回复 1楼Heiniu的帖子 RIP. 但是美国社会的分裂rush Limbaugh 功不可没。他把一月份攻击国会的暴徒当成爱国者。真正的爱国者会去阻止权利的和平交接?真正的爱国者因为对一个人的盲目崇拜而罔顾宪法? A day after the deadly January riot by a Trumpist mob in a bid to overturn Democrat Joe Biden's victory in the November election, Limbaugh likened the invaders of the U.S. Capitol to the Revolutionary War patriots.
Rush Limbaugh denied smoking risks in 2015: ‘Smokers aren’t killing anybody https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mercurynews.com/2020/02/04/rush-limbaugh-denied-smoking-risks-in-2015-smokers-arent-killing-anybody/amp/ Just five years ago, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh went on a pro-tobacco rant on his show, during which he downplayed the risks of smoking, said it’s “a myth” that secondhand smoke causes illness or death and argued that smokers aren’t at any greater risk than people who “eat carrots.” “Smokers aren’t killing anybody,” the conservative host declared in an April 2015 segment of the “Rush Limbaugh Show,” then argued that tobacco users should be thanked because their purchases generate tax dollars that fund children’s health care programs.
Rush Limbaugh denied smoking risks in 2015: ‘Smokers aren’t killing anybody https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mercurynews.com/2020/02/04/rush-limbaugh-denied-smoking-risks-in-2015-smokers-arent-killing-anybody/amp/ Just five years ago, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh went on a pro-tobacco rant on his show, during which he downplayed the risks of smoking, said it’s “a myth” that secondhand smoke causes illness or death and argued that smokers aren’t at any greater risk than people who “eat carrots.” “Smokers aren’t killing anybody,” the conservative host declared in an April 2015 segment of the “Rush Limbaugh Show,” then argued that tobacco users should be thanked because their purchases generate tax dollars that fund children’s health care programs. 落地无声 发表于 2021-02-17 13:41
回复 1楼Heiniu的帖子 RIP. 但是美国社会的分裂rush Limbaugh 功不可没。他把一月份攻击国会的暴徒当成爱国者。真正的爱国者会去阻止权利的和平交接?真正的爱国者因为对一个人的盲目崇拜而罔顾宪法? A day after the deadly January riot by a Trumpist mob in a bid to overturn Democrat Joe Biden's victory in the November election, Limbaugh likened the invaders of the U.S. Capitol to the Revolutionary War patriots. Twenty20002020 发表于 2021-02-17 13:35
RIP, 几年前开始听,一有空就听,一听就是3个小时。#1 radio talk show for 32 years!!! 今天一整天听了好多保守派纪念Rush的节目,有一点非常赞同,就是他把几千万听众的真实想法说出来了,注重事实,实话实说,分析政治事件告诉你“为什么” ,非常有水平和见地,而且乐观幽默搞笑。去年一月确诊stage IV lung cancer, 开始化疗,但是一直坚持播节目,基本上播一周这一周但我觉得节目质量绝对没降低,直到他最后一次节目好像是2周前。RIP,在他这行历史地位无人能超越,有兴趣的可以看看以往各任共和党总统对他的评价,从Reagan 到Trump.
我看上个月新闻里还大做文章说他也退了 Twitter, 感情人家已经快不行了, 说不定是助手或老婆退的。
RIP. 但是美国社会的分裂rush Limbaugh 功不可没。他把一月份攻击国会的暴徒当成爱国者。真正的爱国者会去阻止权利的和平交接?真正的爱国者因为对一个人的盲目崇拜而罔顾宪法?
A day after the deadly January riot by a Trumpist mob in a bid to overturn Democrat Joe Biden's victory in the November election, Limbaugh likened the invaders of the U.S. Capitol to the Revolutionary War patriots.
原来他爱抽雪茄得了肺癌。 理解了。
Rush Limbaugh denied smoking risks in 2015: ‘Smokers aren’t killing anybody
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mercurynews.com/2020/02/04/rush-limbaugh-denied-smoking-risks-in-2015-smokers-arent-killing-anybody/amp/ Just five years ago, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh went on a pro-tobacco rant on his show, during which he downplayed the risks of smoking, said it’s “a myth” that secondhand smoke causes illness or death and argued that smokers aren’t at any greater risk than people who “eat carrots.” “Smokers aren’t killing anybody,” the conservative host declared in an April 2015 segment of the “Rush Limbaugh Show,” then argued that tobacco users should be thanked because their purchases generate tax dollars that fund children’s health care programs.
stage 4 lung cancer
他在他的广播里指责用毒品 2006年, 他被逮捕指控doctor shopping,他在5个月里从4个医生那里搞了2000片止疼片。药品成瘾滥用。
她骂少女婊子妓女 但是被美国机场官员查获,他回美国时带了大量生殖器勃起药品。他当时一个人去,多米尼加雏妓泛滥,推测他去嫖妓。
他说吸烟无害 结果得了肺癌
strongly agree!
“注重事实,实话实说,”你指的是alternative facts?
他过去节目里面有个环节 就是read最近艾滋病死得了名单 然后骂他们这些gay死的好 敲锣打鼓庆祝。。。。
林包的 weekly "AIDS Update" which mocked the deaths of gay individuals from HIV/AIDS
敲锣打鼓欢庆 还说艾滋病只在同性之中流传 gay都不干净脏得很之类的
不过这是80年代 90年代的事情
里根政府对艾滋病的政策简直反智到了极点 里根当时还考虑要有艾滋病的小孩不许上学呢 LOL