什么也不学,日常生活,基本的逻辑学一点帮助会很大。人学了佛,成了基督徒,还是人。区别只是这些人要按照佛的教导,圣经的道理去修行。放下屠刀立地成佛的人是有的,多不多呢?沧海一粟。大部分人来说,这是一个work in progress。 有的人需要几世甚至几十世的来来回回。循环往复。不是一旦学佛信教就立刻成佛成圣了。拿佛陀和基督的标准要求佛教徒和基督徒的无信仰人士大都犯了逻辑学的错误。学佛是向佛陀学习。不是立刻变成佛。虽然最后的结果也许是成佛,但这需要时间。举个不怎么恰当的例子吧。现在整容术这么发达,猪扒变美女再容易也得需要几个月的时间。何况是改变人的心性,人的言行坐卧呢?甚至彻底觉悟呢?有好奇心是好事情。比不了解难办的是自以为是,刚强难化,能用开放的心态,不带偏见的去了解。然后再做评价。不要因为有人吃了香蕉拉肚子就说香蕉有毒堪比巴豆,最好的办法是自己去尝尝。不愿意尝可以多搜集信息,让你的sample pool再大一点。不针对层主,只是想说,有些人口口声声拿科学来评判信仰。没有调查就没有发言权。这些人是真正了解科学呢还是了解信仰呢?两样有一样谈不上了解,评判就站不住脚。何况这种人往往是既不了解信仰也不了解科学。
回复 5楼刺客列传的帖子 把心经全文和讲解贴在这里一下 The Heart Sutra(般若波羅蜜多心經) Historical Information The Heart Sutra (般若波羅蜜多心經) of Mahāyāna Buddhism (大乘佛教) is one of the most revered Buddhist sutras in both Chinese and Japanese cultures (1,2). The most widely known Chinese version of the Heart Sutra is the one arranged by Monk Xuanzang (釋玄奘, 602-664 AD). The origin of the Heart Sutra is somewhat contentious, for some proposed that it is apocryphal since it was originally composed in Chinese but not in Sanskrit. Specifically, scholar Jan Nattier contended that "the earliest version of the Heart Sūtra was probably first composed in China in the Chinese language from a mixture of material derived from Kumārajīva''s (鳩摩羅什, 334-413 AD) Chinese translation of the Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā (or Large Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, 大品般若經) and new composition, and that this assemblage was later translated into Sanskrit"(3,4). Despite the many controversies surrounding its origin, the Heart Sutra remains as one of the most popular Buddhist sutras in East Asian circles; even to this day, the Monk Xuanzang''s Heart Sutra is still often recited and studied by many. Xuanzang''s version of the Heart Sutra is widely admired among traditional Chinese intellects and has been scribed by many renowned Chinese calligraphers such as Ouyang Xun (歐陽詢, 557-641 AD) and Zhao Mengfu (趙孟頫, 1254-1322 AD) in different script styles (5). Presented above is my work on Xuanzang''s Heart Sutra written in small Standard Script (小楷). Text interpretation Note: the interpretation presented below, by KS Vincent Poon on Mar. 5, 2017, is a reworking of two independent renowned English translations of the Heart Sutra: one originally published by Edward Conze (6,7,8) and the other by the Ven. Dharma Master Lok To (9,10). The purpose of this reworking is to allow ordinary English speakers to better understand the contents of the original classical Chinese edition of the Heart Sutra arranged by Monk Xuanzang. 觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅蜜多時。 When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was flowing deeply into the state of Prajna Paramita (the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom). 照見五蘊皆空,渡一切苦厄。 舍利子, He looked down and perceived that all Five Skandhas are empty, thus He overcame all ills and sufferings. O Sariputra, 色不異空,空不異色, 色即是空,空即是色, 受想行識,亦復如是。 form does not differ from the void, and the void does not differ from form. (for details in interpreting "form" and "void", please see Personal Comments - On The Contents Of The Heart Sutra below) form is void and void is form; the same also applies to feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness. 舍利子, O Sariputra, 是諸法空相,不生不滅, all dharmas are marked with voidness (or emptiness): they are neither created nor destructible, 不垢不淨,不增不減。 they cannot be defiled or purified, they cannot be augmented nor diminished. 是故空中無色,無受想行識, Hence, within voidness, there is no form, feeling, perception, volition, nor consciousness; 無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法, no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, nor perception; no form, sound, smell, taste, tangible objects nor objects of mind; 無眼界,乃至無意識界。 