看点新闻很难吗? 德州州长都不敢这么甩锅给联邦。 联邦几十年前来一直警告德州发电设备要做防冻处理。 德州不听导致设备全冻住发不了电赖联邦? Governor Greg Abbott said "My team has been talking to all the natural gas producers and suppliers in the state of Texas all afternoon to accelerate the process of their ability to get it. Their answer is: "It''''s just frozen right now. It''''s frozen in the pipeline. It''''s frozen at the rig. It''''s frozen at the transmission line." "The natural gas providers are incapable of being able to come up with a gas that feeds into the generators that generate the power that will send power to people''''s residences there in the Dallas area." Abbott also told the broadcaster that the shortage in natural gas comes as "the ability to both manufacture and to ship and transport natural gas has been frozen also."
这个可不是瞎说的,我也是看到别人发的一个 department of energy 文件是这样写的: [url]https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2021/02/f82/DOE%20202%28c%29%20Emergency%20Order%20-%20ERCOT%2002.14.2021.pdf[/url]
当然也有我这种很幸运一直没断电没断网, 只能自己在网上给各位X粉老师表演鼓掌掌的
看点新闻很难吗? 德州州长都不敢这么甩锅给联邦。 联邦几十年前来一直警告德州发电设备要做防冻处理。 德州不听导致设备全冻住发不了电赖联邦?
Governor Greg Abbott said "My team has been talking to all the natural gas producers and suppliers in the state of Texas all afternoon to accelerate the process of their ability to get it. Their answer is: "It''''s just frozen right now. It''''s frozen in the pipeline. It''''s frozen at the rig. It''''s frozen at the transmission line."
"The natural gas providers are incapable of being able to come up with a gas that feeds into the generators that generate the power that will send power to people''''s residences there in the Dallas area."
Abbott also told the broadcaster that the shortage in natural gas comes as "the ability to both manufacture and to ship and transport natural gas has been frozen also."
agree LZ
Not only TX, this is applied to ALL states.
起码把出处贴出来吧?除非联邦政府是用中文让德州不发电的, 不然英文的原文资料在哪里???
LZ这个原帖有可能是反讽嘲笑的意思。但是不妨碍讨论绿色能源的稳定性问题和排放quote的问题。 绿色能源应该是有补贴,在德州应该是进行市场竞争,雪灾前能占25%左右的电力输出。但是雪灾以来冻住了一半左右,还得准备对应的backup power才行。但是自由市场商家准备这么多backup power很难。而且绿色能源占比越高,要准备的backup power station越多。在德州这种不说百年一遇,至少十年一遇的低温情况让搞backup用1年空置9年的事情,估计还是不怎么会做。于是左派呼吁政府介入强制要求backup。其实最终还是消费者承担成本。估计还是得事后当地民选官员投票决定如何处理。 排放quote有没有我不知道。但是听说Tesla有很大一块收入是卖排放quote。这是公司层面的,不知道州层面是个什么情况。
你说的这些排放管制平时是有的,这次winter storm DOE批了暂时性取消排放限制。
你们不用吵了,ERCOT给DOE 发的这个request也就是走个形式而已,每次都会及时批的。
Residential natural gas supply 优先级高于绝大部分发电,天然气供应短缺的时候先切断发电机的天然气供应
加州的锅renewable背得不冤,德州这次就事论事renewable 和传统发电表现都不好。如果往前追溯,renewable 确实拉低了批发电价导致一些传统发电关停,使市场里的发电容量减少,从而导致系统缺电的可能性增加。这个说法也是站得住脚的。