Ariens, get one with locking differentials and 9+ horsepower if you get wet heavy snow that''''''''s typical in Northeast. Take care of it and it''ll last you a life time. Ariens website has a size calculator to help you decide which model will suit your driveway the best. Remember it''''''''s not the bigger the better, more power means heavier machines. You need some strength to operate one of these. Also pay attention to safety: under no circumstance you should put your hands/arms in the auger unless for necessary repairs under care! The auger can be under tension and turn 1/4 circle even if the engine is powered off. Many people lost their hands because they don''''''''t know this.
Ariens, get one with locking differentials and 9+ horsepower if you get wet heavy snow that''''''''s typical in Northeast. Take care of it and it''ll last you a life time. Ariens website has a size calculator to help you decide which model will suit your driveway the best. Remember it''''''''s not the bigger the better, more power means heavier machines. You need some strength to operate one of these. Also pay attention to safety: under no circumstance you should put your hands/arms in the auger unless for necessary repairs under care! The auger can be under tension and turn 1/4 circle even if the engine is powered off. Many people lost their hands because they don''''''''t know this. SAT 发表于 2021-02-18 21:51
If everyone had common sense, there wouldn''t be the need for warning labels, liability disclaimers and 90% of personal injury lawyers. BTW, any power tools can be used safely if you simply follow instructions and common sense. A 2-stage snow blower''s chute and auger should be cleaned by a plastic tool, and if you need to repair the auger area, turn the machine off and unplug the spark plug, then make sure that the auger is not under tension.
ok 改标题了,听大家的
Also pay attention to safety: under no circumstance you should put your hands/arms in the auger unless for necessary repairs under care! The auger can be under tension and turn 1/4 circle even if the engine is powered off. Many people lost their hands because they don''''''''t know this.
我觉得即使在纽约,如果lot不大,Honda one stage就够了
Honda HS720AM Single Stage Snow Blower
谢谢你的safety 提醒,吓坏了,都不敢买了 lol
If everyone had common sense, there wouldn''t be the need for warning labels, liability disclaimers and 90% of personal injury lawyers.
BTW, any power tools can be used safely if you simply follow instructions and common sense. A 2-stage snow blower''s chute and auger should be cleaned by a plastic tool, and if you need to repair the auger area, turn the machine off and unplug the spark plug, then make sure that the auger is not under tension.
买油的。在北部的话,可以买two stage的。别的地方包括北部也可以买one stage的,就是大雪来了需要多铲几次,要不然雪太厚了机器老憋死。油的机器每年要启动两三次10分钟左右,不管下不下雪,要不然就要好好做维护,以免用的时候比较难启动
今天我邻居家门口被市政铲雪车搞了一堆在driveway尽头,他的snow blower就坏了,他气死了。
two stage is very expensive right?
强推husqvarna 这个瑞典品牌的东西。
差不了太多,single stage 好点的500多,two stage的700多到1000多,其实马上就是snow blower打折的时候了 你能忍受买来大半年不用的话可以考虑等到那时候买
血泪教训:snow blower每个季节结束的时候记得防锈润滑,否则可能第二年生锈卡死,尤其是低端的,高速部位得用silicon lube,低速部位用white lithium grease,除锈,非运动部位,螺丝等,可以用wd40
再次广告:可以找我入手Home Depot 15% off coupon 哦
Ariens 绝对是重雪区人民的首选,在我们这儿基本每家的标配
德国首都 没下什么大雪
而且 这周 大西洋暖流一到
寒流马上消失 ,
马上寒流 被打 到 中国北方去了!!
建议美国 和加拿大 在 中部 的北方地区修建 些大山吧!!
把加拿大中间的寒流 阻挡住吧!!
建议 美国的中部 地区 修建 大山, 大森林, 另外 建立大湖,
把美国的中部地区 寒流阻挡一下
看能不能把美国改造为 温带海洋气候
这个最靠谱,有具体攻略怎么做吗 我就想开个小车车铲
也没有贵很多, 雪多的地方还是要two stage。另外还要看Driveway的地形和宽窄, 如果很宽3车道的Driveway, 可能还要买马力更强一点的, 上28寸的, 不然可能走一次扔不到边上去。如果家里还有比较窄长的sidewalk需要铲, 又或者比较大的坡。就不能买太宽太重的不然过不去。
这些维护还是做了的好,要不大雪天还得手工清出路,要把近一百斤的snow blower抬上车去找dealer修,大写的惨
谢谢 我可以再忍忍 马上雪季就快过了 为下一个冬天做准备吧 什么时候打折开始? 到时候跟你入手coupon
对 需要买那种好打燃的