無無明,亦無無明盡, no realm of the sense of sight and so forth, even to the extent of no realm of consciousness; there is no annoyance from ignorance, and so no annihilation of annoyance from ignorance; 乃至無老死,亦無老死盡。 and there is even no decay and death, and so no extinction of decay and death; 無苦集滅道, there is no suffering and no origin of suffering, and there is no cessation of suffering and no path to the cessation of suffering; 無智亦無得。 there is no wisdom and no attainment of anything whatsoever. 以無所得故,菩提薩埵,依般若波羅蜜多故, As there is nothing to be attained, the Bodhisattva, relying on Prajna Paramita (Perfection of Wisdom), 心無罣礙,無罣礙故,無有恐怖, has no hindrance in His mind; because His mind is free of hindrance, He has no fear, 遠離顚倒夢想,究竟涅槃。 三世諸佛,依般若波羅蜜多故,得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。 故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神呪, 是大明呪,是無上呪,是無等等呪, 能除一切苦,眞實不虛。 故說般若波羅蜜多呪,卽說呪曰: 揭諦揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭諦,菩提薩婆訶。 He stays far away from delusional dreams, and ultimately reaches the state of Nirvana. The Buddhas of the Past, Present and Future have all transcended to Supreme Enlightenment by following and practising the Prajna Paramita. Therefore, the Prajna Paramita (Prajna Paramita Chant) is the Great Divine Spell, the Great Spell of Illumination, the Supreme Spell, and the Unequalled Spell among all, which can truly allay one from all suffering without fail. Hence, the Prajna Parmita Chant is recited and and runs like this: Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha.
回复 5楼刺客列传的帖子 把心经全文和讲解贴在这里一下 The Heart Sutra(般若波羅蜜多心經) Historical Information The Heart Sutra (般若波羅蜜多心經) of Mahāyāna Buddhism (大乘佛教) is one of the most revered Buddhist sutras in both Chinese and Japanese cultures (1,2). The most widely known Chinese version of the Heart Sutra is the one arranged by Monk Xuanzang (釋玄奘, 602-664 AD). The origin of the Heart Sutra is somewhat contentious, for some proposed that it is apocryphal since it was originally composed in Chinese but not in Sanskrit. Specifically, scholar Jan Nattier contended that "the earliest version of the Heart Sūtra was probably first composed in China in the Chinese language from a mixture of material derived from Kumārajīva''s (鳩摩羅什, 334-413 AD) Chinese translation of the Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā (or Large Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, 大品般若經) and new composition, and that this assemblage was later translated into Sanskrit"(3,4). Despite the many controversies surrounding its origin, the Heart Sutra remains as one of the most popular Buddhist sutras in East Asian circles; even to this day, the Monk Xuanzang''s Heart Sutra is still often recited and studied by many. Xuanzang''s version of the Heart Sutra is widely admired among traditional Chinese intellects and has been scribed by many renowned Chinese calligraphers such as Ouyang Xun (歐陽詢, 557-641 AD) and Zhao Mengfu (趙孟頫, 1254-1322 AD) in different script styles (5). Presented above is my work on Xuanzang''s Heart Sutra written in small Standard Script (小楷). Text interpretation Note: the interpretation presented below, by KS Vincent Poon on Mar. 5, 2017, is a reworking of two independent renowned English translations of the Heart Sutra: one originally published by Edward Conze (6,7,8) and the other by the Ven. Dharma Master Lok To (9,10). The purpose of this reworking is to allow ordinary English speakers to better understand the contents of the original classical Chinese edition of the Heart Sutra arranged by Monk Xuanzang. 觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅蜜多時。 When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was flowing deeply into the state of Prajna Paramita (the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom). 照見五蘊皆空,渡一切苦厄。 