TRAVELRACE IN AMERICA As Lunar New Year approaches, many Asians worry about future journeys COVID-19 fuels the latest wave of anti-Asian racism. Here’s how that affects global tourism. A SINGAPOREAN UNIVERSITY student was walking down a London street when he heard someone shout, “I don’t want your coronavirus in my country.” When the student turned, he said four men attacked him, giving him a bloody nose and a broken bone near his right eye. A similar story played out in Madrid, where a Chinese-American expat was so violently beaten that he woke up two days later in the hospital. He told police that all he remembers was hearing someone say “something about the coronavirus” before everything went black. Incidents like these occurred a few months after the novel coronavirus—the virus that causes COVID-19—was first reported in a market in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. As infection rates once again rise around the world, spurred by new, more contagious “super strains,” these attacks aren’t going away. From the United States to the United Kingdom, people who look Chinese are being targeted for racially motivated assaults, fueled by fear of a virus that knows no race, country of origin, political affiliation, or economic status. While this simmering racism has largely affected those already residing in a country, it’s causing Asians who travel to feel especially vulnerable in an increasingly fraught landscape. Tourism companies, too, may feel the effects, especially around Lunar New Year on February 12, which is normally Asia’s busiest travel season.
虽然ross幸灾乐祸之情从中文转述中可以体会到,但是英语原话看不出太多过分的言辞,你觉得呢? That could help quicken the pace at which jobs and manufacturing are returning to the U.S. from overseas, he said. “I don’t want to talk about a victory lap over a very unfortunate, very malignant disease,” Ross told Fox on Thursday morning. “But the fact is, it does give businesses another thing to consider when they go through their review of their supply chain.” The coronavirus is “another risk factor that people need to take into account,” Ross said. ″I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America,” he said. “Some to the U.S., some to Mexico as well.” TRAVELRACE IN AMERICA As Lunar New Year approaches, many Asians worry about future journeys COVID-19 fuels the latest wave of anti-Asian racism. Here’s how that affects global tourism. A SINGAPOREAN UNIVERSITY student was walking down a London street when he heard someone shout, “I don’t want your coronavirus in my country.” When the student turned, he said four men attacked him, giving him a bloody nose and a broken bone near his right eye. A similar story played out in Madrid, where a Chinese-American expat was so violently beaten that he woke up two days later in the hospital. He told police that all he remembers was hearing someone say “something about the coronavirus” before everything went black. Incidents like these occurred a few months after the novel coronavirus—the virus that causes COVID-19—was first reported in a market in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. As infection rates once again rise around the world, spurred by new, more contagious “super strains,” these attacks aren’t going away. From the United States to the United Kingdom, people who look Chinese are being targeted for racially motivated assaults, fueled by fear of a virus that knows no race, country of origin, political affiliation, or economic status. While this simmering racism has largely affected those already residing in a country, it’s causing Asians who travel to feel especially vulnerable in an increasingly fraught landscape. Tourism companies, too, may feel the effects, especially around Lunar New Year on February 12, which is normally Asia’s busiest travel season.
虽然ross幸灾乐祸之情从中文转述中可以体会到,但是英语原话看不出太多过分的言辞,你觉得呢? That could help quicken the pace at which jobs and manufacturing are returning to the U.S. from overseas, he said. “I don’t want to talk about a victory lap over a very unfortunate, very malignant disease,” Ross told Fox on Thursday morning. “But the fact is, it does give businesses another thing to consider when they go through their review of their supply chain.” The coronavirus is “another risk factor that people need to take into account,” Ross said. ″I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America,” he said. “Some to the U.S., some to Mexico as well.” bigjohn123456 发表于 2021-02-12 22:03
TRAVELRACE IN AMERICA As Lunar New Year approaches, many Asians worry about future journeys COVID-19 fuels the latest wave of anti-Asian racism. Here’s how that affects global tourism.
A SINGAPOREAN UNIVERSITY student was walking down a London street when he heard someone shout, “I don’t want your coronavirus in my country.” When the student turned, he said four men attacked him, giving him a bloody nose and a broken bone near his right eye.
A similar story played out in Madrid, where a Chinese-American expat was so violently beaten that he woke up two days later in the hospital. He told police that all he remembers was hearing someone say “something about the coronavirus” before everything went black.
Incidents like these occurred a few months after the novel coronavirus—the virus that causes COVID-19—was first reported in a market in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. As infection rates once again rise around the world, spurred by new, more contagious “super strains,” these attacks aren’t going away. From the United States to the United Kingdom, people who look Chinese are being targeted for racially motivated assaults, fueled by fear of a virus that knows no race, country of origin, political affiliation, or economic status.
