看看人家美国人,华人的大妈是不是该反省了 40. Married. Two young kids. Spouse doesn’t work San Francisco area. Engineer at a FAANG company Financial Net worth: $4m Taxable index funds: $2m Long-term vested company stock: $900k 401k: $800k Roth IRA: $200k 529: $100k Allocation across all funds: 40% Total US, 30% Total International, 10% Emerging, 10% REIT, 10% Total Bond Cash dividends from taxable funds: $3,000/mo ($36k/yr) Renting. No mortgage or other debt Vehicles are new, dependable, and paid off. Keeping as long as possible Last year’s spending: $8,500/mo ($100k/yr) FIRE plan When: A few months Type: FatFIRE, maintaining current lifestyle Move: To an area with much lower housing costs. Most other expenses are 20% cheaper there Estimated max retirement spending: $8,500/mo ($100k/yr), although will likely be lower due to new COL Housing: $3,000/mo ($36k/yr). Rent while getting to know the new area before buying a $750k house. Put $300k down payment down to stay under the jumbo loan limit of $450k. 30yr fixed mortgage on $450k is about $3,000/mo including property taxes and insurance. No intent to pay off early. Although this may seem extravagant, a nice home for my family is a reward after years of hard work Healthcare: $2,500/mo ($30k/yr) to be safe. Open market. If annual MAGI is <$100k, would be eligible for premium tax credit with two kids All other expenses: $3,000/mo ($36k/yr), although likely lower. Travel is the biggest wildcard Withdrawal strategy: Dividends from taxable funds of $3,000/mo ($35k/yr) will take care of a chunk of my overall $8,500/mo ($100k/yr) expenses. The remainder ($5,500/mo) can be drawn down at a 1.8% rate from pools like my remaining company stock, Roth IRA contributions, and taxable funds (although this would mean fewer dividends going forward). If dividends aren't used, withdrawal rate would be 2.8%. According to EarlyRetirementNow, anything <3% is close to fail safe. Withdrawal frequency: Monthly, to keep more money invested longer Equity and bond allocation change over time: None, remaining high equities. I'm aware my house will become a larger part of my assets over time How to spend the time: Raise kids. Time with family and friends. Travel. Personal coding projects. Plenty of hobbies Future side income: Not banking on any at the moment
看看人家美国人,华人的大妈是不是该反省了 40. Married. Two young kids. Spouse doesn’t work San Francisco area. Engineer at a FAANG company Financial Net worth: $4m Taxable index funds: $2m Long-term vested company stock: $900k 401k: $800k Roth IRA: $200k 529: $100k Allocation across all funds: 40% Total US, 30% Total International, 10% Emerging, 10% REIT, 10% Total Bond Cash dividends from taxable funds: $3,000/mo ($36k/yr) Renting. No mortgage or other debt Vehicles are new, dependable, and paid off. Keeping as long as possible Last year’s spending: $8,500/mo ($100k/yr) FIRE plan When: A few months Type: FatFIRE, maintaining current lifestyle Move: To an area with much lower housing costs. Most other expenses are 20% cheaper there Estimated max retirement spending: $8,500/mo ($100k/yr), although will likely be lower due to new COL Housing: $3,000/mo ($36k/yr). Rent while getting to know the new area before buying a $750k house. Put $300k down payment down to stay under the jumbo loan limit of $450k. 30yr fixed mortgage on $450k is about $3,000/mo including property taxes and insurance. No intent to pay off early. Although this may seem extravagant, a nice home for my family is a reward after years of hard work Healthcare: $2,500/mo ($30k/yr) to be safe. Open market. If annual MAGI is <$100k, would be eligible for premium tax credit with two kids All other expenses: $3,000/mo ($36k/yr), although likely lower. Travel is the biggest wildcard Withdrawal strategy: Dividends from taxable funds of $3,000/mo ($35k/yr) will take care of a chunk of my overall $8,500/mo ($100k/yr) expenses. The remainder ($5,500/mo) can be drawn down at a 1.8% rate from pools like my remaining company stock, Roth IRA contributions, and taxable funds (although this would mean fewer dividends going forward). If dividends aren''''t used, withdrawal rate would be 2.8%. According to EarlyRetirementNow, anything <3% is close to fail safe. Withdrawal frequency: Monthly, to keep more money invested longer Equity and bond allocation change over time: None, remaining high equities. I''''m aware my house will become a larger part of my assets over time How to spend the time: Raise kids. Time with family and friends. Travel. Personal coding projects. Plenty of hobbies Future side income: Not banking on any at the moment Vesper8 发表于 2021-02-14 18:08