舍利子, He looked down and perceived that all Five Skandhas are empty, thus He overcame all ills and sufferings. O Sariputra, 色不異空,空不異色, 色即是空,空即是色, 受想行識,亦復如是。 form does not differ from the void, and the void does not differ from form. (for details in interpreting "form" and "void", please see Personal Comments - On The Contents Of The Heart Sutra below) form is void and void is form; the same also applies to feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness. 舍利子, O Sariputra, 是諸法空相,不生不滅, all dharmas are marked with voidness (or emptiness): they are neither created nor destructible, 不垢不淨,不增不減。 they cannot be defiled or purified, they cannot be augmented nor diminished. 是故空中無色,無受想行識, Hence, within voidness, there is no form, feeling, perception, volition, nor consciousness; 無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法, no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, nor perception; no form, sound, smell, taste, tangible objects nor objects of mind; 無眼界,乃至無意識界。 無無明,亦無無明盡, no realm of the sense of sight and so forth, even to the extent of no realm of consciousness; there is no annoyance from ignorance, and so no annihilation of annoyance from ignorance; 乃至無老死,亦無老死盡。 and there is even no decay and death, and so no extinction of decay and death; 無苦集滅道, there is no suffering and no origin of suffering, and there is no cessation of suffering and no path to the cessation of suffering; 無智亦無得。 there is no wisdom and no attainment of anything whatsoever. 以無所得故,菩提薩埵,依般若波羅蜜多故, As there is nothing to be attained, the Bodhisattva, relying on Prajna Paramita (Perfection of Wisdom), 心無罣礙,無罣礙故,無有恐怖, has no hindrance in His mind; because His mind is free of hindrance, He has no fear, 遠離顚倒夢想,究竟涅槃。 三世諸佛,依般若波羅蜜多故,得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。 故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神呪, 是大明呪,是無上呪,是無等等呪, 能除一切苦,眞實不虛。 故說般若波羅蜜多呪,卽說呪曰: 揭諦揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭諦,菩提薩婆訶。 He stays far away from delusional dreams, and ultimately reaches the state of Nirvana. The Buddhas of the Past, Present and Future have all transcended to Supreme Enlightenment by following and practising the Prajna Paramita. Therefore, the Prajna Paramita (Prajna Paramita Chant) is the Great Divine Spell, the Great Spell of Illumination, the Supreme Spell, and the Unequalled Spell among all, which can truly allay one from all suffering without fail. Hence, the Prajna Parmita Chant is recited and and runs like this: Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha.
看了很多回帖,我觉得可以理解很多无神论者的质疑,那些不信来生转世的人, 如果你有兴趣可以看一下这个视频。这是一个德国的科普频道, 他们讲了各种各样的生物天文物理还有量子物理,我非常喜欢他们的节目。其中这一个视频我看了很多遍, 因为看的时候内心非常震撼。如果你真正的思考过生命, 思考过人生的来龙去脉, 也许你会对于你自己所认定极为有限的“科学”发出那么一点点的提问。事实上, 越是了解所谓的现代科学, 越是感觉自己的无知,对生命感觉敬畏。 Q: So what is the point of it all? A: The meaning of life, the reason I made the whole universe is for you to mature. Q: You mean mankind, you want us to mature? A: No, just you, I made the whole universe just for you. With each new life, you grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect. Q: Just me? What about anyone else? A: There is no one else, in this universe, there is just you and me. Q: But all the people on earth? A: All you. Different incarnations of you. Q: Wait, I am everyone. I am every human being who ever lived, or who will ever live. A: Yes. Every time you victimized someone, you are victimizing youself. Every act of kindness you have done, you have done to yourself. Every happy and sad experience ever experienced by any human was or will be experienced by you. Q: Why? Why do all of this? A: Because someday you will become like me. Because that is what you are. You are one of my kind. Q: You mean I am a god? A: No, not yet, you are a fetus, you are still growing. Once you lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.
