这地洗的, Cruz应该聘请你当发言人。 Ted Cruz originally planned to spend multiple nights in Cancun but flew back early to Texas amid a torrent of criticism After arriving back in Texas on Thursday, Cruz told reporters that the "plan had been to stay through the weekend," but he changed his itinerary after seeing the "firestorm" brewing over the trip. "When I arrived and saw the initial firestorm, what had started as second thoughts that I had as soon as we left grew even greater," Cruz said. Cruz conceded that the trip was "obviously a mistake," stating that he had "second thoughts" almost as soon as he sat down on the plane. "I was trying to be a dad," Cruz said.https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/ted-cruz-left-cancun-earlier-planned-amid-torrent-of-criticism-2021-2%3famp
他只是送女儿过去墨西哥,然后立马回来了. 来源:https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ted-cruz-airport-power-crisis-texas "With school cancelled for the week, our girls asked to take a trip with friends," he said. "Wanting to be a good dad, I flew down with them last night and am flying back this afternoon. My staff and I are in constant communication with state and local leaders to get to the bottom of what happened in Texas. We want our power back, our water on, and our homes warm. My team and I will continue using all our resources to keep Texans informed and safe."
HR/Benefits Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Announces $52,000 Minimum Salary for Her Congressional Staff Senior staff won't get more than $80,000 a year. By Minda Zetlin@MindaZetlinAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Getty Images Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to enjoy shocking the Washington establishment and appearing in headlines. Her latest announcement does both. She says that all her congressional staff will be paid a minimum of $52,000 a year, which she says is merely a living wage in the nation's fifth-most expensive city. Predictably in these polarized times, the announcement was met with fury by some and praise by others. She's certainly bucking the norm in D.C., where Glassdoor reports salaries for a congressional staff assistant ranges from $28,000 to $37,000. Her lowest paid staffers will be making substantially more than bottom-level staff working for President Donald Trump, several of whom are paid $40,800 a year and one of whom earns only $30,000, according to a recent report from the White House. But is this a bit of brilliance from AOC (as she's called), or is it self-sabotage, as some critics claim? The most problematic question surrounding the promised salaries is the same question any business leader would have to answer: If you're going to give employees more than the going rate, how will you pay for it? Unlike a business leader, Ocasio-Cortez can't simply raise the extra funds. Like all U.S. representatives, she has an allocation of about $1 million a year to pay up to 18 staff members and can divvy up that money how ever she sees fit. Article continues after video. Featured Video Wake-Up Call: 'Commitment Will Always Beat Out Talent' Ocasio-Cortez's press representative has said she will likely employ a full complement of 18 staffers, which means that the only way to pay junior level staff more than they might normally expect is to pay senior staff less than they that might normally expect. And that's exactly what Ocasio-Cortez says she will do. She told Roll Call that salaries in her office would not go higher than $80,000 a year, whereas experienced political staff members typically earn up to twice as much. (Ocasio-Cortez herself will receive the standard congressional annual salary of $174,000.) This partial leveling-out of what are usually widely divergent salaries earned sharp criticism from Fox's Pete Hegseth, who called it "socialism and communism on display."
这地洗的, Cruz应该聘请你当发言人。 Ted Cruz originally planned to spend multiple nights in Cancun but flew back early to Texas amid a torrent of criticism After arriving back in Texas on Thursday, Cruz told reporters that the "plan had been to stay through the weekend," but he changed his itinerary after seeing the "firestorm" brewing over the trip. "When I arrived and saw the initial firestorm, what had started as second thoughts that I had as soon as we left grew even greater," Cruz said. Cruz conceded that the trip was "obviously a mistake," stating that he had "second thoughts" almost as soon as he sat down on the plane. "I was trying to be a dad," Cruz said.https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/ted-cruz-left-cancun-earlier-planned-amid-torrent-of-criticism-2021-2%3famp 落地无声 发表于 2021-02-20 16:08
这是biased coverage,左派擅长的。 真正危害社会的,比如Cuomo的,还有biden家族的事情,都会淡化处理。但是保守派说了一句不合适的,做了一点不合适的,恨不得7/24连续报道,然后用放大镜挑出任何他们看来不合适的东西。 Ted Cruz度假这事情timing不合适,但是左媒一副人间罪人的报道明显夸大了事实。 AOC为德州人民募捐是值得赞赏的事情。募捐的去向主要是food bank和服务homeless者。至于那些房屋水管爆裂,房屋整修和电网的事情,还是要当地人自己要解决的。 附捐赠信息: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/aoc-social-20210219?refcode=tw20210219 Your contribution will be split evenly between Family Eldercare, ECHO (Ending Community Homelessness Coalition), Southeast Texas Food Bank, Corazon Ministries, Central Texas Food Bank, Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley, Houston Food Bank, North Texas Food Bank, South Texas Food Bank, The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center, Food Bank of West Central Texas, and Feeding Texas
(CNN)While Sen. Ted Cruz was dealing with the fallout from his trip to Cancun, two of his Democratic political nemeses -- Beto O'Rourke and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- raised money and offered resources to Texans hit hard by this week's winter storm.
