
楼主 (北美华人网)
New York City Police Mobilize Against Rise in Hate Crimes Targeting Asians NYPD officers are increasing patrols and investigations, as hate crimes against Asian-Americans have risen sharply during the pandemic
New York City Police Mobilize Against Rise in Hate Crimes Targeting Asians NYPD officers are increasing patrols and investigations, as hate crimes against Asian-Americans have risen sharply during the pandemic The Asian Hate Crime Task Force, formed in October, is the first-ever group within the NYPD dedicated to investigating crimes targeting a single race. PHOTO: JOSE A. ALVARADO JR. FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL By Ben Chapman Updated Feb. 23, 2021 5:46 pm ET
New York City is increasing police patrols and investigations to fight a rise in hate crimes targeting Asian people amid the coronavirus pandemic, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday.
Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, said at a briefing that police would step up investigations and patrols of subway stations. There were 28 coronavirus-related hate crimes committed against Asian people in New York City in 2020, compared with three such hate crimes in 2019, according to New York Police Department figures.
There have been two hate crimes against Asian residents in New York City so far this year, according to the NYPD, up from zero of such crimes during the same period last year.
The most recent incident occurred on Feb. 15, according to police officials, when an unknown assailant allegedly used hate speech against an Asian man in Manhattan’s Harlem neighborhood before punching him and stealing his phone.
Video of a Feb. 16 attack on an older Asian woman in the Flushing section of Queens went viral on social media, prompting actress Olivia Munn to share the incident on Twitter, leading to an arrest, according to NYPD officials.
That incident, which hasn’t been determined to be a hate crime by police, was widely cited by politicians and community leaders who have called on the city to step up its efforts to protect Asian residents. Mr. de Blasio said Tuesday the rise in hate crimes against Asian residents was driven by biases held by individuals who blame Chinese and other Asian people for Covid-19. “From the very beginning, even before we had a single case in New York City, Asian American communities were suffering discrimination. Asian-American businesses saw their customers no longer come,” Mr. de Blasio said. “It’s been a very tough time for Asian communities.”
Mr. de Blasio said the NYPD’s Asian Hate Crime Task Force would be ramping up investigations in response to the rise in hate crimes. Formed in October, the task force is the first-ever group within the NYPD dedicated to investigating crimes targeting a single race.
Additionally, Mr. de Blasio said members of his Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes would be meeting with community leaders this week to discuss additional measures city officials can take to address the issue.
NYPD Deputy Inspector Stewart Loo, commanding officer of the Asian Hate Crime Task Force. PHOTO: JOSE A. ALVARADO JR. FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
NYPD Deputy Inspector Stewart Loo, who is commanding officer of the Asian Hate Crime Task Force, said at Tuesday’s briefing that the group comprised 25 detectives of Asian backgrounds who speak 11 Asian languages. The group’s familiarity with the city’s Asian communities is key to effective investigation, Mr. Loo said.
“We are here to guarantee there’s a strong appropriate response to the hate that’s infecting our city,” said Mr. Loo. “The task force consists of members that come from the community to serve the community.” Mr. Loo said that police have made arrests in 18 of the 28 hate crimes that occurred against Asian residents in 2020 and one arrest in the two cases that have occurred so far this year. Mr. Loo said the character of the crimes that were committed varied, but in each case the perpetrator made a statement regarding the coronavirus or indicating bias against Asians.
拜川巨婴所赐。 大家讨论一下怎么防身吧。注意安全。
拜川巨婴所赐。 大家讨论一下怎么防身吧。注意安全。
dugudugu 发表于 2021-02-24 12:23

stainlessbelief 发表于 2021-02-24 12:40

是大家打完疫苗出门更多了,所以遇到糟心事更频繁了吗?之前亚裔都宅在家里,估计别人想hate crime也遇不到。
你们难道不觉得是Biden签了总统令以后 “左媒”跟上 才有了这么多曝光嘛?
就像新冠 不测试就没有 警察滥用权利 没录像就没有 针对亚裔的歧视 估计也是没有曝光就没有
回复 2楼dugudugu的帖子
民主党州,民主党城市,然后还怪在Trump身上? 现在还是民主党总统治下继续发生,跟中共学到了遗毒的说辞了

回复 2楼dugudugu的帖子
民主党州,民主党城市,然后还怪在Trump身上? 现在还是民主党总统治下继续发生,跟中共学到了遗毒的说辞了

庚子 发表于 2021-02-24 12:58

简单的道理川粉装作不懂,带头大哥只需要挑拨就行了,下面自然有人动手。 反正头脑简单点的受伤害大一些的就动手了,不管黑白莫。
当然了,川粉头脑也很简单,认为黑墨不喜欢川大大,那么什么都会跟川大大提倡的反着来。 川大大越喊中国病毒,黑墨就越喜欢中国病毒?
没事,华左支持defund police
简单的道理川粉装作不懂,带头大哥只需要挑拨就行了,下面自然有人动手。 反正头脑简单点的受伤害大一些的就动手了,不管黑白莫。
当然了,川粉头脑也很简单,认为黑墨不喜欢川大大,那么什么都会跟川大大提倡的反着来。 川大大越喊中国病毒,黑墨就越喜欢中国病毒?
bigjohn123456 发表于 2021-02-24 13:04

回复 11楼ray_golden的帖子
没事 这个task force不花钱 是志愿的