Two kids could cost 600K+ just for undergrad study unless the parents are willing to let the kids to be on the hook financially. The market could go down 50% say if a dirty bomb detonates in SF or NYC and stay down for a long period of time and 90% equity allocation will take it on the chin. yeah very unlikely but never say never (绝对够了)
Two kids could cost 600K+ just for undergrad study unless the parents are willing to let the kids to be on the hook financially. The market could go down 50% say if a dirty bomb detonates in SF or NYC and stay down for a long period of time and 90% equity allocation will take it on the chin. yeah very unlikely but never say never (绝对够了) yolandos 发表于 2021-02-15 17:08
re, 不是富豪退休买4M的房子干嘛,美国也很多人退休down size嘛!上海这种租售比奇差的地方,租房够了,就算2千美金一个月,一年才需要2万美金,4米能租200年。。。退休也不需要多大,也不需要学区,2千美金能租到很舒服的啦。蔚来的李斌之前在上海租的房子才1万人民币一个月,除非你觉得你比李斌有钱很多。。。
40. Married. Two young kids. Spouse doesn’t work San Francisco area. Engineer at a FAANG company Financial
Net worth: $4m
Taxable index funds: $2m Long-term vested company stock: $900k 401k: $800k Roth IRA: $200k 529: $100k Allocation across all funds: 40% Total US, 30% Total International, 10% Emerging, 10% REIT, 10% Total Bond Cash dividends from taxable funds: $3,000/mo ($36k/yr) Renting. No mortgage or other debt Vehicles are new, dependable, and paid off. Keeping as long as possible Last year’s spending: $8,500/mo ($100k/yr) FIRE plan
When: A few months Type: FatFIRE, maintaining current lifestyle Move: To an area with much lower housing costs. Most other expenses are 20% cheaper there Estimated max retirement spending: $8,500/mo ($100k/yr), although will likely be lower due to new COL
Housing: $3,000/mo ($36k/yr). Rent while getting to know the new area before buying a $750k house. Put $300k down payment down to stay under the jumbo loan limit of $450k. 30yr fixed mortgage on $450k is about $3,000/mo including property taxes and insurance. No intent to pay off early. Although this may seem extravagant, a nice home for my family is a reward after years of hard work Healthcare: $2,500/mo ($30k/yr) to be safe. Open market. If annual MAGI is <$100k, would be eligible for premium tax credit with two kids All other expenses: $3,000/mo ($36k/yr), although likely lower. Travel is the biggest wildcard Withdrawal strategy: Dividends from taxable funds of $3,000/mo ($35k/yr) will take care of a chunk of my overall $8,500/mo ($100k/yr) expenses. The remainder ($5,500/mo) can be drawn down at a 1.8% rate from pools like my remaining company stock, Roth IRA contributions, and taxable funds (although this would mean fewer dividends going forward). If dividends aren't used, withdrawal rate would be 2.8%. According to EarlyRetirementNow, anything <3% is close to fail safe. Withdrawal frequency: Monthly, to keep more money invested longer Equity and bond allocation change over time: None, remaining high equities. I'm aware my house will become a larger part of my assets over time How to spend the time: Raise kids. Time with family and friends. Travel. Personal coding projects. Plenty of hobbies Future side income: Not banking on any at the moment
每个月3k all other expenses 够呛够用
Re. 我觉得已经很了不起了。
谢谢 我去研究一下
比如你买aapl, att, 有股息的股票,他们定期会派息的。
谢谢赐教,我困惑的就是比如我有apple的股票,但是从来没有感觉到过股息的存在?没有收到过券商邮件 账户上好像也看不出来?
你说的美国中产也买3万的保险75万的房子吗? 他fixed cost 很高,生活费挺少的。
当然知道你说的方法, 比如在西海岸这样的卖方市场却不投资房产,还租着房,随时都可能被搬家。还要谈自由,这个这个,只能说自己高兴就好。
华人上已经讨论过一轮了- https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2436625&fid=398
Re 40M还凑合
你的意思是他fire之前生活费也是3千? 有保险有房子就算fatfire了啊? 这个为了fire牺牲真的挺大的。
我最近正好看到YouTube 一个博主。四十岁几年前上海退休去马来西亚槟城生活。两人英文很差但是马来西亚华人很多,物价超级便宜。一碗云吞面折合人民币才十元。他们那里生活了4-5年,每年回上海2-3个月真开心。物价便宜吃的也好,海鲜天堂啊……
那得是很好地段的房子吧。 一般的房子哪有这么高。 当然, 如果有好几套的话, 当我没说。
Two kids could cost 600K+ just for undergrad study unless the parents are willing to let the kids to be on the hook financially. The market could go down 50% say if a dirty bomb detonates in SF or NYC and stay down for a long period of time and 90% equity allocation will take it on the chin. yeah very unlikely but never say never (绝对够了)
孩子只要不上私立,20万就够了吧? 他们这种情况没有收入,拿到financial aid也是可能的。 至于你说的意外,那人生中还可能有其他意外。 他们也不是没有工作的能力,只是目前选择这样生活。 意外出现了再说呗。
真是张口就来! 我们这北京家的 都活了个寂寞啊
re, 不是富豪退休买4M的房子干嘛,美国也很多人退休down size嘛!上海这种租售比奇差的地方,租房够了,就算2千美金一个月,一年才需要2万美金,4米能租200年。。。退休也不需要多大,也不需要学区,2千美金能租到很舒服的啦。蔚来的李斌之前在上海租的房子才1万人民币一个月,除非你觉得你比李斌有钱很多。。。