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🛋️ 沙发板凳
Cruz family’s Cancun trip rattles their private school
lol. 没想到居然这么支持困难时期出去度假的官员?有钱真好啊
这不是妥妥的 这肯定是百年一遇的冰灾 肯定不是什么气候变化 坚决反对加入东西电网做没必要的防冰处理
附近的川粉别去领meal water
100一遇设计确实不好做, 跟防洪一样的,100一遇机会小,设计成那样贵死,但是碰到了就是死人,两难。Ted这回确实做的不对,而且Beto好好的抓住了这个机会,希望GOP都能吸取教训!
Beto这次搞的项目非常好。断电断水断通讯,一般人都能熬过去。 但是老人一旦有什么问题就非常危险了。 就算是为了他今后的政治选举搞的,我们也非常感激。
我喜欢他好几年了 ohio有一个Tim Ryan也很好
就这还需要别人来污名?别人想给他刷金,也得他人在才行啊。 想起来他为了提高党内知名度竞选下任总统,今年1月疫情最严重的时候跑到GA辛苦拉力了。往一群反口罩的川粉里一戳,那叫一个无私倾情,生死置之度外啊。 这回德州真遇到事了,啊哦,别看我哈,我作为联邦级别的,真没啥可以为你们做的。他又不是总统,总统好歹还管其他49个州,好歹还有点国际事务。他的全部工作就是德州。德州遇到雪灾他居然可以跑路,那平常没灾没难的时候他不更是能推就推能躲就躲?媒体给他聚光灯,只要他肯演,普通人谁给你这种资源谁鸟你啊?结果他连个装门面的功能都没有。只有涉及他自己政治前途金钱利益的时候才知道应该怎么扑腾是吗,那他还想以后继续代表德州去DC?当我们德克萨斯脸多可以随便丢的?
Tim Ryan是不是参加过民主党初选, 当时想他要出线就选他,不过他好像没多久就下去了,那就Warren吧,结果Warren也没出线, Sanders也没出线,还非要拜登这个老政客出来,那就算了。Beto从来不喜欢
还没看新闻么?cruz老婆说是临时起意因为家里太冷了。 New text messages show Ted Cruz''s wife planning Cancún trip while Texas is freezing
你让他不当政客试试,他可以自刎在你面前你信不信?没好处的事情谁干,尤其是对ted这种老婆娃老爸都可以随时熬汤给你喝的玩意。 他是见事不妙临时开溜的,见风使舵又爬了回来。
这地洗的, Cruz应该聘请你当发言人。
Ted Cruz originally planned to spend multiple nights in Cancun but flew back early to Texas amid a torrent of criticism
After arriving back in Texas on Thursday, Cruz told reporters that the "plan had been to stay through the weekend," but he changed his itinerary after seeing the "firestorm" brewing over the trip. "When I arrived and saw the initial firestorm, what had started as second thoughts that I had as soon as we left grew even greater," Cruz said.
Cruz conceded that the trip was "obviously a mistake," stating that he had "second thoughts" almost as soon as he sat down on the plane. "I was trying to be a dad," Cruz said. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/ted-cruz-left-cancun-earlier-planned-amid-torrent-of-criticism-2021-2%3famp
TMD这也是我愤怒的地方。参议员算是一个州里仅次于州长的最重要公职了,是只为德州服务的。 德州遇到百年不遇的灾难,他就是这么服务的。
Cruz自己在采访里亲口说的,他原计划在坎昆度周末的。 他是被曝光之后才临时赶回来灭火的。
"With school cancelled for the week, our girls asked to take a trip with friends," he said. "Wanting to be a good dad, I flew down with them last night and am flying back this afternoon. My staff and I are in constant communication with state and local leaders to get to the bottom of what happened in Texas. We want our power back, our water on, and our homes warm. My team and I will continue using all our resources to keep Texans informed and safe."
是的。他是regret. 即便是陪着女儿去墨西哥,都能被左媒污蔑成这样,他当然regret.
他做了他该做的工作。Ted Cruz是个很合格的参议员。
川普搞American First被骂得狗血临头,美国人一大堆人失业。财政赤字老高,拜登还要放难民,放非移,到处救济这个那个,好像也没人骂拜登没把美国人放第一,该下台了
你多虑了,Biden怎么做都不会连任的。 不过ted也甭想当总统,他参议员的位置也该坐到头了
AOC 是美国的希望!
正直, 善良, 清廉.
我的意思是不要双标。Biden不连任,但民主党不管那个当总统都会干同样的人,国内的穷人失业的人都管不过来, 还要搞更多人进来,还要帮这个那个,这都别选总统了。CNN怎么不大大批判一下拜登啊,美国人一堆事要解决,怎么去解决外国人的事
现在叫flying ted了
老肥川那么肥, 生活那么不健康
大家还是不要老 川粉川粉了
建议这里的同学多学习学习 AOC 大姐吧
保持一颗 善良, 正直, 有爱心的心吧!!
