriorly appear increased in number, possibly secondary to differences in technique. No suspicious masses are identified.
ASSESSMENT: BI-RADS mammogram: 4: Suspicious
big bless,还有LZ,祝一切正常
不过一般的的钙化都没大问题,我的是细小无定形钙化,而且我又是dense的乳房很容易出现false negative
但是看到给我的打的是:BI-RADS mammogram: 4: Suspicious 我真的很难受,不争气哭了,我想着我还没结婚生育,还没有好好孝顺父母,反而还要让他们担心我
我也是需要surgical biopsy,希望我和你一样幸运最终结果是良性的
这个手术创伤大吗,之前和general surgery谈了一下,需要局部麻醉手术时长1小时,术后不需要住院吧,疫情期间我真的不好意思让朋友来照顾我
如果活检结果不理想,那再转breast surgical oncology specialist会收我吗? 不好意思,我问题比较多
However, if you feel better to do the biopsy now, just do it so that you can feel more relaxed if you get a good biopsy result. Wish you can get a good result.
bless LZmm,楼上另外一个mm和我自己。祝咱们好运。
以前是经期前碰一下会疼,前几个月开始偶尔会隐隐有刺痛感,知道自己有amorphous calcifications后就没舒服过,感觉有钙化的这个胸有沉重感.
Thank you :)
The radiologist suggested biopsy because 1) I am still young 2)amorphous calcifications 3)it’s rare to see calcification in one breast but not the other one for my age(33 years old) 4) the biopsy will give a definitive answer since I am very easy to get anxious.
all in all ,i hoped that the expert recommends no biopsy after he/she analyze the report and mammogram
嗯嗯,真的要让自己学会解压 我性格追求完美,可能自己能力不够,经常觉得压力很大,以后再也不通宵了自己身体最重要
If the radiologist suggested biopsy, then just go ahead to do one. Wish you good luck.
After I did mammogram once every six months for several years, I felt that the radiologists are not very competent. My radiologist told me to either do a biopsy, or do mammogram once every six months. I chose to do mammogram once every six months.