帮你Google了一下,看上去非常简单的procedure: Surgery Usually this procedure is done as an outpatient surgery. The child does not usually spend the night in the hospital. The surgery staff will call you the day before the procedure to give you instructions about what your child can eat and drink and tell you what time to arrive for surgery. Your child will have stitches to close the incision. Special glue will be put over the stitches. The stitches will dissolve and do not need to be removed. If your child has complex polydactyly, more extensive surgery is done (See Pictures 4 and 5). Complex polydactyly has a bone, tendon, and ligament in the extra digit. Your child may need a surgical pin in the hand or foot and may have to wear a cast (see Helping Hand HH-II-2, Cast and Splint Care).
帮你Google了一下,看上去非常简单的procedure: Surgery Usually this procedure is done as an outpatient surgery. The child does not usually spend the night in the hospital. The surgery staff will call you the day before the procedure to give you instructions about what your child can eat and drink and tell you what time to arrive for surgery. Your child will have stitches to close the incision. Special glue will be put over the stitches. The stitches will dissolve and do not need to be removed. If your child has complex polydactyly, more extensive surgery is done (See Pictures 4 and 5). Complex polydactyly has a bone, tendon, and ligament in the extra digit. Your child may need a surgical pin in the hand or foot and may have to wear a cast (see Helping Hand HH-II-2, Cast and Splint Care).
弟弟一直都没跟我说,也没跟父母说,报喜不报忧,现在为了问一下美国的治疗方法,才告诉我。 为小侄子心疼,也为弟弟弟妹心疼。
不是要来美国治疗,只是想多打听治疗方案,比如什么时候做手术,手术之后哪些恢复治疗等等。 新生儿要全麻做手术也是一个担心点,看看美国是几个月大时做手术。知道更多情况,也好跟国内的医生商量手术时间
我弟弟没有,弟妹没问,据说环境污染也是一个原因。 不过这个都不重要
If the extra digit is on the foot, surgery to remove it is done before your child starts to walk.
Surgery Usually this procedure is done as an outpatient surgery. The child does not usually spend the night in the hospital. The surgery staff will call you the day before the procedure to give you instructions about what your child can eat and drink and tell you what time to arrive for surgery. Your child will have stitches to close the incision. Special glue will be put over the stitches. The stitches will dissolve and do not need to be removed. If your child has complex polydactyly, more extensive surgery is done (See Pictures 4 and 5). Complex polydactyly has a bone, tendon, and ligament in the extra digit. Your child may need a surgical pin in the hand or foot and may have to wear a cast (see Helping Hand HH-II-2, Cast and Splint Care).
就我自己的例子来看,小时候手术切掉以后没什么影响。除了剩下的那个拇指比另一只手拇指小一号,而且指关节不能弯曲。所以我字很丑,尽管也许是借口lol。 脚趾的影响估计就更小了。
可能我爸妈要我练钢琴的时候也是这么想的哈哈哈哈。。。 但完全不是这样。不能弯曲只会减分哈哈哈
我小时候父母一直骗我说是我右手拇指小时候出了事故,长大了才告诉我,然后一直嘱咐我不能告诉任何人,怕别人觉得我基因有缺陷。 虽然我自己是觉得无所谓。