While this simmering racism has largely affected those already residing in a country, it’s causing Asians who travel to feel especially vulnerable in an increasingly fraught landscape. Tourism companies, too, may feel the effects, especially around Lunar New Year on February 12, which is normally Asia’s busiest travel season.
可能以为出国了脸也跟着变白了 when you wake up asian you can only represent asian
你这么确认,那是武汉病毒所的,病毒所的死全家。 不是的话,你死全家。
从黄巾到黄巢到李自成到太平天国到TG的一贯手段, 先烧了你的家,抢光了你的财产, 然后给你两条路,要么跟着我们一起去杀去抢,要么饿死。
现在TG的做法也一模一样, 你要么跟TG一起,造谣说病毒和TG无关, 要么就自己承受因为covid引起的各种hate crime吧。
是的,德国人现在在世界上能堂堂正正做人,是因为纳粹倒掉了,而不是因为纳粹ass cover得好 很多中国人想不通这个道理
这个 赖得掉吗? 你家闯了祸 也这么个赖法?
病毒刚在武汉爆发的时候,商务部长Ross说疫情利好美国,美国就业更多讲再次伟大。 按这个道理,美国人应该感谢川粉功夫病毒给他们带来更多工作,看到亚裔面孔应该欣喜。
China’s deadly coronavirus could be good for US jobs, manufacturing, says Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross
That could help quicken the pace at which jobs and manufacturing are returning to the U.S. from overseas, he said. “I don’t want to talk about a victory lap over a very unfortunate, very malignant disease,” Ross told Fox on Thursday morning. “But the fact is, it does give businesses another thing to consider when they go through their review of their supply chain.” The coronavirus is “another risk factor that people need to take into account,” Ross said. ″I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America,” he said. “Some to the U.S., some to Mexico as well.”
说的是什么屁话!撒谎,逃避责任只能让别人更反感。 至少应该有个坦诚的态度,有个大国应该有的负责任的态度。到处战狼宣传,到处给其他国家甩锅,有用吗?去年厉害国都用这些招数搞了一年了,有用吗?全世界只会越来越讨厌中国人。全球华人跟着背锅。
所以一定强调政治正确啊, 没有政治正确,不管TG还有强国人干的什么烂事, 美华都得背锅。
这段话我在知乎上看到人咬牙切齿地描述了好多次 用来形容美国人幸灾乐祸人性低劣
CCP在营造全世界人都迫害自己 只有自己是白莲花 这方面 真是一绝
知道中国老百姓吃攘外必先安内这一套 哪怕自己恨CCP恨得牙痒痒 只要知道有外部敌人 也一定是统一战线团结对外 所以天天给百姓树靶子
要认罪也是你们这种不要脸的五毛 关人家美国大妈什么事 滚吧
客观而言,如果证实这个来自政权,那么是政权的罪过,而不是中国人的罪过。如果莫名其妙是中国民众造成,那么在世人眼里就是中国人,大陆民众的罪过。 哪个更严重?你这个自封的50cent,顾名思义,当然是情愿中国民众背锅,也不愿意大陆政权背锅。
re。就算搞hate crime的人知道是CCP政府的错,他们估计连护照都没有,更别提搞定签证去中国了,还指望一帮川粉提着枪去围攻中南海吗?倒是随手打几个红州的黄皮比较方便。
re,ccp摔不甩锅,搞hate crime的人一样还是会搞。他们的想法很简单粗暴的,还指望他们能分清ccp还是中国人、亚裔?根本分不清,也不care。
对于已经移民的亚裔,你认为屁股坐到哪边合适? 不过无论往那边坐,都应该希望病毒不是来自实验室。
如果说病毒不是来自于武汉研究所,又有什么好怕的呢?那么众目睽睽之下也不是那么容易踩脏陷害的啊。如果病毒就是来自于武汉研究所管理不规范造成的,你嘴里的SB 能坐在火盆上cover 一辈子吗?最终不也是纸里包不住🔥吗?别那么迫不及待的叫别人SB,谁是真SB 还不知道呢
嘿,你"黄皮黄皮"叫的真欢.....事实是蓝州hate crime 多N倍
难不成你认为美国政府近年来针对中国的说法和行为,不是在给美国老百姓竖靶子?竖靶子永远是转移老百姓视线的好办法 - 当然,具体实施还要看这个需求有多强以及树了靶子之后对自己有多大帮助。