看了很多回帖,我觉得可以理解很多无神论者的质疑,那些不信来生转世的人, 如果你有兴趣可以看一下这个视频。这是一个德国的科普频道, 他们讲了各种各样的生物天文物理还有量子物理,我非常喜欢他们的节目。其中这一个视频我看了很多遍, 因为看的时候内心非常震撼。如果你真正的思考过生命, 思考过人生的来龙去脉, 也许你会对于你自己所认定极为有限的“科学”发出那么一点点的提问。事实上, 越是了解所谓的现代科学, 越是感觉自己的无知,对生命感觉敬畏。 Q: So what is the point of it all? A: The meaning of life, the reason I made the whole universe is for you to mature. Q: You mean mankind, you want us to mature? A: No, just you, I made the whole universe just for you. With each new life, you grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect. Q: Just me? What about anyone else? A: There is no one else, in this universe, there is just you and me. Q: But all the people on earth? A: All you. Different incarnations of you. Q: Wait, I am everyone. I am every human being who ever lived, or who will ever live. A: Yes. Every time you victimized someone, you are victimizing youself. Every act of kindness you have done, you have done to yourself. Every happy and sad experience ever experienced by any human was or will be experienced by you. Q: Why? Why do all of this? A: Because someday you will become like me. Because that is what you are. You are one of my kind. Q: You mean I am a god? A: No, not yet, you are a fetus, you are still growing. Once you lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.
在华人网上看到82mm的遭遇,非常心痛。 更多的详情请看: https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2654655&fid=398
于是在冥想的时候询问上师, 得到上师指点说, 如果我们可以找100个诚心的姐妹,每天给82mm 念诵心经100遍,功德都回向给你。 这样坚持30天, 那或许可以帮助82mm与癌症再有三年抗争的机会。
念诵心经100遍 大概需要2个小时的时间。 可以跟着这个视频 诵念。
回向文可以参考: 愿以此功德,回向给Ling Li.
Preview YouTube video 心經49遍( 法鼓山 )
心經49遍( 法鼓山 ) ------------------------ 说我添乱和有问题的姐妹,我觉得世界之大,nothing is impossible. 就看能不能获得宇宙的能量来实现。我觉得诵念心经就是一个获取宇宙能量的很好的方式。我也理解质疑和骂我的姐妹,确实是因为超出一般的我们的思维行事。但是我自己坦荡荡,没有私货夹带更没有任何招募的目的。 -- --- 地理姐妹的个人经历分享: 这些遇到宗教就一定要来说风凉话的人真是闲的没事了。 不要因为自己福报不够, 不能理解大乘经典, 就来障碍别人。 这种诵经祈福是佛教里非常重要的一个修行方式, 而且确实是有用的。 心经是一部能量很强的经文, 能有人真诚心的帮助82 mm颂, 是任何钱都买不来的。 不要说捐款了, 你捐多少钱能给人家买来寿命。 楼主能够发这个心, 帮助82mm 是非常了不起的。
我家人当年病危的时候, 医院已经放弃治疗, 要求回家等死, 就有请全世界的佛友帮忙念地藏经回向给她, 也念佛回向给她, 确实多活了3年。 3年后去世的。 如果82mm 能够通过这个活动使身体状况回转, 有3年的时间就可以去找更好的治疗方法, 也有机会自己给自己颂地藏经来增加自身的能量。