这样一来 也更加美啊
川粉老师 我喜欢这个说法
HR/Benefits Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Announces $52,000 Minimum Salary for Her Congressional Staff Senior staff won't get more than $80,000 a year.
By Minda Zetlin@MindaZetlin Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Getty Images Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to enjoy shocking the Washington establishment and appearing in headlines. Her latest announcement does both. She says that all her congressional staff will be paid a minimum of $52,000 a year, which she says is merely a living wage in the nation's fifth-most expensive city. Predictably in these polarized times, the announcement was met with fury by some and praise by others. She's certainly bucking the norm in D.C., where Glassdoor reports salaries for a congressional staff assistant ranges from $28,000 to $37,000. Her lowest paid staffers will be making substantially more than bottom-level staff working for President Donald Trump, several of whom are paid $40,800 a year and one of whom earns only $30,000, according to a recent report from the White House. But is this a bit of brilliance from AOC (as she's called), or is it self-sabotage, as some critics claim? The most problematic question surrounding the promised salaries is the same question any business leader would have to answer: If you're going to give employees more than the going rate, how will you pay for it? Unlike a business leader, Ocasio-Cortez can't simply raise the extra funds. Like all U.S. representatives, she has an allocation of about $1 million a year to pay up to 18 staff members and can divvy up that money how ever she sees fit. Article continues after video. Featured Video Wake-Up Call: 'Commitment Will Always Beat Out Talent' Ocasio-Cortez's press representative has said she will likely employ a full complement of 18 staffers, which means that the only way to pay junior level staff more than they might normally expect is to pay senior staff less than they that might normally expect. And that's exactly what Ocasio-Cortez says she will do. She told Roll Call that salaries in her office would not go higher than $80,000 a year, whereas experienced political staff members typically earn up to twice as much. (Ocasio-Cortez herself will receive the standard congressional annual salary of $174,000.) This partial leveling-out of what are usually widely divergent salaries earned sharp criticism from Fox's Pete Hegseth, who called it "socialism and communism on display."
认真脸说,我没看见那个你们口中的左派把cuomo视作救世主神明的,顶多就是夸他两句拉倒 但是把川川拜成神明救世主天选之子的帖子和论调在这个论坛上真是一抓一大把,数都数不过来的那种
巨富都要开心死了,他是精准针对拿w2的中产好不好?SALT CAP了解一下?
反正红州的参议员非白人非男性也没啥竞争力,裙带出来的就是Lying Ted这种干啥啥不行,吃啥啥不剩的
Flying Ted的狗狗好羡慕川普的狗狗
川普税改下,我比原来少交税了。所以我说巨富吃肉,我就喝点汤。另外我说的是Warren 收财富税,我想选Warren来着,不过她被民主党内部干掉了,最后不就选川普去喝汤了。Warren下次要参选,主张不变,又出线,我就选她
这是biased coverage,左派擅长的。 真正危害社会的,比如Cuomo的,还有biden家族的事情,都会淡化处理。但是保守派说了一句不合适的,做了一点不合适的,恨不得7/24连续报道,然后用放大镜挑出任何他们看来不合适的东西。 Ted Cruz度假这事情timing不合适,但是左媒一副人间罪人的报道明显夸大了事实。 AOC为德州人民募捐是值得赞赏的事情。募捐的去向主要是food bank和服务homeless者。至于那些房屋水管爆裂,房屋整修和电网的事情,还是要当地人自己要解决的。 附捐赠信息: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/aoc-social-20210219?refcode=tw20210219 Your contribution will be split evenly between Family Eldercare, ECHO (Ending Community Homelessness Coalition), Southeast Texas Food Bank, Corazon Ministries, Central Texas Food Bank, Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley, Houston Food Bank, North Texas Food Bank, South Texas Food Bank, The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center, Food Bank of West Central Texas, and Feeding Texas
嗯,我揣测:左派Newsom 不让餐馆开门然后自己到高级法餐厅,Pelosi不让hair salon开门自己溜去做头发,还有cuomo把covid老人送回nursing home导致养老院大爆发还愣把fatality算在医院头上至今不承认。还有Biden儿子收的CCP贿赂钻石等。
哈哈哈 话说ted成天骂左派snowflake,然后给自家狗起个名字叫snowflake,心理是不是有点变态
他本来是打算周末才回来的,这就是你所说的drop off?
那是因为他被抓包,后来才改签的。 什么人啊,在那里拼命的洗。。。
就是这样,Biden儿子的事选前爆出来,还说是抹黑,Russia Misinformation, Twitter好像还关了白宫发言人账户,记者们也都一致不问,想想这事要发生川普/那个右派身上,绝对7天24小时穷追不舍,选后怎么样难道不是真的?媒体们还不时轻描淡写聊两句就算了
我靠,纽约州长左B 捧上天的Cumo 谎报新冠死亡人数,不顾老人生死的事儿呢?下流媒体终于找到Cruz 来转移注意力啦,双标狗伪善!
富有同情心的, 有人情!