morphology 1.5 不是0哎,Sperm morphology alone does not determine whether or not a man can father a child. In fact, a study done by Kovac et. al in 2016 found that 29.2% of men with 0% morphology were able to conceive naturally, compared to 55.6% of men in the control group with normal morphology (≥4%).
补充:fertility doctor已经选好了,检查也都做完了,想开始ivf随时就能开始了。hsg上个月也做了,我目前想着再给自己最多两个月,怀不上就ivf,赶在35岁前卵子质量还不错的时候取卵。
为什么是三个月前感冒才有影响呢?我查了一下,网上说semen analysis要多做几次,数值都不好才是真的不好。 忘了说了,我们有个老大,两年半前自然怀的。所以有可能是当时队友精子质量不错,现在下降了?
morphology 1.5 不是0哎,Sperm morphology alone does not determine whether or not a man can father a child. In fact, a study done by Kovac et. al in 2016 found that 29.2% of men with 0% morphology were able to conceive naturally, compared to 55.6% of men in the control group with normal morphology (≥4%).
男性精子需要3个月develop 也就是说他现在的精子是3个月之前生长的那一批 如果他3个月之前感冒发烧 对他应该有影响 头一天肯定不会有影响 而且男性精子质量浮动很大的 他现在的精子和1年之前的精子质量是可能完全不一样的 还有你说的对 精子要两次测量有问题才算是有问题