不要小瞧心念的力量, 是可以撼天动地的。 ------------------
🔥 最新回帖
什么也不学,日常生活,基本的逻辑学一点帮助会很大。人学了佛,成了基督徒,还是人。区别只是这些人要按照佛的教导,圣经的道理去修行。放下屠刀立地成佛的人是有的,多不多呢?沧海一粟。大部分人来说,这是一个work in progress。 有的人需要几世甚至几十世的来来回回。循环往复。不是一旦学佛信教就立刻成佛成圣了。拿佛陀和基督的标准要求佛教徒和基督徒的无信仰人士大都犯了逻辑学的错误。学佛是向佛陀学习。不是立刻变成佛。虽然最后的结果也许是成佛,但这需要时间。举个不怎么恰当的例子吧。现在整容术这么发达,猪扒变美女再容易也得需要几个月的时间。何况是改变人的心性,人的言行坐卧呢?甚至彻底觉悟呢?有好奇心是好事情。比不了解难办的是自以为是,刚强难化,能用开放的心态,不带偏见的去了解。然后再做评价。不要因为有人吃了香蕉拉肚子就说香蕉有毒堪比巴豆,最好的办法是自己去尝尝。不愿意尝可以多搜集信息,让你的sample pool再大一点。不针对层主,只是想说,有些人口口声声拿科学来评判信仰。没有调查就没有发言权。这些人是真正了解科学呢还是了解信仰呢?两样有一样谈不上了解,评判就站不住脚。何况这种人往往是既不了解信仰也不了解科学。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
嗯, 可以这么直白解释,有这个可能。
The Heart Sutra (般若波羅蜜多心經)
Historical Information The Heart Sutra (般若波羅蜜多心經) of Mahāyāna Buddhism (大乘佛教) is one of the most revered Buddhist sutras in both Chinese and Japanese cultures (1,2). The most widely known Chinese version of the Heart Sutra is the one arranged by Monk Xuanzang (釋玄奘, 602-664 AD). The origin of the Heart Sutra is somewhat contentious, for some proposed that it is apocryphal since it was originally composed in Chinese but not in Sanskrit. Specifically, scholar Jan Nattier contended that "the earliest version of the Heart Sūtra was probably first composed in China in the Chinese language from a mixture of material derived from Kumārajīva''s (鳩摩羅什, 334-413 AD) Chinese translation of the Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā (or Large Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, 大品般若經) and new composition, and that this assemblage was later translated into Sanskrit"(3,4). Despite the many controversies surrounding its origin, the Heart Sutra remains as one of the most popular Buddhist sutras in East Asian circles; even to this day, the Monk Xuanzang''s Heart Sutra is still often recited and studied by many.
Xuanzang''s version of the Heart Sutra is widely admired among traditional Chinese intellects and has been scribed by many renowned Chinese calligraphers such as Ouyang Xun (歐陽詢, 557-641 AD) and Zhao Mengfu (趙孟頫, 1254-1322 AD) in different script styles (5). Presented above is my work on Xuanzang''s Heart Sutra written in small Standard Script (小楷).
Text interpretation Note: the interpretation presented below, by KS Vincent Poon on Mar. 5, 2017, is a reworking of two independent renowned English translations of the Heart Sutra: one originally published by Edward Conze (6,7,8) and the other by the Ven. Dharma Master Lok To (9,10). The purpose of this reworking is to allow ordinary English speakers to better understand the contents of the original classical Chinese edition of the Heart Sutra arranged by Monk Xuanzang. 觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅蜜多時。 When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was flowing deeply into the state of Prajna Paramita (the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom). 照見五蘊皆空,渡一切苦厄。 舍利子, He looked down and perceived that all Five Skandhas are empty, thus He overcame all ills and sufferings. O Sariputra, 色不異空,空不異色, 色即是空,空即是色, 受想行識,亦復如是。 form does not differ from the void, and the void does not differ from form. (for details in interpreting "form" and "void", please see Personal Comments - On The Contents Of The Heart Sutra below) form is void and void is form; the same also applies to feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness. 舍利子, O Sariputra, 是諸法空相,不生不滅, all dharmas are marked with voidness (or emptiness): they are neither created nor destructible, 不垢不淨,不增不減。 they cannot be defiled or purified, they cannot be augmented nor diminished. 是故空中無色,無受想行識, Hence, within voidness, there is no form, feeling, perception, volition, nor consciousness; 無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法, no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, nor perception; no form, sound, smell, taste, tangible objects nor objects of mind; 無眼界,乃至無意識界。 無無明,亦無無明盡, no realm of the sense of sight and so forth, even to the extent of no realm of consciousness; there is no annoyance from ignorance, and so no annihilation of annoyance from ignorance; 乃至無老死,亦無老死盡。 and there is even no decay and death, and so no extinction of decay and death; 無苦集滅道, there is no suffering and no origin of suffering, and there is no cessation of suffering and no path to the cessation of suffering; 無智亦無得。 there is no wisdom and no attainment of anything whatsoever. 以無所得故,菩提薩埵,依般若波羅蜜多故, As there is nothing to be attained, the Bodhisattva, relying on Prajna Paramita (Perfection of Wisdom), 心無罣礙,無罣礙故,無有恐怖, has no hindrance in His mind; because His mind is free of hindrance, He has no fear, 遠離顚倒夢想,究竟涅槃。 三世諸佛,依般若波羅蜜多故,得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。 故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神呪, 是大明呪,是無上呪,是無等等呪, 能除一切苦,眞實不虛。 故說般若波羅蜜多呪,卽說呪曰: 揭諦揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭諦,菩提薩婆訶。 He stays far away from delusional dreams, and ultimately reaches the state of Nirvana. The Buddhas of the Past, Present and Future have all transcended to Supreme Enlightenment by following and practising the Prajna Paramita. Therefore, the Prajna Paramita (Prajna Paramita Chant) is the Great Divine Spell, the Great Spell of Illumination, the Supreme Spell, and the Unequalled Spell among all, which can truly allay one from all suffering without fail. Hence, the Prajna Parmita Chant is recited and and runs like this: Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha.
无法理解没关系。:) We can always agree to disagree.
我第一感觉也是夹带私货。要小心如此的行为对82mm 的病情有负面影响。
我不收集任何个人data, 念的是心经,回向是给82mm. 有什么私货呢? 可以展开说说吗?
真心帮: 1,捐款帮助孩子和老人 2, 提供一些癌症trail 或者其他医疗方面的信息,万一新药有用呢?还真的能直接帮到她。 3, 如果住在她附近,可以力所能及的提供一些帮助(帮她烧点有营养的,哪怕给孩子做个饭,送个礼物也好)
list 可以很长,有很多事可以做。
RE 出钱出力都欢迎,楼主这种动动嘴皮子抖机灵的人,真的是又蠢又坏到家了!
般若波羅蜜多心經是菩萨法,觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅密多時,. 照見五蘊皆空,度一切苦厄。是观世音救苦救难的法,和法轮功完全没关系啊
哪里来的人血馒头啊, 不懂不要乱说, 你这一句话才真的造了地狱业。 你自己也不是要求什么无病无灾,起个这样的名字就可以无病五灾了嘛? 真讽刺。
虽然那位层主说话太冲 你这样暗戳戳恶狠狠的诅咒人也是蛮开眼的
我家人当年病危的时候, 医院已经放弃治疗, 要求回家等死, 就有请全世界的佛友帮忙念地藏经回向给她, 也念佛回向给她, 确实多活了3年。 3年后去世的。 如果82mm 能够通过这个活动使身体状况回转, 有3年的时间就可以去找更好的治疗方法, 也有机会自己给自己颂地藏经来增加自身的能量。
不要小瞧心念的力量, 是可以撼天动地的。
楼主可以见个群, 请愿意参加的朋友加入进来, 不一定要100 遍, 确实不容易, 从7 遍开始。 任何人能够完成这30 天的作业, 人生会有很大的改变的。
宗教信仰和个人修养素质并不冲突 我无意探讨你的信仰理念 单纯对你说话诅咒他人的方式表示鄙视
一个但凡有点教养和受过基本教育的这一代女人 都已经摒弃了这种交流方式
我们教会也会给需要的人祷告的 当然不是每次都遂心
我有时候也质疑是否代祷有效 但是教友有需求 还是会代祷
你做到了你能做的一切 别难过了
我改贴是因为之前只看到了你的回帖 发了以后才去看那位层主的帖子 然后意识到自己一味指责你不对 那位层主的话也是很冒犯的
上边一个Mm说当年也请了教友祷告,没有成功, 可能是人数不够, 还有祷告的人也很重要。基督教有一本书叫做“ god is real", 也是一个真实的故事, 一个3岁小男孩已经半死了, 已经出现死气了, 硬是被他爸爸叫胡来了。 信基督教的mm 可以去看那本书。 之前有个电影还改编过。 奇迹是有的。 就看你信不信, 是不是真的信。
我家人那时候真是发动了所有认识的佛友,找了很多多年修行的佛友, 佛教团体, 跨了很多国家, 大家给我家人回向念经, 做了半年多。 她才一点一点好起来的。
这不是一个能轻易完成的事情, 所以楼主的上师给的要求也很严, 要100个人, 而且一天每人100遍, 那一天就是10000遍, 30 t天就是 要给82mm 颂30万遍经文。 这个非常难。 如果有人愿意发心, 可以每天颂多100遍, 以30天内, 30万遍心经为众人的目标。 也是可行的。
另外, 这个真和病人信念没关系, 这个是众人给我家人的加持, 因为她不信佛, 所以她就只多了这三年。 如果她信, 而且去做的话, 她会活更久。
山西小院这个视频里有一个案例, 就是一个人生了重病, 诵地藏经的一群人就把他的照片拿了过来, 摆在他们面前, 每天颂完经就回向给他, 他的病确实一点一点好了 。 忘记是什么病了, 就是病人看遍了医生也没办法治的一个病。 但是这个人不修行, 他的福报也就哪些, 用完了还是要走的。
Q: So what is the point of it all? A: The meaning of life, the reason I made the whole universe is for you to mature. Q: You mean mankind, you want us to mature? A: No, just you, I made the whole universe just for you. With each new life, you grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect. Q: Just me? What about anyone else? A: There is no one else, in this universe, there is just you and me. Q: But all the people on earth? A: All you. Different incarnations of you. Q: Wait, I am everyone. I am every human being who ever lived, or who will ever live. A: Yes. Every time you victimized someone, you are victimizing youself. Every act of kindness you have done, you have done to yourself. Every happy and sad experience ever experienced by any human was or will be experienced by you. Q: Why? Why do all of this? A: Because someday you will become like me. Because that is what you are. You are one of my kind. Q: You mean I am a god? A: No, not yet, you are a fetus, you are still growing. Once you lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.
这个例子里的几个要点 一。 地藏菩萨那一世自己就是德高望重的善人 二。对母亲的情感非常深厚真诚。可以舍弃所有家财换取母亲的安宁。 三。念佛念到入定(完全没有杂念) 地藏菩萨的母亲可能即使是下地狱的那一刻,都没有正信。但财首菩萨说因为地藏菩萨十分孝顺,不但地藏菩萨的母亲从地狱解脱,其他地狱众生也一同蒙福。
人存心挑刺的时候,可以吹毛求疵、自欺欺人到你想象不到的地步 XD
这位mm, 我如实回答 你的问题: 和82mm的沟通是gmail的exchange :)